# This file is part of Korman. # # Korman is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # Korman is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Korman. If not, see . import bpy from collections import defaultdict from contextlib import ExitStack import functools import inspect from pathlib import Path from typing import * from ..helpers import TemporaryObject from ..korlib import ConsoleToggler from PyHSPlasma import * from .animation import AnimationConverter from .camera import CameraConverter from .decal import DecalConverter from . import explosions from .etlight import LightBaker from .image import ImageCache from .locman import LocalizationConverter from . import logger from .manager import ExportManager from .mesh import MeshConverter from .outfile import OutputFiles from .physics import PhysicsConverter from .rtlight import LightConverter from . import utils class Exporter: if TYPE_CHECKING: actors: Set[str] = ... want_node_trees: defaultdict[Set[str]] = ... report: logger._ExportLogger = ... exit_stack: ExitStack = ... mgr: ExportManager = ... mesh: MeshConverter = ... physics: PhysicsConverter = ... light: LightConverter = ... animation: AnimationConverter = ... output: OutputFiles = ... camera: CameraConverter = ... image: ImageCache = ... locman: LocalizationConverter = ... decal: DecalConverter = ... oven: LightBaker = ... def __init__(self, op): self._op = op # Blender export operator self._objects = [] self.actors = set() self.want_node_trees = defaultdict(set) self.exported_nodes = {} def run(self): log = logger.ExportVerboseLogger if self._op.verbose else logger.ExportProgressLogger with ConsoleToggler(self._op.show_console), log(self._op.filepath) as self.report, ExitStack() as self.exit_stack: # Step 0: Init export resmgr and stuff self.mgr = ExportManager(self) self.mesh = MeshConverter(self) self.physics = PhysicsConverter(self) self.light = LightConverter(self) self.animation = AnimationConverter(self) self.output = OutputFiles(self, self._op.filepath) self.camera = CameraConverter(self) self.image = ImageCache(self) self.locman = LocalizationConverter(self) self.decal = DecalConverter(self) self.oven = LightBaker(mesh=self.mesh, report=self.report) # Step 0.8: Init the progress mgr self.mesh.add_progress_presteps(self.report) self.report.progress_add_step("Collecting Objects") self.report.progress_add_step("Verify Competence") self.report.progress_add_step("Touching the Intangible") self.report.progress_add_step("Unifying Superstrings") self.report.progress_add_step("Harvesting Actors") if self._op.lighting_method != "skip": LightBaker.add_progress_steps(self.report) self.report.progress_add_step("Exporting Scene Objects") self.report.progress_add_step("Exporting Logic Nodes") self.report.progress_add_step("Finalizing Plasma Logic") self.report.progress_add_step("Handling Snakes") self.report.progress_add_step("Exporting Textures") self.report.progress_add_step("Composing Geometry") self.report.progress_add_step("Saving Age Files") self.report.progress_add_step("Cleaning Up") self.report.progress_start("EXPORTING AGE") # Step 0.9: Apply modifiers to all meshes temporarily. with self.mesh: # Step 1: Create the age info and the pages self._export_age_info() # Step 2: Gather a list of objects that we need to export, given what the user has told # us to export (both in the Age and Object Properties)... fun self._collect_objects() # Step 2.1: Run through all the objects we collected in Step 2 and make sure there # is no ruddy funny business going on. self._check_sanity() # Step 2.2: Run through all the objects again and ask them to "pre_export" themselves. # In other words, generate any ephemeral Blender objects that need to be exported. self._pre_export_scene_objects() # Step 2.3: Run through all the objects and export localization. self._export_localization() # Step 2.5: Run through all the objects we collected in Step 2 and see if any relationships # that the artist made requires something to have a CoordinateInterface self._harvest_actors() # Step 2.9: It is assumed that static lighting is available for the mesh exporter. # Indeed, in PyPRP it was a manual step. So... BAKE NAO! self._bake_static_lighting() # Step 3: Export all the things! self._export_scene_objects() # Step 3.1: Ensure referenced logic node trees are exported self._export_referenced_node_trees() # Step 3.2: Now that all Plasma Objects (save Mipmaps) are exported, we do any post # processing that needs to inspect those objects self._post_process_scene_objects() # Step 3.3: Ensure any helper Python files are packed self._pack_ancillary_python() # Step 4: Finalize... self.mesh.material.finalize() self.mesh.finalize() # Step 5: FINALLY. Let's write the PRPs and crap. self._save_age() # Step 5.1: Save out the export report. # If the export fails and this doesn't save, we have bigger problems than # these little warnings and notices. self.report.progress_advance() self.report.progress_end() self.report.save() # Step 5.2: If any nonfatal errors were encountered during the export, we will # raise them here, now that everything is finished, to draw attention # to whatever the problem might be. self.report.raise_errors() def _bake_static_lighting(self): if self._op.lighting_method != "skip": self.oven.bake_static_lighting(self._objects) def _collect_objects(self): scene = bpy.context.scene self.report.progress_advance() self.report.progress_range = len(scene.objects) inc_progress = self.report.progress_increment # Grab a naive listing of enabled pages age = scene.world.plasma_age pages_enabled = frozenset((page.name for page in age.pages if page.enabled and self._op.version in page.version)) external_pages = frozenset((page.name for page in age.pages if page.page_type == "external")) pages_enabled -= external_pages all_pages = frozenset((page.name for page in age.pages)) # Because we can have an unnamed or a named default page, we need to see if that is enabled... for page in age.pages: if page.seq_suffix == 0: if page.page_type != "room": raise explosions.ExportError(f"Default page '{page.name}' must be a Room page!") default_enabled = page.enabled default_inited = True break else: default_enabled = True default_inited = False # Now we loop through the objects with some considerations: # - The default page may or may not be defined. If it is, it can be disabled. If not, it # can only ever be enabled. # - Don't create the Default page unless it is used (implicit or explicit). It is a failure # to export a useless file. # - Any arbitrary page can be disabled, so check our frozenset. # - Also, someone might have specified an invalid page, so keep track of that. error = explosions.UndefinedPageError() for obj in scene.objects: if obj.plasma_object.enabled: page = obj.plasma_object.page if not page and not default_inited: self.mgr.create_page(self.age_name, "Default", 0) default_inited = True if (default_enabled and not page) or (page in pages_enabled): self._objects.append(obj) elif page not in all_pages or page in external_pages: error.add(page, obj.name) inc_progress() error.raise_if_error() def _check_sanity(self): self.report.progress_advance() self.report.progress_range = len(self._objects) inc_progress = self.report.progress_increment self.report.msg("\nEnsuring Age is sane...") with self.report.indent(): for bl_obj in self._objects: for mod in bl_obj.plasma_modifiers.modifiers: fn = getattr(mod, "sanity_check", None) if fn is not None: fn() inc_progress() self.report.msg("... Age is grinning and holding a spatula. Must be OK, then.") def _export_age_info(self): # Make life slightly easier... age_info = bpy.context.scene.world.plasma_age age_name = self.age_name mgr = self.mgr # Generate the plAgeInfo mgr.AddAge(age_info.export(self)) # Create all the pages we need ver = self._op.version for page in age_info.pages: if page.enabled and ver in page.version: external = page.page_type == "external" mgr.create_page(age_name, page.name, page.seq_suffix, external=external) mgr.create_builtins(age_name, age_info.use_texture_page) def _export_actor(self, so, bo): """Exports a Coordinate Interface if we need one""" if self.has_coordiface(bo): self._export_coordinate_interface(so, bo) # If this object has a parent, then we will need to go upstream and add ourselves to the # parent's CoordinateInterface... Because life just has to be backwards. parent = bo.parent if parent is not None: if parent.plasma_object.enabled: self.report.msg(f"Attaching to parent SceneObject '{parent.name}'") parent_ci = self._export_coordinate_interface(None, parent) parent_ci.addChild(so.key) else: self.report.warn("You have parented Plasma Object '{}' to '{}', which has not been marked for export. \ The object may not appear in the correct location or animate properly.".format( bo.name, parent.name)) def _export_coordinate_interface(self, so, bl): """Ensures that the SceneObject has a CoordinateInterface""" if so is None: so = self.mgr.find_create_object(plSceneObject, bl=bl) if so.coord is None: ci_cls = bl.plasma_object.ci_type ci = self.mgr.add_object(ci_cls, bl=bl, so=so) # Now we have the "fun" work of filling in the CI ci.localToWorld = utils.matrix44(bl.matrix_world) ci.worldToLocal = ci.localToWorld.inverse() ci.localToParent = utils.matrix44(bl.matrix_local) ci.parentToLocal = ci.localToParent.inverse() return ci return so.coord.object def _export_localization(self): self.report.progress_advance() self.report.progress_range = len(self._objects) inc_progress = self.report.progress_increment self.report.msg("\nExporting localization...") with self.report.indent(): for bl_obj in self._objects: for mod in filter(lambda x: hasattr(x, "export_localization"), bl_obj.plasma_modifiers.modifiers): mod.export_localization(self) inc_progress() def _export_scene_objects(self): self.report.progress_advance() self.report.progress_range = len(self._objects) inc_progress = self.report.progress_increment log_msg = self.report.msg indent = self.report.indent for bl_obj in self._objects: log_msg(f"\n[SceneObject '{bl_obj.name}']") with indent(): # First pass: do things specific to this object type. # note the function calls: to export a MESH, it's _export_mesh_blobj export_fn = "_export_{}_blobj".format(bl_obj.type.lower()) try: export_fn = getattr(self, export_fn) except AttributeError: self.report.warn("""'{}' is a Plasma Object of Blender type '{}' ... And I have NO IDEA what to do with that! Tossing.""".format(bl_obj.name, bl_obj.type)) continue log_msg(f"Blender Object '{bl_obj.name}' of type '{bl_obj.type}'") # Create a sceneobject if one does not exist. # Before we call the export_fn, we need to determine if this object is an actor of any # sort, and barf out a CI. sceneobject = self.mgr.find_create_object(plSceneObject, bl=bl_obj) self._export_actor(sceneobject, bl_obj) with indent(): export_fn(sceneobject, bl_obj) # And now we puke out the modifiers... for mod in bl_obj.plasma_modifiers.modifiers: log_msg(f"Exporting '{mod.bl_label}' modifier") with indent(): mod.export(self, bl_obj, sceneobject) inc_progress() def _export_camera_blobj(self, so, bo): # Hey, guess what? Blender's camera data is utter crap! camera = bo.data.plasma_camera self.camera.export_camera(so, bo, camera.camera_type, camera.settings, camera.transitions) def _export_empty_blobj(self, so, bo): pass def _export_lamp_blobj(self, so, bo): self.light.export_rtlight(so, bo) def _export_mesh_blobj(self, so, bo): if bo.data.materials: self.mesh.export_object(bo, so) else: self.report.msg("No material(s) on the ObData, so no drawables") def _export_font_blobj(self, so, bo): with utils.temporary_mesh_object(bo) as meshObj: if bo.data.materials: self.mesh.export_object(meshObj, so) else: self.report.msg("No material(s) on the ObData, so no drawables") def _export_referenced_node_trees(self): self.report.progress_advance() self.report.progress_range = len(self.want_node_trees) inc_progress = self.report.progress_increment log_msg = self.report.msg indent = self.report.indent log_msg("\nChecking Logic Trees...") with indent(): for tree_name, references in self.want_node_trees.items(): log_msg(f"NodeTree '{tree_name}'") with indent(): tree = bpy.data.node_groups[tree_name] for bo, so in references: tree.export(self, bo, so) inc_progress() def _harvest_actors(self): self.report.progress_advance() self.report.progress_range = len(self._objects) + len(bpy.data.textures) inc_progress = self.report.progress_increment for bl_obj in self._objects: for mod in bl_obj.plasma_modifiers.modifiers: if mod.enabled: self.actors.update(mod.harvest_actors()) inc_progress() # This is a little hacky, but it's an edge case... I guess? # We MUST have CoordinateInterfaces for EnvironmentMaps (DCMs, bah) for texture in bpy.data.textures: envmap = getattr(texture, "environment_map", None) if envmap is not None: viewpt = envmap.viewpoint_object if viewpt is not None: self.actors.add(viewpt.name) inc_progress() def has_coordiface(self, bo): if bo.type in {"CAMERA", "EMPTY", "LAMP"}: return True if bo.parent is not None or bo.children: return True if bo.name in self.actors: return True if bo.plasma_object.has_transform_animation: return True for mod in bo.plasma_modifiers.modifiers: if mod.enabled: if mod.requires_actor: return True return False def _post_process_scene_objects(self): self.report.progress_advance() self.report.progress_range = len(self._objects) inc_progress = self.report.progress_increment log_msg = self.report.msg indent = self.report.indent log_msg("\nPost-Processing SceneObjects...") mat_mgr = self.mesh.material for bl_obj in self._objects: sceneobject = self.mgr.find_object(plSceneObject, bl=bl_obj) if sceneobject is None: # no SO? fine then. turd. continue # Synchronization is applied for the root SO and all animated layers (WTF) # So, we have to keep in mind shared layers (whee) in the synch options kode net = bl_obj.plasma_net net.propagate_synch_options(sceneobject, sceneobject) for mat in mat_mgr.get_materials(bl_obj): for layer in mat.object.layers: layer = layer.object if isinstance(layer, plLayerAnimation): net.propagate_synch_options(sceneobject, layer) # Modifiers don't have to expose post-processing, but if they do, run it with indent(): for mod in bl_obj.plasma_modifiers.modifiers: proc = getattr(mod, "post_export", None) if proc is not None: self.report.msg(f"Post processing '{bl_obj.name}' modifier '{mod.bl_label}'") with indent(): proc(self, bl_obj, sceneobject) inc_progress() def _pre_export_scene_objects(self): self.report.progress_advance() self.report.progress_range = len(self._objects) inc_progress = self.report.progress_increment log_msg = self.report.msg indent = self.report.indent log_msg("\nGenerating export dependency objects...") # New objects may be generate during this process; they will be appended at the end. new_objects = [] @functools.singledispatch def handle_temporary(temporary, parent): # Maybe this was an embedded context manager? if hasattr(temporary, "__enter__"): ctx_temporary = self.exit_stack.enter_context(temporary) if ctx_temporary is not None: return handle_temporary(ctx_temporary, parent) else: raise RuntimeError("Temporary object of type '{}' generated by '{}' was unhandled".format(temporary.__class__, parent.name)) @handle_temporary.register(utils.BMeshObject) def _(temporary, parent): return handle_temporary(temporary.release(), parent) @handle_temporary.register(bpy.types.Action) def _(temporary, parent): self.exit_stack.enter_context(TemporaryObject(temporary, bpy.data.actions.remove)) log_msg(f"'{parent.name}': generated Action '{temporary.name}'") return temporary @handle_temporary.register(bpy.types.Object) def _(temporary, parent): self.exit_stack.enter_context(TemporaryObject(temporary, bpy.data.objects.remove)) log_msg( f"'{parent.name}': generated Object '{temporary.name}' " f"(Plasma Object: {temporary.plasma_object.enabled})", ) if temporary.plasma_object.enabled: new_objects.append(temporary) # If the object is marked as a Plasma Object, be sure that we go into the same page # as the requestor, unless the modifier decided it knows better. if not temporary.plasma_object.is_property_set("page"): temporary.plasma_object.page = parent.plasma_object.page # Wow, recursively generated objects. Aren't you special? with indent(): for mod in temporary.plasma_modifiers.modifiers: mod.sanity_check() do_pre_export(temporary) return temporary @handle_temporary.register(bpy.types.NodeTree) def _(temporary, parent): self.exit_stack.enter_context(TemporaryObject(temporary, bpy.data.node_groups.remove)) log_msg(f"'{parent.name}' generated NodeTree '{temporary.name}'") if temporary.bl_idname == "PlasmaNodeTree": parent_so = self.mgr.find_create_object(plSceneObject, bl=parent) self.want_node_trees[temporary.name].add((parent, parent_so)) return temporary def do_pre_export(bo): for mod in bo.plasma_modifiers.modifiers: proc = getattr(mod, "pre_export", None) if proc is not None: # pre_export() should be a *generator*. Generators are bidirectional, although # trivial usages simply yield values for the consumer. What we want to do here # is use the bidirectional nature of generators to simplify the code in pre_export(). # We will pump the pre_export generator. With each pump, we will send the generator # the very thing it gave us. That way, if pre_export needs to do some work on # the object it generated, then it can do: # ``` # my_object = yield create_something() # my_object.foo = bar # ``` # instead of the more verbose # ``` # my_object = create_something() # yield my_object # my_object.foo = bar # ``` pre_result = proc(self, bo) assert ( inspect.isgenerator(pre_result) or pre_result is None, "pre_export() should return a generator or None" ) try: gen_result = None while pre_result is not None: gen_result = pre_result.send(gen_result) if gen_result is not None: gen_result = handle_temporary(gen_result, bo) except StopIteration as e: if e.value is not None: handle_temporary(e.value, bo) finally: if pre_result is not None: pre_result.close() with indent(): for bl_obj in self._objects: do_pre_export(bl_obj) inc_progress() log_msg(f"... {len(new_objects)} new object(s) were generated!") self._objects += new_objects def _pack_ancillary_python(self): texts = bpy.data.texts self.report.progress_advance() self.report.progress_range = len(texts) inc_progress = self.report.progress_increment for i in texts: if i.name.endswith(".py") and self.output.want_py_text(i): self.output.add_python_code(i.name, text_id=i) inc_progress() def _save_age(self): self.report.progress_advance() self.report.msg("\nWriting Age data...") # If something bad happens in the final flush, it would be a shame to # simply toss away the potentially freshly regenerated texture cache. with self.report.indent(): try: self.locman.save() self.mgr.save_age() self.output.save() finally: self.image.save() @property def age_name(self): if self._op.dat_only: return Path(self._op.filepath).stem else: return bpy.context.scene.world.plasma_age.age_name @property def dat_only(self): return self._op.dat_only @property def envmap_method(self): return bpy.context.scene.world.plasma_age.envmap_method @property def python_method(self): return bpy.context.scene.world.plasma_age.python_method @property def texcache_path(self): age = bpy.context.scene.world.plasma_age filepath = age.texcache_path try: valid_path = filepath and Path(filepath).is_file() except OSError: valid_path = False if not valid_path: filepath = bpy.context.blend_data.filepath if not filepath: filepath = self._op.filepath filepath = str(Path(filepath).with_suffix(".ktc")) age.texcache_path = filepath return filepath @property def texcache_method(self): return bpy.context.scene.world.plasma_age.texcache_method