# This file is part of Korman. # # Korman is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # Korman is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Korman. If not, see . cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.12) set(_PROJECT_INFO korman VERSION 0.16 DESCRIPTION "Blender plugin for creating ages for Cyan Worlds' proprietary Plasma engine and its open source variant, CyanWorlds.com Engine." LANGUAGES CXX # This should probably be NONE, but we need the compiler for string_theory tests ) project(${_PROJECT_INFO}) include(CMakeDependentOption) set(CMAKE_MODULE_PATH "${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake") set(CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX "${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/install" CACHE PATH "") # TODO: Maybe use cmake_path (requires CMake 3.21) to ensure Blender_EXECUTABLE is not in the CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX? # That would indicate that we are installing Korman into the blender we found, so no need to install blender. option(korman_INSTALL_BLENDER "Copy Blender as part of the INSTALL target" ON) option(korman_INSTALL_SCRIPTS "Copy Korman python scripts as part of the INSTALL target" ON) option(korman_INSTALL_PACKAGE "Buid Korman CPack installers" ON) # While, yes, we could tie our build process into Blender's, Blender pulls in # tons of dependencies and can be quite slow if you start trying to build # errthang from source. So, we'll jst let you handle that. Good luck! if(NOT "${Blender_PYTHON_VERSION}" OR korman_INSTALL_BLENDER) set(_Blender_REQUIRED "REQUIRED") elseif("${Blender_PYTHON_VERSION}" AND NOT "${Blender_PYTHON_VERSION}" MATCHES "^[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+$") message(FATAL_ERROR "Your manually defined Blender python version ($CACHE{Blender_PYTHON_VERSION}) doesn't pass muster.") endif() find_package(Blender 2.79 EXACT ${_Blender_REQUIRED}) if(NOT Blender_FOUND) set(Blender_VERSION "2.79") endif() # Gotta do this because libHSPlasma is still using the old broke-ass pre-3.12 find modules. set(Python3_FIND_STRATEGY VERSION) find_package(Python3 ${Blender_PYTHON_VERSION} EXACT COMPONENTS Development Interpreter REQUIRED) include(Dependencies) if(korman_INSTALL_PACKAGE) include(Packaging) endif() if(korman_INSTALL_SCRIPTS) set(korman_INSTALL_SCRIPTS_PATH "${Blender_VERSION}/scripts/addons" CACHE STRING "") install(DIRECTORY "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/korman" DESTINATION "${korman_INSTALL_SCRIPTS_PATH}" COMPONENT "Korman" FILES_MATCHING PATTERN "*.py" ) endif() # When we update to CMake 3.21, it might be worth separating the dependency build # and Korman build a little more and using install(TARGETS RUNTIME_DEPENDENCIES). For now, # this causes no observable problems and gives a good result, so meh. set(korman_INSTALL_BINARY_DIR "${Blender_VERSION}/python/lib/site-packages" CACHE STRING "") install(DIRECTORY "${korman_HARVEST_DIR}/bin/" DESTINATION "${korman_INSTALL_BINARY_DIR}" COMPONENT "Korman" FILES_MATCHING PATTERN "*.dll" PATTERN "*.pyd" PATTERN "*.so" ) if(korman_INSTALL_BLENDER) get_filename_component(_Blender_PATH "${Blender_EXECUTABLE}" DIRECTORY) install(DIRECTORY "${_Blender_PATH}/" DESTINATION "." COMPONENT "Blender" FILES_MATCHING PATTERN "*" # Don't install any korman stuff in the Blender install (yikes) PATTERN "korman" EXCLUDE PATTERN "__pycache__" EXCLUDE REGEX [[vc[_.]?redist[_.]?x[0-9][0-9].exe]] EXCLUDE ) endif() if(korman_HARVEST_PYTHON22) install(PROGRAMS "${korman_HARVEST_DIR}/bin/Python-2.2.3.exe" DESTINATION "." COMPONENT "Python22" ) endif()