This commit adds a footstep region modifier that exports nothing at the
moment. This is just a test case for logic node generation. If you want to
bake footstep regions into logic nodes, select an object and execute
`bpy.ops.object.plasma_logicwiz()`. :)
Still lots of considerations:
- Need to make faux lightgroups to avoid baking Plasma RT lights
- Still need to bake vertex colors
- Still need to export Plasma RT lights (D'oh!)
But, this is definitely a step in the right direction!
So this is a fairly massive chunk. I tried to get our Plasma Modifiers to
match the Blender Modifier UI fairly well. In the process, I discovered
that Blender "helpfully" hides the modifier button on Empty objects. Bah.
Significant Changes:
- Hid all of the Blender Physics mess
- The Physics context is now the Plasma Object context
- Moved Plasma Object and Plasma Synchronization to the Context Formerly
Known as Physics
- Added a Plasma Modifier Panel
Here's how you create Plasma Modifiers:
- Add your PropertyGroup to properties.modifiers
- Make sure you have a pl_id naming your modifier, a category, and a label
- Implement the export() method to actually export something useful (not
goat porn, please)
- Implement your UI draw function in ui.modifiers.
- Wasn't that easy?
We are attempting to encourage the pages=layers paradigm; however, this is
not strictly enforced. This commit has lots of bits and bobs but little
actual substance. More to come when I begin work on the exporter.