# This file is part of Korman. # # Korman is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # Korman is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Korman. If not, see . import argparse from pathlib import Path from PyHSPlasma import * import shutil import subprocess import sys import time import traceback main_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Korman Plasma Launcher") main_parser.add_argument("cwd", type=Path, help="Working directory of the client") main_parser.add_argument("age", type=str, help="Name of the age to launch into") sub_parsers = main_parser.add_subparsers(title="Plasma Version", dest="version",) moul_parser = sub_parsers.add_parser("pvMoul") moul_parser.add_argument("ki", type=int, help="KI Number of the desired player") moul_parser.add_argument("--serverini", type=str, default="server.ini") sp_parser = sub_parsers.add_parser("pvPots", aliases=["pvPrime"]) sp_parser.add_argument("player", type=str, help="Name of the desired player") autolink_chron_name = "OfflineKIAutoLink" if sys.platform == "win32": client_executables = { "pvMoul": "plClient.exe", "pvPots": "UruExplorer.exe" } else: client_executables = { "pvMoul": "plClient", "pvPots": "UruExplorer" } def die(*args, **kwargs): assert args if len(args) == 1 and not kwargs: sys.stderr.write(args[0]) else: sys.stderr.write(args[0].format(*args[1:], **kwargs)) sys.stdout.write("DIE\n") sys.exit(1) def write(*args, **kwargs): assert args if len(args) == 1 and not kwargs: sys.stdout.write(args[0]) else: sys.stdout.write(args[0].format(*args[1:], **kwargs)) sys.stdout.write("\n") # And this is why we aren't using print()... sys.stdout.flush() def backup_vault_dat(path): backup_path = path.with_suffix(".dat.korman_backup") shutil.copy2(str(path), str(backup_path)) write("DBG: Copied vault backup: {}", backup_path) def set_link_chronicle(store, new_value, cond_value=None): chron_folder = next((i for i in store.getChildren(store.firstNodeID) if getattr(i, "folderType", None) == plVault.kChronicleFolder), None) if chron_folder is None: die("Could not locate vault chronicle folder.") autolink_chron = next((i for i in store.getChildren(chron_folder.nodeID) if getattr(i, "entryName", None) == autolink_chron_name), None) if autolink_chron is None: write("DBG: Creating AutoLink chronicle...") autolink_chron = plVaultChronicleNode() autolink_chron.entryName = autolink_chron_name previous_value = "" store.addRef(chron_folder.nodeID, store.lastNodeID + 1) else: write("DBG: Found AutoLink chronicle...") previous_value = autolink_chron.entryValue # Have to submit the changed node to the store if cond_value is None or previous_value == cond_value: write("DBG: AutoLink = '{}' (previously: '{}')", new_value, previous_value) autolink_chron.entryValue = new_value store.addNode(autolink_chron) else: write("DBG: ***Not*** changing chronicle! AutoLink = '{}' (expected: '{}')", previous_value, cond_value) return previous_value def find_player_vault(cwd, name): sav_dir = cwd.joinpath("sav") if not sav_dir.is_dir(): die("Could not locate sav directory.") for i in sav_dir.iterdir(): if not i.is_dir(): continue current_dir = i.joinpath("current") if not current_dir.is_dir(): continue vault_dat = current_dir.joinpath("vault.dat") if not vault_dat.is_file(): continue store = plVaultStore() store.Import(str(vault_dat)) # First node is the Player node... playerNode = store[store.firstNodeID] if playerNode.playerName == name: write("DBG: Vault found: {}", vault_dat) return vault_dat, store die("Could not locate the requested player vault.") def main(): print("DBG: alive") args = main_parser.parse_args() executable = args.cwd.joinpath(client_executables[args.version]) if not executable.is_file(): die("Failed to locate client executable.") # Have to find and mod the single player vault... if args.version == "pvPots": vault_path, vault_store = find_player_vault(args.cwd, args.player) backup_vault_dat(vault_path) vault_prev_autolink = set_link_chronicle(vault_store, args.age) write("DBG: Saving vault...") vault_store.Export(str(vault_path)) # Update init file for this schtuff... init_path = args.cwd.joinpath("init", "net_age.fni") with plEncryptedStream().open(str(init_path), fmWrite, plEncryptedStream.kEncXtea) as ini: ini.writeLine("# This file was automatically generated by Korman.") ini.writeLine("Nav.PageInHoldList GlobalAnimations") ini.writeLine("Net.SetPlayer {}".format(vault_store.firstNodeID)) ini.writeLine("Net.SetPlayerByName \"{}\"".format(args.player)) # BUT WHY??? You ask... # Because, sayeth Hoikas, if this command is not executed, you will remain ensconsed # in the black void of the Link... forever... Sadly, it accepts no arguments and determines # whether to link to AvatarCustomization, Cleft, Demo (whee!), or Personal all by itself. ini.writeLine("Net.JoinDefaultAge") # When URU runs, the player may change the vault. Remove any temptation to play with # the stale vault... del vault_store # Sigh... time.sleep(1.0) # EXE args plasma_args = [str(executable), "-iinit", "To_Dni"] else: write("DBG: Using a superior client :) :) :)") plasma_args = [str(executable), "-LocalData", "-SkipLoginDialog", "-ServerIni={}".format(args.serverini), "-PlayerId={}".format(args.ki), "-Age={}".format(args.age)] try: proc = subprocess.Popen(plasma_args, cwd=str(args.cwd), shell=True) # signal everything is a-ok -- causes blender to detach write("PLASMA_RUNNING") # Wait for things to finish proc.wait() finally: # Restore sp vault, if needed. if args.version == "pvPots": # Path of the Shell seems to have some sort of weird racing with the vault.dat around # shutdown. This delay helps somewhat in that regard. time.sleep(1.0) vault_store = plVaultStore() vault_store.Import(str(vault_path)) new_prev_autolink = set_link_chronicle(vault_store, vault_prev_autolink, args.age) if new_prev_autolink != args.age: write("DBG: ***Not*** resaving the vault!") else: write("DBG: Resaving vault...") vault_store.Export(str(vault_path)) # All good! write("DONE") sys.exit(0) if __name__ == "__main__": try: main() except Exception as e: if isinstance(e, SystemExit): raise else: die(traceback.format_exc())