# This file is part of Korman. # # Korman is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # Korman is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Korman. If not, see . param( [Parameter(ParameterSetName="classic", Mandatory=$false)] [Parameter(ParameterSetName="modern", Mandatory=$false)] [Parameter(ParameterSetName="dev", Mandatory=$false)] [ValidateSet("Visual Studio 2013", "Visual Studio 2015", "Visual Studio 2017", "Visual Studio 2019", "Visual Studio 2022")] [string]$Generator, [Parameter(ParameterSetName="classic", Mandatory=$false)] [Parameter(ParameterSetName="modern", Mandatory=$false)] [Parameter(ParameterSetName="dev", Mandatory=$false)] [string]$BuildDir = "$(Get-Location)/build", [Parameter(ParameterSetName="modern", Mandatory=$true)] [ValidateScript({ if (Get-Command cpack) { $true } else { throw "Modern requires that CPack be installed and available on the PATH." } })] [switch]$Modern, [Parameter(ParameterSetName="classic", Mandatory=$true)] [ValidateScript({ if (Get-Command makensis) { $true } else { throw "Classic requires that NSIS be installed and available on the PATH." } })] [switch]$Classic, [Parameter(ParameterSetName="dev", Mandatory=$true)] [switch]$Dev, [Parameter(ParameterSetName="classic", Mandatory=$true)] [Parameter(ParameterSetName="dev", Mandatory=$false)] [string]$PythonVersion, [Parameter(ParameterSetName="modern")] [ValidateSet("x86", "x64")] [string]$Platform, [Parameter(ParameterSetName="modern")] [Parameter(ParameterSetName="dev")] [string]$BlenderDir, [Parameter(ParameterSetName="modern")] [switch]$NoInstaller, [Parameter(ParameterSetName="modern")] [switch]$NoBlender, [Parameter(ParameterSetName="classic")] [Parameter(ParameterSetName="modern")] [switch]$RebuildDeps ) # Enable for prod $ErrorActionPreference = "Stop" $Generator_LUT = @{ "Visual Studio 2013" = "Visual Studio 12 2013" "Visual Studio 2015" = "Visual Studio 14 2015" "Visual Studio 2017" = "Visual Studio 15 2017" "Visual Studio 2019" = "Visual Studio 16 2019" "Visual Studio 2022" = "Visual Studio 17 2022" }; $Platform_LUT = @{ "x86" = "Win32" "x64" = "x64" } # Fixup -NoBlender for dev and classic modes. if ($Classic -Or $Dev) { $NoBlender = $true } function Find-CMakeArgument($UserInput, $EnvValue, $LUT, $Default) { if ($UserInput) { return $LUT[$UserInput] } if ($EnvValue) { return $EnvValue } return $Default } function Convert-BoolToCMake($Value) { if ($Value) { "ON" } else { "OFF" } } function Start-KormanBuild($HostGenerator, $TargetPlatform, $OutputDir, $StagingDir) { # Only pass the -G and -A arguments for new build directories. if (!(Test-Path "$OutputDir/CMakeCache.txt")) { Write-Host -ForegroundColor Cyan "Configuring Korman with $HostGenerator for $TargetPlatform..." $GeneratorArg = "-G$HostGenerator" $PlatformArg = "-A$TargetPlatform" } else { Write-Host -ForegroundColor Cyan "Re-Configuring Korman..." } $InstallBlender = Convert-BoolToCMake $(if ($NoBlender) { $false } else { $true }) $HarvestPython22 = Convert-BoolToCMake $(if ($NoInstaller) { $false } else { $true }) cmake ` $GeneratorArg $PlatformArg ` -S "$PSScriptRoot" ` -B "$OutputDir" ` -DBlender_ROOT="$BlenderDir" ` -DBlender_PYTHON_VERSION="$PythonVersion" ` -Dkorman_EXTERNAL_STAGING_DIR="$StagingDir" ` -Dkorman_HARVEST_PYTHON22="$HarvestPython22" ` -Dkorman_INSTALL_BLENDER="$InstallBlender" if ($LASTEXITCODE -Ne 0) { throw "Configure failed!" } } function Set-KormanClassicBuild($OutputDir, $Arch) { Write-Host -ForegroundColor Cyan "Setting up classic multi-arch build..." cmake ` -B "$OutputDir" ` -Dkorman_INSTALL_BLENDER=OFF ` -Dkorman_INSTALL_SCRIPTS=OFF ` -Dkorman_INSTALL_BINARY_DIR="$PSScriptRoot/installer/Files/$Arch" if ($LASTEXITCODE -Ne 0) { throw "Configure failed!" } } function Set-KormanDevBuild($OutputDir) { Write-Host -ForegroundColor Cyan "Setting up development build..." if ($BlenderDir) { $InstallDest = $BlenderDir } else { $InstallDest = "$OutputDir/install" } cmake ` -B "$OutputDir" ` -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX="$InstallDest" ` -Dkorman_HARVEST_PYTHON22=OFF ` -Dkorman_HARVEST_VCREDIST=OFF ` -Dkorman_INSTALL_BLENDER=OFF ` -Dkorman_INSTALL_SCRIPTS=OFF ` -Dkorman_INSTALL_PACKAGE=OFF } function Complete-KormanBuild($OutputDir, $Install = $false) { Write-Host -ForegroundColor Cyan "Aaaand they're off!!!" # Don't even ask. if ($Install) { cmake --build `"$OutputDir`" --target INSTALL --config Release --parallel } else { cmake --build `"$OutputDir`" @($InstallArg) --config Release --parallel } if ($LASTEXITCODE -Ne 0) { throw "Build failed!" } } function Build-KormanClassicSingleArch($HostGenerator, $TargetPlatform, $OutputDir) { $MyPlatform = $Platform_LUT[$TargetPlatform] $MyBuildDir = "$OutputDir/$TargetPlatform" $CheckBuildDir = Test-Path $MyBuildDir Start-KormanBuild "$HostGenerator" "$MyPlatform" "$MyBuildDir" "$OutputDir/external" Set-KormanClassicBuild "$MyBuildDir" "$TargetPlatform" if (!$CheckBuildDir -Or $RebuildDeps) { Complete-KormanBuild "$MyBuildDir" } } function Build-KormanClassicInstaller() { # Ugh, CMake is nice enough to do this kind of shit for us. New-Item -Path "$PSScriptRoot/installer/Files/x86" -ItemType Directory -Force New-Item -Path "$PSScriptRoot/installer/Files/x64" -ItemType Directory -Force # CMake copies the vcredist for us. YAY! Write-Host -ForegroundColor Cyan "Copying sub-installers..." Copy-Item "$BuildDir/x86/harvest/bin/vcredist_x86.exe" "$PSScriptRoot/installer/Files/x86/vcredist_x86.exe" Copy-Item "$BuildDir/x64/harvest/bin/vcredist_x64.exe" "$PSScriptRoot/installer/Files/x64/vcredist_x64.exe" Copy-Item "$BuildDir/x86/harvest/bin/Python-2.2.3.exe" "$PSScriptRoot/installer/Files/x86/Python-2.2.3.exe" Write-Host -ForegroundColor Cyan "Determining Build Info..." if (Get-Command git) { Push-Location "$PSScriptRoot" try { $KormanRev = git describe --tags --dirty } finally { Pop-Location } } else { $KormanRev = "untracked" } Write-Host -ForegroundColor Cyan "Building NSIS installer..." Push-Location installer try { $PythonDLL = "python$($PythonVersion.Replace('.', '')).dll" makensis /DPYTHON_DLL=$PythonDLL Installer.nsi if ($LASTEXITCODE -Ne 0) { throw "makensis failed!" } # Move it into the expected location for a "new" installer. New-Item -Path "$BuildDir/package" -ItemType Directory -Force Move-Item "$PSScriptRoot/installer/korman.exe" "$BuildDir/package/korman-$KormanRev-windows-classic.exe" } finally { Pop-Location } } function Build-KormanDev($HostGenerator, $TargetPlatform, $OutputDir) { Start-KormanBuild "$HostGenerator" "$TargetPlatform" "$OutputDir" "$OutputDir/external" Set-KormanDevBuild "$OutputDir" Complete-KormanBuild "$OutputDir" -Install $true } function Build-KormanModern($HostGenerator, $TargetPlatform, $OutputDir) { $CheckBuildDir = Test-Path $OutputDir Start-KormanBuild "$HostGenerator" "$TargetPlatform" "$OutputDir" "$OutputDir/external" if (!$CheckBuildDir -Or $RebuildDeps) { Complete-KormanBuild "$OutputDir" } if ($NoInstaller) { $CPackGenerator = "ZIP" } else { $CPackGenerator = "WIX;ZIP" } Push-Location "$BuildDir" try { cpack ` -G "$CPackGenerator" ` -C Release if ($LASTEXITCODE -Eq 0) { Remove-Item -Recurse -Force "$BuildDir/package/_CPack_Packages" } } finally { Pop-Location } } try { Get-Command cmake | Out-Null } catch { throw "CMake must be installed and available on the PATH." } $MyGenerator = Find-CMakeArgument $Generator $Env:CMAKE_GENERATOR $Generator_LUT "Visual Studio 16 2019" if ($Classic) { Build-KormanClassicSingleArch "$MyGenerator" x86 "$BuildDir" Build-KormanClassicSingleArch "$MyGenerator" x64 "$BuildDir" Build-KormanClassicInstaller } elseif($Modern) { $MyPlatform = Find-CMakeArgument $Platform $Env:CMAKE_GENERATOR_PLATFORM $Platform_LUT x64 Build-KormanModern "$MyGenerator" "$MyPlatform" "$BuildDir" } elseif($Dev) { $MyPlatform = Find-CMakeArgument $Platform $Env:CMAKE_GENERATOR_PLATFORM $Platform_LUT x64 Build-KormanDev "$MyGenerator" "$MyPlatform" "$BuildDir" } else { throw "Unknown build type" }