# This file is part of Korman. # # Korman is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # Korman is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Korman. If not, see . import bpy from bpy.props import * from pathlib import Path from ..helpers import TemporaryObject, ensure_power_of_two from ..korlib import ConsoleToggler, GLTexture, scale_image from ..exporter.explosions import * from ..exporter.logger import ExportProgressLogger from ..exporter.material import BLENDER_CUBE_MAP # These are some filename suffixes that we will check to match for the cubemap faces _CUBE_FACES = { "leftFace": "LF", "backFace": "BK", "rightFace": "RT", "bottomFace": "DN", "topFace": "UP", "frontFace": "FR", } class ImageOperator: @classmethod def poll(cls, context): return context.scene.render.engine == "PLASMA_GAME" class PlasmaBuildCubeMapOperator(ImageOperator, bpy.types.Operator): bl_idname = "image.plasma_build_cube_map" bl_label = "Build Cubemap" bl_description = "Builds a Blender cubemap from six images" overwrite_existing = BoolProperty(name="Check Existing", description="Checks for an existing image and overwrites it", default=True, options=set()) filepath = StringProperty(subtype="FILE_PATH") require_cube = BoolProperty(name="Require Square Faces", description="Resize cubemap faces to be square if they are not", default=True, options=set()) texture_name = StringProperty(name="Texture", description="Environment Map Texture to stuff this into", default="", options={"HIDDEN"}) def __init__(self): self._report = ExportProgressLogger() self._report.progress_add_step("Finding Face Images") self._report.progress_add_step("Loading Face Images") self._report.progress_add_step("Scaling Face Images") self._report.progress_add_step("Generating Cube Map") def execute(self, context): with ConsoleToggler(True) as _: try: self._execute() except ExportError as error: self.report({"ERROR"}, str(error)) return {"CANCELLED"} else: return {"FINISHED"} def _execute(self): self._report.progress_start("BUILDING CUBE MAP") if not Path(self.filepath).is_file(): raise ExportError("No cube image found at '{}'".format(self.filepath)) # Figure out the paths for the six cube faces. We will use the original file # only if a face is missing... face_image_paths = self._find_cube_files(self.filepath) # If no images were loaded, that means we will want to generate a cube map # with the single face provided by the image in filepath. Otherwise, we'll # use the found faces (and the provided path if any are missing...) face_data = list(self._load_all_image_data(face_image_paths, self.filepath)) face_widths, face_heights, face_data = zip(*face_data) # All widths and heights must be the same... so, if needed, scale the stupid images. width, height, face_data = self._scale_images(face_widths, face_heights, face_data) # Now generate the stoopid cube map image_name = Path(self.filepath).name idx = image_name.rfind('_') if idx != -1: suffix = image_name[idx+1:idx+3] if suffix in _CUBE_FACES.values(): image_name = image_name[:idx] + image_name[idx+3:] cubemap_image = self._generate_cube_map(image_name, width, height, face_data) # If a texture was provided, we can assign this generated cube map to it... if self.texture_name: texture = bpy.data.textures[self.texture_name] texture.environment_map.source = "IMAGE_FILE" texture.image = cubemap_image self._report.progress_end() return {"FINISHED"} def _find_cube_files(self, filepath): self._report.progress_advance() self._report.progress_range = len(BLENDER_CUBE_MAP) self._report.msg("Searching for cubemap faces...") idx = filepath.rfind('_') if idx != -1: files = [] for key in BLENDER_CUBE_MAP: suffix = _CUBE_FACES[key] face_path = filepath[:idx+1] + suffix + filepath[idx+3:] face_name = key[:-4].upper() if Path(face_path).is_file(): self._report.msg("Found face '{}': {}", face_name, face_path, indent=1) files.append(face_path) else: self._report.warn("Using default face data for face '{}'", face_name, indent=1) files.append(None) self._report.progress_increment() return tuple(files) def _generate_cube_map(self, req_name, face_width, face_height, face_data): self._report.progress_advance() self._report.msg("Generating cubemap image...") # If a texture was provided, we should check to see if as have an image we can replace... image = bpy.data.textures[self.texture_name].image if self.texture_name else None # Init our image image_width = face_width * 3 image_height = face_height * 2 if image is not None and self.overwrite_existing: image.source = "GENERATED" image.generated_width = image_width image.generated_height = image_height else: image = bpy.data.images.new(req_name, image_width, image_height, True) image_datasz = image_width * image_height * 4 image_data = bytearray(image_datasz) face_num = len(BLENDER_CUBE_MAP) # This is the inverse of the operation found in MaterialConverter._finalize_cube_map for i in range(face_num): col_id = i if i < 3 else i - 3 row_start = 0 if i < 3 else face_height row_end = face_height if i < 3 else image_height # TIL: Blender's coordinate system has its origin in the lower left, while Plasma's # is in the upper right. We could do some fancy flipping stuff, but there are already # mitigations in code for that. So, we disabled the GLTexture's flipping helper and # will just swap the locations of the images in the list. le wout. j = i + 3 if i < 3 else i - 3 for row_current in range(row_start, row_end, 1): src_start_idx = (row_current - row_start) * face_width * 4 src_end_idx = src_start_idx + (face_width * 4) dst_start_idx = (row_current * image_width * 4) + (col_id * face_width * 4) dst_end_idx = dst_start_idx + (face_width * 4) image_data[dst_start_idx:dst_end_idx] = face_data[j][src_start_idx:src_end_idx] # FFFUUUUU... Blender wants a list of floats pixels = [None] * image_datasz for i in range(image_datasz): pixels[i] = image_data[i] / 255 # Obligatory remark: "Blender sucks" image.pixels = pixels image.update() image.pack(True) return image def invoke(self, context, event): context.window_manager.fileselect_add(self) return {"RUNNING_MODAL"} def _load_all_image_data(self, face_image_paths, default_image_path): self._report.progress_advance() self._report.progress_range = len(BLENDER_CUBE_MAP) self._report.msg("Loading cubemap faces...") default_data = None for image_path in face_image_paths: if image_path is None: if default_data is None: default_data = self._load_single_image_data(default_image_path) yield default_data else: yield self._load_single_image_data(image_path) self._report.progress_increment() def _load_single_image_data(self, filepath): images = bpy.data.images with TemporaryObject(images.load(filepath), images.remove) as blimage: with GLTexture(image=blimage, fast=True) as glimage: return glimage.image_data def _scale_images(self, face_widths, face_heights, face_data): self._report.progress_advance() self._report.progress_range = len(BLENDER_CUBE_MAP) self._report.msg("Checking cubemap face dimensions...") # Take the smallest face width and get its POT variety (so we don't rescale on export) min_width = ensure_power_of_two(min(face_widths)) min_height = ensure_power_of_two(min(face_heights)) # They're called CUBEmaps, dingus... if self.require_cube: dimension = min(min_width, min_height) min_width, min_height = dimension, dimension # Insert grumbling here about tuples being immutable... result_data = list(face_data) for i in range(len(BLENDER_CUBE_MAP)): face_width, face_height = face_widths[i], face_heights[i] if face_width != min_width or face_height != min_height: face_name = BLENDER_CUBE_MAP[i][:-4].upper() self._report.msg("Resizing face '{}' from {}x{} to {}x{}", face_name, face_width, face_height, min_width, min_height, indent=1) result_data[i] = scale_image(face_data[i], face_width, face_height, min_width, min_height) self._report.progress_increment() return min_width, min_height, tuple(result_data)