# This file is part of Korman. # # Korman is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # Korman is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Korman. If not, see . import bpy from bpy.props import * from PyHSPlasma import * from .base import PlasmaModifierProperties from ...exporter import utils from ...exporter.explosions import ExportError class PlasmaLightMapGen(PlasmaModifierProperties): pl_id = "lightmap" bl_category = "Render" bl_label = "Lightmap" bl_description = "Auto-Bake Lightmap" quality = EnumProperty(name="Quality", description="Resolution of lightmap", items=[ ("128", "128px", "128x128 pixels"), ("256", "256px", "256x256 pixels"), ("512", "512px", "512x512 pixels"), ("1024", "1024px", "1024x1024 pixels"), ]) light_group = StringProperty(name="Light Group", description="Group that defines the collection of lights to bake") uv_map = StringProperty(name="UV Texture", description="UV Texture used as the basis for the lightmap") def created(self, obj): self.display_name = "{}_LIGHTMAPGEN".format(obj.name) def export(self, exporter, bo, so): mat_mgr = exporter.mesh.material materials = mat_mgr.get_materials(bo) lightmap_im = bpy.data.images.get("{}_LIGHTMAPGEN.png".format(bo.name)) # Find the stupid UVTex uvw_src = 0 for i, uvtex in enumerate(bo.data.tessface_uv_textures): if uvtex.name == "LIGHTMAPGEN": uvw_src = i break else: # TODO: raise exception pass for matKey in materials: layer = exporter.mgr.add_object(plLayer, name="{}_LIGHTMAPGEN".format(matKey.name), so=so) layer.UVWSrc = uvw_src # Colors science'd from PRPs layer.ambient = hsColorRGBA(1.0, 1.0, 1.0) layer.preshade = hsColorRGBA(0.5, 0.5, 0.5) layer.runtime = hsColorRGBA(0.5, 0.5, 0.5) # GMatState gstate = layer.state gstate.blendFlags |= hsGMatState.kBlendMult gstate.clampFlags |= (hsGMatState.kClampTextureU | hsGMatState.kClampTextureV) gstate.ZFlags |= hsGMatState.kZNoZWrite gstate.miscFlags |= hsGMatState.kMiscLightMap mat = matKey.object mat.compFlags |= hsGMaterial.kCompIsLightMapped mat.addPiggyBack(layer.key) # Mmm... cheating mat_mgr.export_prepared_layer(layer, lightmap_im) @property def resolution(self): return int(self.quality) class PlasmaViewFaceMod(PlasmaModifierProperties): pl_id = "viewfacemod" bl_category = "Render" bl_label = "Swivel" bl_description = "Swivel object to face the camera, player, or another object" preset_options = EnumProperty(name="Type", description="Type of Facing", items=[ ("Billboard", "Billboard", "Face the camera (Y Axis only)"), ("Sprite", "Sprite", "Face the camera (All Axis)"), ("Custom", "Custom", "Custom Swivel"), ]) follow_mode = EnumProperty(name="Target Type", description="Target of the swivel", items=[ ("kFaceCam", "Camera", "Face the camera"), ("kFaceList", "Listener", "Face listeners"), ("kFacePlay", "Player", "Face the local player"), ("kFaceObj", "Object", "Face an object"), ]) target_object = StringProperty(name="Target Object", description="Object to face") pivot_on_y = BoolProperty(name="Pivot on local Y", description="Swivel only around the local Y axis", default=False) offset = BoolProperty(name="Offset", description="Use offset vector", default=False) offset_local = BoolProperty(name="Local", description="Use local coordinates", default=False) offset_coord = FloatVectorProperty(name="", subtype="XYZ") def created(self, obj): self.display_name = obj.name def export(self, exporter, bo, so): vfm = exporter.mgr.find_create_object(plViewFaceModifier, so=so, name=self.display_name) # Set a default scaling (libHSPlasma will set this to 0 otherwise). vfm.scale = hsVector3(1,1,1) l2p = utils.matrix44(bo.matrix_local) vfm.localToParent = l2p vfm.parentToLocal = l2p.inverse() # Cyan has these as separate components, but they're really just preset # options for common swivels. We've consolidated them both here, along # with the fully-customizable swivel as a third option. if self.preset_options == "Billboard": vfm.setFlag(plViewFaceModifier.kFaceCam, True) vfm.setFlag(plViewFaceModifier.kPivotY, True) elif self.preset_options == "Sprite": vfm.setFlag(plViewFaceModifier.kFaceCam, True) vfm.setFlag(plViewFaceModifier.kPivotFace, True) elif self.preset_options == "Custom": # For the discerning artist, full control over their swivel options! vfm.setFlag(getattr(plViewFaceModifier, self.follow_mode), True) if self.follow_mode == "kFaceObj": # If this swivel is following an object, make sure that the # target has been selected and is a valid SO. if self.target_object: target_obj = bpy.data.objects.get(self.target_object, None) if target_obj is None: raise ExportError("'{}': Swivel's target object is invalid".format(self.display_name)) else: vfm.faceObj = exporter.mgr.find_create_key(plSceneObject, bl=target_obj) else: raise ExportError("'{}': Swivel's target object must be selected".format(self.display_name)) if self.pivot_on_y: vfm.setFlag(plViewFaceModifier.kPivotY, True) else: vfm.setFlag(plViewFaceModifier.kPivotFace, True) if self.offset: vfm.offset = hsVector3(*self.offset_coord) if self.offset_local: vfm.setFlag(plViewFaceModifier.kOffsetLocal, True) @property def requires_actor(self): return True