# This file is part of Korman. # # Korman is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # Korman is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Korman. If not, see . set(korman_EXTERNAL_STAGING_DIR "${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/external" CACHE PATH "External project staging directory") mark_as_advanced(korman_EXTERNAL_STAGING_DIR) set(korman_HARVEST_DIR "${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/harvest" CACHE PATH "") cmake_dependent_option( korman_HARVEST_VCREDIST "Harvest the vcredist executable as part of Korman's build process" ON "MSVC" OFF ) cmake_dependent_option( korman_HARVEST_PYTHON22 "Harvest (read: download) the Python 2.2.3 installer as part of Korman's build process" ON "WIN32" # If we ever decide to allow NSIS installers, NSIS can run on non-Windows. OFF ) # Since we are (ideally) building everything static, inline right here, we can use IPO on # all of the static libraries for a uuuuge file size win. Most libs do not do the correct # CMake magic to turn this on. include(CheckIPOSupported) check_ipo_supported( RESULT _IPO_SUPPORTED OUTPUT _IPO_OUTPUT ) message(STATUS "Checking for IPO: ${_IPO_SUPPORTED} ${_IPO_OUTPUT}") set(CMAKE_INTERPROCEDURAL_OPTIMIZATION ${_IPO_SUPPORTED} CACHE BOOL "") if(WIN32) set(_BUILD_SYSTEM_LIBS ON) else() set(_BUILD_SYSTEM_LIBS OFF) endif() option(korman_BUILD_HSPLASMA "Build libHSPlasma as part of Korman's build process" ON) option(korman_BUILD_JPEG "Build libpjeg-turbo as part of Korman's build process" ${_BUILD_SYSTEM_LIBS}) option(korman_BUILD_OGGVORBIS "Build libogg and libvorbis as part of Korman's build process" ${_BUILD_SYSTEM_LIBS}) option(korman_BUILD_PNG "Build libpng as part of Korman's build process" ${_BUILD_SYSTEM_LIBS}) option(korman_BUILD_ZLIB "Build zlib as part of Korman's build process" ${_BUILD_SYSTEM_LIBS}) option(korman_BUILD_STRING_THEORY "Build string_theory as part of Korman's build process" ON) option(korman_BUILD_ALWAYS_UPDATE "Always run the update phase for external dependencies" OFF) if(korman_BUILD_HSPLASMA) list(APPEND korlib_DEPENDS HSPlasma) endif() if(korman_BUILD_JPEG) list(APPEND HSPlasma_DEPENDS libjpeg-turbo) endif() if(korman_BUILD_OGGVORBIS) list(APPEND korlib_DEPENDS libvorbis) list(APPEND libvorbis_DEPENDS libogg) endif() if(korman_BUILD_STRING_THEORY) list(APPEND HSPlasma_DEPENDS string_theory) endif() if(korman_BUILD_PNG) list(APPEND HSPlasma_DEPENDS libpng) endif() if(korman_BUILD_ZLIB) list(APPEND HSPlasma_DEPENDS zlib) list(APPEND libpng_DEPENDS zlib) endif() set(_ExternalProjectCMakeCache -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX:PATH=${korman_HARVEST_DIR} -DCMAKE_POLICY_DEFAULT_CMP0069:STRING=NEW -DCMAKE_INTERPROCEDURAL_OPTIMIZATION:BOOL=${CMAKE_INTERPROCEDURAL_OPTIMIZATION} ) include(ExternalProject) include(FetchContent) function(korman_rewrite_url) cmake_parse_arguments( PARSE_ARGV 0 _kru "" "RESULT_VARIABLE;URL" "" ) # SourceForge's mirrors are unstable, and CI keeps failing when the standard URL picks a # particularly unstable mirror. So, rewrite any implicit SourceForge (meaning, no specific mirror # has been selected) download URLs to use known stable mirrors. This should prevent spurious # CI failures. if(_kru_URL MATCHES [[^https:\/\/sourceforge.net\/projects\/[^\/]+\/files\/[^\/]+\/[^\/]+\/[^\/]+\/download$]]) # Borrowed from vcpkg set(sourceforge_mirrors cfhcable # United States pilotfiber # New York, NY gigenet # Chicago, IL versaweb # Las Vegas, NV ayera # Modesto, CA netactuate # Durham, NC phoenixnap # Tempe, AZ astuteinternet # Vancouver, BC freefr # Paris, France netcologne # Cologne, Germany deac-riga # Latvia excellmedia # Hyderabad, India iweb # Montreal, QC jaist # Nomi, Japan jztkft # Mezotur, Hungary managedway # Detroit, MI nchc # Taipei, Taiwan netix # Bulgaria ufpr # Curitiba, Brazil tenet # Wynberg, South Africa ) foreach(mirror IN LISTS sourceforge_mirrors) message(DEBUG "SF: ${_kru_URL}?use_mirror=${mirror}") list(APPEND _result "${_kru_URL}?use_mirror=${mirror}") endforeach() else() set(_result ${_kru_URL}) endif() set(${_kru_RESULT_VARIABLE} ${${_kru_RESULT_VARIABLE}};${_result} PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction() function(korman_add_external_project TARGET) set(_args ${ARGN}) # Lookup any argument for URL so we can apply any santitation rules needed. list(FIND _args "URL" _url_args_idx) if(_url_args_idx GREATER_EQUAL 0) math(EXPR _url_pos "${_url_args_idx} + 1") while(TRUE) list(GET _args ${_url_pos} _url) if(NOT _url MATCHES [[^https?:\/\/]]) break() endif() list(REMOVE_AT _args ${_url_pos}) korman_rewrite_url( RESULT_VARIABLE "_fixed_urls" URL "${_url}" ) endwhile() list(INSERT _args ${_url_pos} ${_fixed_urls}) endif() if("GIT_REPOSITORY" IN_LIST _args) list(APPEND _args GIT_PROGRESS TRUE) if(NOT "GIT_SHALLOW" IN_LIST _args) list(APPEND _args GIT_SHALLOW TRUE) endif() endif() list(FIND _args "CMAKE_CACHE_ARGS" _cache_args_idx) if(_cache_args_idx EQUAL -1) list(APPEND _args CMAKE_CACHE_ARGS ${_ExternalProjectCMakeCache}) else() math(EXPR _cache_insert_pos "${_cache_args_idx} + 1") list(INSERT _args ${_cache_insert_pos} ${_ExternalProjectCMakeCache}) endif() set(_builddir "${korman_EXTERNAL_STAGING_DIR}/${TARGET}/src/build") if(CMAKE_GENERATOR_PLATFORM) string(APPEND _builddir "-${CMAKE_GENERATOR_PLATFORM}") endif() list(APPEND _args PREFIX "${korman_EXTERNAL_STAGING_DIR}" BINARY_DIR "${_builddir}" DEPENDS ${${TARGET}_DEPENDS} ) ExternalProject_Add(${TARGET} ${_args}) endfunction() if(korman_BUILD_JPEG) korman_add_external_project(libjpeg-turbo GIT_REPOSITORY "https://github.com/libjpeg-turbo/libjpeg-turbo.git" GIT_TAG 3.1.0 CMAKE_CACHE_ARGS -DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS:BOOL=OFF -DENABLE_SHARED:BOOL=FALSE -DENABLE_STATIC:BOOL=TRUE -DWITH_CRT_DLL:BOOL=ON # WTF libjpeg-turbo, this is a smell. -DWITH_JAVA:BOOL=FALSE -DWITH_TURBOJPEG:BOOL=FALSE ) endif() if(korman_BUILD_OGGVORBIS) korman_add_external_project(libogg GIT_REPOSITORY "https://github.com/xiph/ogg.git" GIT_TAG v1.3.5 CMAKE_CACHE_ARGS -DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS:BOOL=OFF -DBUILD_TESTING:BOOL=OFF -DINSTALL_DOCS:BOOL=OFF ) korman_add_external_project(libvorbis GIT_REPOSITORY "https://github.com/xiph/vorbis.git" GIT_TAG v1.3.7 CMAKE_CACHE_ARGS -DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS:BOOL=OFF ) endif() if(korman_BUILD_STRING_THEORY) # Woe betide us if comaptibility breaks... if(MSVC AND MSVC_VERSION LESS 1900) set(_string_theory_tag 2.4) else() set(_string_theory_tag 3.8) endif() korman_add_external_project(string_theory GIT_REPOSITORY "https://github.com/zrax/string_theory.git" GIT_TAG ${_string_theory_tag} CMAKE_CACHE_ARGS -DST_BUILD_TESTS:BOOL=OFF -DST_BUILD_STATIC:BOOL=ON # string_theory < 3.0 ) endif() if(korman_BUILD_ZLIB) # Using zlib-ng instead of zlib because the latter's CMakeLists is a pile of steaming garbage # in that it always produces a shared library if BUILD_SHARED_LIBS=OFF, and bad problems when # `if(UNIX)` -> TRUE. Grrr. if(MSVC AND MSVC_TOOLSET_VERSION LESS 140) list(APPEND _zlib_extra_args -DCMAKE_C_FLAGS:STRING=/Dinline=__inline # VS2013's C99 support is incomplete. -DWITH_AVX2:BOOL=OFF # Triggers downstream linker errors -DWITH_SSE2:BOOL=OFF # Broken ) endif() korman_add_external_project(zlib GIT_REPOSITORY "https://github.com/zlib-ng/zlib-ng.git" GIT_TAG 2.2.4 CMAKE_CACHE_ARGS -DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS:BOOL=OFF -DZLIB_COMPAT:BOOL=ON -DZLIB_ENABLE_TESTS:BOOL=OFF ${_zlib_extra_args} ) endif() if(korman_BUILD_PNG) korman_add_external_project(libpng URL "https://sourceforge.net/projects/libpng/files/libpng16/1.6.45/libpng-1.6.45.tar.gz/download" DOWNLOAD_NAME "libpng-1.6.45.tar.gz" URL_HASH "SHA256=7dee9e1ca8152bf52f919456f4190330aee48209887f2ec0b3d9f0ad571df11b" CMAKE_CACHE_ARGS -DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS:BOOL=OFF -DPNG_EXECUTABLES:BOOL=OFF -DPNG_SHARED:BOOL=OFF -DPNG_TESTS:BOOL=OFF ) endif() if(korman_BUILD_HSPLASMA) korman_add_external_project(HSPlasma GIT_REPOSITORY "https://github.com/H-uru/libhsplasma.git" # Be sure to increase this as the feature set used by Korman increases GIT_TAG 93fb48b5ce0911e0f58b731f7d7b3e4e5ccabfd8 # We can only do shallow checkouts if the above is a branch or tag. GIT_SHALLOW FALSE CMAKE_CACHE_ARGS -DCMAKE_UNITY_BUILD:BOOL=ON -DENABLE_NET:BOOL=OFF -DENABLE_PHYSX:BOOL=OFF -DENABLE_PYTHON:BOOL=ON -DENABLE_TOOLS:BOOL=OFF -DPython3_EXECUTABLE:FILEPATH=${Python3_EXECUTABLE} -DPython3_INCLUDE_DIR:PATH=${Python3_INCLUDE_DIRS} -DPython3_LIBRARY:FILEPATH=${Python3_LIBRARIES} ) endif() korman_add_external_project(korlib SOURCE_DIR "${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/korlib" CMAKE_CACHE_ARGS -Dkorlib_PYTHON_VERSION:STRING=${Blender_PYTHON_VERSION} -DPython3_ROOT:PATH=${Python3_ROOT} # Passthru helper ) if(korman_HARVEST_VCREDIST) find_package(VCRedist COMPONENTS Executable REQUIRED) set(_vcredist_destination "${korman_HARVEST_DIR}/bin/${VCRedist_NAME}") add_custom_target(VCRedist ALL COMMAND "${CMAKE_COMMAND}" -E make_directory "${korman_HARVEST_DIR}" COMMAND "${CMAKE_COMMAND}" -E copy_if_different "${VCRedist_EXECUTABLE}" "${_vcredist_destination}" BYPRODUCTS "${_vcredist_destination}" ) install( PROGRAMS "${_vcredist_destination}" DESTINATION "." ) endif() FetchContent_Declare(Python22 URL "https://www.python.org/ftp/python/2.2.3/Python-2.2.3.exe" URL_HASH MD5=d76e774a4169794ae0d7a8598478e69e DOWNLOAD_DIR "${korman_HARVEST_DIR}/bin" DOWNLOAD_NAME "Python-2.2.3.exe" DOWNLOAD_NO_EXTRACT TRUE # Why is this not a flag? Yes, that bit me. ) if(korman_HARVEST_PYTHON22 AND NOT Python22_POPULATED) FetchContent_Populate(Python22) endif()