@ -34,6 +34,161 @@ class PlasmaMessageNode(PlasmaNodeBase): |
return False |
return False |
class PlasmaAnimCmdMsgNode(PlasmaMessageNode, bpy.types.Node): |
bl_category = "MSG" |
bl_idname = "PlasmaAnimCmdMsgNode" |
bl_label = "Animation Command" |
bl_width_default = 190 |
anim_type = EnumProperty(name="Type", |
description="Animation type to affect", |
items=[("OBJECT", "Object", "Mesh Action"), |
("TEXTURE", "Texture", "Texture Action")], |
default="OBJECT") |
object_name = StringProperty(name="Object", |
description="Target object name") |
material_name = StringProperty(name="Material", |
description="Target material name") |
texture_name = StringProperty(name="Texture", |
description="Target texture slot name") |
go_to = EnumProperty(name="Go To", |
description="Where should the animation start?", |
items=[("kGoToBegin", "Beginning", "The beginning"), |
("kGoToLoopBegin", "Loop Beginning", "The beginning of the active loop"), |
("CURRENT", "(Don't Change)", "The current position"), |
("kGoToEnd", "Ending", "The end"), |
("kGoToLoopEnd", "Loop Ending", "The end of the active loop")], |
default="CURRENT") |
action = EnumProperty(name="Action", |
description="What do you want the animation to do?", |
items=[("kContinue", "Play", "Plays the animation"), |
("kPlayToPercent", "Play to Percent", "Plays the animation until a given percent is complete"), |
("kPlayToTime", "Play to Frame", "Plays the animation up to a given frame number"), |
("kStop", "Stop", "Stops the animation",), |
("kToggleState", "Toggle", "Toggles between Play and Stop"), |
("CURRENT", "(Don't Change)", "Don't change the animation's playing state")], |
default="CURRENT") |
play_direction = EnumProperty(name="Direction", |
description="Which direction do you want to play from?", |
items=[("kSetForwards", "Forward", "Play forwards"), |
("kSetBackwards", "Backwards", "Play backwards"), |
("CURRENT", "(Don't Change)", "Don't change the play direction")], |
default="CURRENT") |
play_to_percent = IntProperty(name="Play To", |
description="Percentage at which to stop the animation", |
subtype="PERCENTAGE", |
min=0, max=100, default=50) |
play_to_frame = IntProperty(name="Play To", |
description="Frame at which to stop the animation", |
min=0) |
def _set_loop_name(self, context): |
"""Updates loop_begin and loop_end when the loop name is changed""" |
pass |
looping = EnumProperty(name="Looping", |
description="Is the animation looping?", |
items=[("kSetLooping", "Yes", "The animation is looping",), |
("CURRENT", "(Don't Change)", "Don't change the loop status"), |
("kSetUnLooping", "No", "The animation is NOT looping")], |
default="CURRENT") |
loop_name = StringProperty(name="Active Loop", |
description="Name of the active loop", |
update=_set_loop_name) |
loop_begin = IntProperty(name="Loop Begin", |
description="Frame number at which the loop begins", |
min=0) |
loop_end = IntProperty(name="Loop End", |
description="Frame number at which the loop ends", |
min=0) |
def init(self, context): |
self.inputs.new("PlasmaMessageSocket", "Sender", "sender") |
def draw_buttons(self, context, layout): |
layout.prop(self, "anim_type") |
if self.anim_type == "OBJECT": |
layout.prop_search(self, "object_name", bpy.data, "objects") |
else: |
layout.prop_search(self, "material_name", bpy.data, "materials") |
material = bpy.data.materials.get(self.material_name, None) |
if material is not None: |
layout.prop_search(self, "texture_name", material, "texture_slots") |
layout.prop(self, "go_to") |
layout.prop(self, "action") |
layout.prop(self, "play_direction") |
if self.action == "kPlayToPercent": |
layout.prop(self, "play_to_percent") |
elif self.action == "kPlayToTime": |
layout.prop(self, "play_to_frame") |
layout.prop(self, "looping") |
col = layout.column() |
col.enabled = self.looping != "CURRENT" |
if self.anim_type != "OBJECT": |
loops = None |
else: |
obj = bpy.data.objects.get(self.object_name, None) |
loops = None if obj is None else obj.plasma_modifiers.animation_loop |
if loops is not None and loops.enabled: |
layout.prop_search(self, "loop_name", loops, "loops", icon="PMARKER_ACT") |
else: |
layout.prop(self, "loop_begin") |
layout.prop(self, "loop_end") |
def convert_message(self, exporter, tree, so, respKey, wait): |
msg = plAnimCmdMsg() |
# We're either sending this off to an AGMasterMod or a LayerAnim |
error = ExportError("Node '{}' in '{}' specifies an invalid animation".format(self.name, tree.name)) |
if self.anim_type == "OBJECT": |
obj = bpy.data.objects.get(self.object_name, None) |
if obj is None: |
raise error |
anim = obj.plasma_modifiers.animation |
if not anim.enabled: |
raise error |
target = exporter.mgr.find_create_key(plAGMasterMod, bl=obj, name=anim.display_name) |
else: |
material = bpy.data.materials.get(self.material_name, None) |
if material is None: |
raise error |
tex_slot = material.texture_slots.get(self.texture_name, None) |
if tex_slot is None: |
raise error |
name = "{}_{}_LayerAnim".format(self.material_name, self.texture_name) |
target = exporter.mgr.find_create_key(plLayerAnimation, name=name, so=so) |
if target is None: |
raise error |
msg.addReceiver(target) |
# Check the enum properties to see what commands we need to add |
for prop in (self.go_to, self.action, self.play_direction, self.looping): |
cmd = getattr(plAnimCmdMsg, prop, None) |
if cmd is not None: |
msg.setCmd(cmd, True) |
# Easier part starts here??? |
fps = bpy.context.scene.render.fps |
if self.action == "kPlayToPercent": |
msg.time = self.play_to_percent |
elif self.action == "kPlayToTime": |
msg.time = self.play_to_frame / fps |
# Implicit s better than explicit, I guess... |
if self.loop_begin != self.loop_end: |
# NOTE: loop name is not used in the engine AFAICT |
msg.setCmd(plAnimCmdMsg.kSetLoopBegin, True) |
msg.setCmd(plAnimCmdMsg.kSetLoopEnd, True) |
msg.loopBegin = self.loop_begin / fps |
msg.loopEnd = self.loop_end / fps |
# Whew, this was crazy |
return msg |
class PlasmaOneShotMsgNode(PlasmaMessageNode, bpy.types.Node): |
class PlasmaOneShotMsgNode(PlasmaMessageNode, bpy.types.Node): |
bl_category = "MSG" |
bl_category = "MSG" |
bl_idname = "PlasmaOneShotMsgNode" |
bl_idname = "PlasmaOneShotMsgNode" |