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Fetch the Blender install from MSI registry

Somewhere around Blender 2.75, the SCONS build system was removed and
CMake reigned supreme. The installer was of course changed to a Windows
Installer generated by CPack. Unfortunately for us, the registry keys
changed. Windows Installer's registry stuff sucks, but this is the
easiest way for us to get at it.
Adam Johnson 7 years ago
Signed by: Hoikas
GPG Key ID: 0B6515D6FF6F271E
  1. 81
  2. 91


@ -4,10 +4,7 @@
!include MUI2.nsh
!include WinVer.nsh
!include x64.nsh
!include StrFunc.nsh
; Enable StrStr
!include RegGuid.nsh
; Installer Settings ;
@ -43,7 +40,12 @@ VIProductVersion ""
; Variables ;
!define BlenderUpgradeCode "B767E4FD-7DE7-4094-B051-3AE62E13A17A"
!define UninstallRegKey "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall"
!define UpgradeRegKey "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Installer\UpgradeCodes"
Var BlenderDir
Var BlenderDirScanned
Var BlenderVer
@ -98,41 +100,52 @@ FunctionEnd
; Tries to find the Blender directory in the registry.
Function FindBlenderDir
; To prevent overwriting user data, we will only do this once
StrCmp $BlenderDir "" 0 done
; Try to grab the Blender directory from the default registry...
ReadRegStr $BlenderDir HKLM "Software\BlenderFoundation" "Install_Dir"
ReadRegStr $BlenderVer HKLM "Software\BlenderFoundation" "ShortVersion"
; Bad news, old chap, certain x86 Blender versions will write their registry keys to the
; x64 registry. Dang! It looks like we will have to try to hack around that. But only if
; we got nothing...
StrCmp $BlenderDirScanned "" 0 done
StrCpy $BlenderDirScanned "true"
StrCpy $1 ""
; Blender's CPack-generated MSI package has spewed mess into hidden registry keys.
; We know what the upgrade guid is, so we will use that to find the install directory
; and the Blender version.
${MangleGuidForRegistry} ${BlenderUpgradeCode} $0
EnumRegValue $0 HKLM "${UpgradeRegKey}\$0" 0
; If we are on a 64-bit system, we might not have found the product code guid in the 32-bit registry
; ergo, we will need to change over to that registry
${If} ${RunningX64}
StrCmp $BlenderDir "" try_again winning
SetRegView 64
ReadRegStr $BlenderDir HKLM "Software\BlenderFoundation" "Install_Dir"
ReadRegStr $BlenderVer HKLM "Software\BlenderFoundation" "ShortVersion"
SetRegView 32
StrCmp $BlenderDir "" total_phailure
; Before we suggest this, let's make sure it's not Program Files (x64) version unleashed(TM)
StrCpy $0 "$PROGRAMFILES64\" ; Otherwise, it would match ALL Program Files directories...
${StrStr} $1 $BlenderDir $0
StrCmp $1 "" winning total_phailure
IfErrors 0 find_uninstall_info
StrCmp $1 "" 0 done
StrCpy $1 "DEADBEEF"
SetRegView 64
Goto find_product_code
Goto done
StrCpy $INSTDIR "$BlenderDir\$BlenderVer"
Goto done
StrCpy $INSTDIR ""
Goto done
; Read the Blender directory and the versions from the uninstall record
${UnmangleGuidFromRegistry} $0 $1
StrCpy $0 "${UninstallRegKey}\{$1}"
ReadRegStr $BlenderDir HKLM $0 "InstallLocation"
IfErrors done
ReadRegDWORD $1 HKLM $0 "VersionMajor"
ReadRegDWORD $2 HKLM $0 "VersionMinor"
StrCpy $BlenderVer "$1.$2"
; Test our detected schtuff for validity
; NOTE: Windows Installer puts a trailing slash on the end of directories!
StrCpy $3 "$BlenderDir$BlenderVer"
IfFileExists "$3\*.*" 0 done
StrCpy $INSTDIR $3
${If} ${RunningX64}
SetRegView 32


@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
!macro StrAppendChar src_str src_idx dst_str
Push $R0
StrCpy $R0 ${src_str} 1 ${src_idx}
StrCpy ${dst_str} ${dst_str}$R0
Pop $R0
!define StrAppendChar `!insertmacro StrAppendChar`
; Takes a Guid string and returns the mangled form found in Windows Installer registry values
; Input MUST contain dashes but no brackets enclosing the guid
!macro MangleGuidForRegistry src dst
StrCpy ${dst} ""
${StrAppendChar} ${src} 7 ${dst}
${StrAppendChar} ${src} 6 ${dst}
${StrAppendChar} ${src} 5 ${dst}
${StrAppendChar} ${src} 4 ${dst}
${StrAppendChar} ${src} 3 ${dst}
${StrAppendChar} ${src} 2 ${dst}
${StrAppendChar} ${src} 1 ${dst}
${StrAppendChar} ${src} 0 ${dst}
; Dash
${StrAppendChar} ${src} 12 ${dst}
${StrAppendChar} ${src} 11 ${dst}
${StrAppendChar} ${src} 10 ${dst}
${StrAppendChar} ${src} 9 ${dst}
; Dash
${StrAppendChar} ${src} 17 ${dst}
${StrAppendChar} ${src} 16 ${dst}
${StrAppendChar} ${src} 15 ${dst}
${StrAppendChar} ${src} 14 ${dst}
; Dash
${StrAppendChar} ${src} 20 ${dst}
${StrAppendChar} ${src} 19 ${dst}
${StrAppendChar} ${src} 22 ${dst}
${StrAppendChar} ${src} 21 ${dst}
; Dash
${StrAppendChar} ${src} 25 ${dst}
${StrAppendChar} ${src} 24 ${dst}
${StrAppendChar} ${src} 27 ${dst}
${StrAppendChar} ${src} 26 ${dst}
${StrAppendChar} ${src} 29 ${dst}
${StrAppendChar} ${src} 28 ${dst}
${StrAppendChar} ${src} 31 ${dst}
${StrAppendChar} ${src} 30 ${dst}
${StrAppendChar} ${src} 33 ${dst}
${StrAppendChar} ${src} 32 ${dst}
${StrAppendChar} ${src} 35 ${dst}
${StrAppendChar} ${src} 34 ${dst}
!define MangleGuidForRegistry `!insertmacro MangleGuidForRegistry`
!macro UnmangleGuidFromRegistry src dst
StrCpy ${dst} ""
${StrAppendChar} ${src} 7 ${dst}
${StrAppendChar} ${src} 6 ${dst}
${StrAppendChar} ${src} 5 ${dst}
${StrAppendChar} ${src} 4 ${dst}
${StrAppendChar} ${src} 3 ${dst}
${StrAppendChar} ${src} 2 ${dst}
${StrAppendChar} ${src} 1 ${dst}
${StrAppendChar} ${src} 0 ${dst}
${StrAppendChar} "-" 0 ${dst}
${StrAppendChar} ${src} 11 ${dst}
${StrAppendChar} ${src} 10 ${dst}
${StrAppendChar} ${src} 9 ${dst}
${StrAppendChar} ${src} 8 ${dst}
${StrAppendChar} "-" 0 ${dst}
${StrAppendChar} ${src} 15 ${dst}
${StrAppendChar} ${src} 14 ${dst}
${StrAppendChar} ${src} 13 ${dst}
${StrAppendChar} ${src} 12 ${dst}
${StrAppendChar} "-" 0 ${dst}
${StrAppendChar} ${src} 17 ${dst}
${StrAppendChar} ${src} 16 ${dst}
${StrAppendChar} ${src} 19 ${dst}
${StrAppendChar} ${src} 18 ${dst}
${StrAppendChar} "-" 0 ${dst}
${StrAppendChar} ${src} 21 ${dst}
${StrAppendChar} ${src} 20 ${dst}
${StrAppendChar} ${src} 23 ${dst}
${StrAppendChar} ${src} 22 ${dst}
${StrAppendChar} ${src} 25 ${dst}
${StrAppendChar} ${src} 24 ${dst}
${StrAppendChar} ${src} 27 ${dst}
${StrAppendChar} ${src} 26 ${dst}
${StrAppendChar} ${src} 29 ${dst}
${StrAppendChar} ${src} 28 ${dst}
${StrAppendChar} ${src} 31 ${dst}
${StrAppendChar} ${src} 30 ${dst}
!define UnmangleGuidFromRegistry `!insertmacro UnmangleGuidFromRegistry`