# This file is part of Korman. # # Korman is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # Korman is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Korman. If not, see . import bpy from .. import ui_list from ...exporter.mesh import _VERTEX_COLOR_LAYERS class BlendOntoListUI(bpy.types.UIList): def draw_item(self, context, layout, data, item, icon, active_data, active_property, index=0, flt_flag=0): if item.blend_onto is None: layout.label("[No Object Specified]", icon="ERROR") else: layout.label(item.blend_onto.name, icon="OBJECT_DATA") layout.prop(item, "enabled", text="") def blend(modifier, layout, context): # Warn if there are render dependencies and a manual render level specification -- this # could lead to unpredictable results. layout.alert = modifier.render_level != "AUTO" and bool(modifier.dependencies) layout.prop(modifier, "render_level") layout.alert = False layout.prop(modifier, "sort_faces") layout.separator() layout.label("Render Dependencies:") ui_list.draw_modifier_list(layout, "BlendOntoListUI", modifier, "dependencies", "active_dependency_index", rows=2, maxrows=4) try: dependency_ref = modifier.dependencies[modifier.active_dependency_index] except: pass else: layout.alert = dependency_ref.blend_onto is None layout.prop(dependency_ref, "blend_onto") class DecalMgrListUI(bpy.types.UIList): def draw_item(self, context, layout, data, item, icon, active_data, active_property, index=0, flt_flag=0): if item.name: layout.label(item.name, icon="BRUSH_DATA") layout.prop(item, "enabled", text="") else: layout.label("[Empty]") def decal_print(modifier, layout, context): layout.prop(modifier, "decal_type") layout = layout.column() layout.enabled = modifier.decal_type == "DYNAMIC" layout.label("Dimensions:") row = layout.row(align=True) row.prop(modifier, "length") row.prop(modifier, "width") row.prop(modifier, "height") layout.separator() ui_list.draw_modifier_list(layout, "DecalMgrListUI", modifier, "managers", "active_manager_index", rows=2, maxrows=3) try: mgr_ref = modifier.managers[modifier.active_manager_index] except: pass else: scene = context.scene.plasma_scene decal_mgr = next((i for i in scene.decal_managers if i.display_name == mgr_ref), None) layout.alert = decal_mgr is None layout.prop_search(mgr_ref, "name", scene, "decal_managers", icon="BRUSH_DATA") layout.alert = False def decal_receive(modifier, layout, context): ui_list.draw_modifier_list(layout, "DecalMgrListUI", modifier, "managers", "active_manager_index", rows=2, maxrows=3) try: mgr_ref = modifier.managers[modifier.active_manager_index] except: pass else: scene = context.scene.plasma_scene decal_mgr = next((i for i in scene.decal_managers if i.display_name == mgr_ref), None) layout.alert = decal_mgr is None layout.prop_search(mgr_ref, "name", scene, "decal_managers", icon="BRUSH_DATA") def dynatext(modifier, layout, context): col = layout.column() col.alert = modifier.texture is None col.prop(modifier, "texture") if modifier.texture is None: col.label("You must specify a blank image texture to draw on.", icon="ERROR") split = layout.split() col = split.column() col.label("Content Translations:") col.prop(modifier, "active_translation", text="") # This should never fail... try: translation = modifier.translations[modifier.active_translation_index] except Exception as e: col.label(text="Error (see console)", icon="ERROR") print(e) else: col.prop(translation, "text_id", text="") col = split.column() col.label("Font:") sub = col.row() sub.alert = not modifier.font_face.strip() sub.prop(modifier, "font_face", text="", icon="OUTLINER_DATA_FONT") col.prop(modifier, "font_size", text="Size") layout.separator() split = layout.split() col = split.column(align=True) if modifier.texture is not None: col.alert = modifier.margin_top + modifier.margin_bottom >= int(modifier.texture.plasma_layer.dynatext_resolution) col.prop(modifier, "margin_top") col.prop(modifier, "margin_bottom") col = split.column(align=True) if modifier.texture is not None: col.alert = modifier.margin_left + modifier.margin_right >= int(modifier.texture.plasma_layer.dynatext_resolution) col.prop(modifier, "margin_left") col.prop(modifier, "margin_right") layout.separator() flow = layout.column_flow(columns=2) flow.prop_menu_enum(modifier, "justify") flow.prop(modifier, "line_spacing") def fademod(modifier, layout, context): layout.prop(modifier, "fader_type") if modifier.fader_type == "DistOpacity": col = layout.column(align=True) col.prop(modifier, "near_trans") col.prop(modifier, "near_opaq") col.prop(modifier, "far_opaq") col.prop(modifier, "far_trans") elif modifier.fader_type == "FadeOpacity": col = layout.column(align=True) col.prop(modifier, "fade_in_time") col.prop(modifier, "fade_out_time") col.separator() col.prop(modifier, "bounds_center") elif modifier.fader_type == "SimpleDist": col = layout.column(align=True) col.prop(modifier, "far_opaq") col.prop(modifier, "far_trans") if (modifier.fader_type in ("SimpleDist", "DistOpacity") and not (modifier.near_trans <= modifier.near_opaq <= modifier.far_opaq <= modifier.far_trans)): # Warn the user that the values are not recommended. layout.label("Distance values must be equal or increasing!", icon="ERROR") def fogenv(modifier, layout, context): row = layout.row() row.label("Environment") row.template_ID(modifier, "environment", new="world.new") if modifier.environment: fni = modifier.environment.plasma_fni box = layout.box() split = box.split() col = split.column() col.prop(fni, "fog_color", text="") col = split.column() col.prop(fni, "fog_method", text="") if fni.fog_method == "linear": col.prop(fni, "fog_start") if fni.fog_method != "none": col.prop(fni, "fog_end") col.prop(fni, "fog_density") def followmod(modifier, layout, context): layout.row().prop(modifier, "follow_mode", expand=True) layout.prop(modifier, "leader_type") if modifier.leader_type == "kFollowObject": layout.prop(modifier, "leader", icon="OUTLINER_OB_MESH") def grass_shader(modifier, layout, context): layout.prop(modifier, "wave_selector", icon="SMOOTHCURVE") layout.separator() wave = getattr(modifier, modifier.wave_selector) box = layout.box() split = box.split() col = split.column() col.label("Distortion:") col.prop(wave, "distance", text="") col = split.column() col.label("Direction:") col.prop(wave, "direction", text="") box.prop(wave, "speed") def lighting(modifier, layout, context): split = layout.split() col = split.column() col.prop(modifier, "force_rt_lights") col = split.column() col.active = modifier.allow_preshade col.prop(modifier, "force_preshade") layout.separator() lightmap = modifier.id_data.plasma_modifiers.lightmap have_static_lights = lightmap.enabled or modifier.preshade col = layout.column(align=True) col.label("Plasma Lighting Summary:") if modifier.unleashed: col.label("You have unleashed Satan!", icon="GHOST_ENABLED") else: col.label("Satan remains ensconced deep in the abyss...", icon="GHOST_ENABLED") col.label("Animated lights will be cast at runtime.", icon="LAYER_USED") col.label("Projection lights will be cast at runtime.", icon="LAYER_USED") col.label("Specular lights will be cast to specular materials at runtime.", icon="LAYER_USED") col.label("Other Plasma lights {} be cast at runtime.".format("will" if modifier.rt_lights else "will NOT"), icon="LAYER_USED") map_type = "a lightmap" if lightmap.bake_lightmap else "vertex colors" if lightmap.enabled and lightmap.lights: col.label("All '{}' lights will be baked to {}".format(lightmap.lights.name, map_type), icon="LAYER_USED") elif have_static_lights: light_type = "Blender-only" if modifier.rt_lights else "unanimated" col.label("Other {} lights will be baked to {} (if applicable).".format(light_type, map_type), icon="LAYER_USED") else: col.label("No static lights will be baked.", icon="LAYER_USED") def lightmap(modifier, layout, context): pl_scene = context.scene.plasma_scene is_texture = modifier.bake_type == "lightmap" layout.prop(modifier, "bake_type") if modifier.bake_type == "vcol": col_layer = next((i for i in modifier.id_data.data.vertex_colors if i.name.lower() in _VERTEX_COLOR_LAYERS), None) if col_layer is not None: layout.label("Mesh color layer '{}' will override this lighting.".format(col_layer.name), icon="ERROR") col = layout.column() col.active = is_texture col.prop(modifier, "quality") layout.prop_search(modifier, "bake_pass_name", pl_scene, "bake_passes", icon="RENDERLAYERS") layout.prop(modifier, "lights") col = layout.column() col.active = is_texture col.prop_search(modifier, "uv_map", context.active_object.data, "uv_textures") if bool(modifier.id_data.modifiers) and modifier.uv_map: col.label("UV Map islands will be packed on export.", icon="ERROR") col = layout.column() col.active = is_texture col.prop(modifier, "image", icon="IMAGE_RGB") # Lightmaps can only be applied to objects with opaque materials. if is_texture and any((i.use_transparency for i in modifier.id_data.data.materials if i is not None)): layout.label("Transparent objects cannot be lightmapped.", icon="ERROR") else: row = layout.row(align=True) if modifier.bake_lightmap: row.operator("object.plasma_lightmap_preview", "Preview", icon="RENDER_STILL").final = False row.operator("object.plasma_lightmap_preview", "Bake for Export", icon="RENDER_STILL").final = True else: row.operator("object.plasma_lightmap_preview", "Bake", icon="RENDER_STILL").final = True # Kind of clever stuff to show the user a preview... # We can't show images, so we make a hidden ImageTexture called LIGHTMAPGEN_PREVIEW. We check # the backing image name to see if it's for this lightmap. If so, you have a preview. If not, # well... It was nice knowing you! if is_texture: tex = bpy.data.textures.get("LIGHTMAPGEN_PREVIEW") if tex is not None and tex.image is not None: im_name = "{}_LIGHTMAPGEN_PREVIEW.png".format(context.active_object.name) if tex.image.name == im_name: layout.template_preview(tex, show_buttons=False) def rtshadow(modifier, layout, context): split = layout.split() col = split.column() col.prop(modifier, "blur") col.prop(modifier, "boost") col.prop(modifier, "falloff") col = split.column() col.prop(modifier, "limit_resolution") col.prop(modifier, "self_shadow") def viewfacemod(modifier, layout, context): layout.prop(modifier, "preset_options") if modifier.preset_options == "Custom": layout.row().prop(modifier, "follow_mode") if modifier.follow_mode == "kFaceObj": layout.prop(modifier, "target", icon="OUTLINER_OB_MESH") layout.separator() layout.prop(modifier, "pivot_on_y") layout.separator() split = layout.split() col = split.column() col.prop(modifier, "offset") row = col.row() row.enabled = modifier.offset row.prop(modifier, "offset_local") col = split.column() col.enabled = modifier.offset col.prop(modifier, "offset_coord") class VisRegionListUI(bpy.types.UIList): def draw_item(self, context, layout, data, item, icon, active_data, active_property, index=0, flt_flag=0): if item.control_region is None: layout.label("[No Object Specified]", icon="ERROR") else: layout.label(item.control_region.name, icon="OBJECT_DATA") layout.prop(item, "enabled", text="") def visibility(modifier, layout, context): ui_list.draw_modifier_list(layout, "VisRegionListUI", modifier, "regions", "active_region_index", rows=2, maxrows=3) if modifier.regions: layout.prop(modifier.regions[modifier.active_region_index], "control_region") def visregion(modifier, layout, context): layout.prop(modifier, "mode") # Only allow SoftVolume spec if this is not an FX and this object is not an SV itself sv = modifier.id_data.plasma_modifiers.softvolume if modifier.mode != "fx" and not sv.enabled: layout.prop(modifier, "soft_region") # Other settings layout.prop(modifier, "replace_normal")