@ -26,6 +26,143 @@ class PlasmaMeshOperator: |
return context.scene.render.engine == "PLASMA_GAME" and context.mode == "OBJECT" |
return context.scene.render.engine == "PLASMA_GAME" and context.mode == "OBJECT" |
def store_material_selection(self, value): |
if bpy.data.materials.get(value, None): |
bpy.context.scene.plasma_scene.last_flare_material = value |
class PlasmaAddFlareOperator(PlasmaMeshOperator, bpy.types.Operator): |
bl_idname = "mesh.plasma_flare_add" |
bl_label = "Add Lamp Flare" |
bl_category = "Plasma" |
bl_description = "Adds a new Plasma Lamp Flare" |
bl_options = {"REGISTER", "UNDO"} |
# Allows user to specify their own name stem |
flare_name = bpy.props.StringProperty(name="Name", |
description="Flare name stem", |
default="Flare", |
options=set()) |
flare_distance = bpy.props.FloatProperty(name="Distance", |
description="Flare's distance from the illuminating object", |
min=0.1, max=2.0, step=10, precision=1, default=1.0, |
options=set()) |
flare_material_name = bpy.props.StringProperty(name="Material", |
description="A specially-crafted material to use for this flare", |
update=store_material_selection, |
options=set()) |
@classmethod |
def poll(cls, context): |
return super().poll(context) and context.mode == "OBJECT" |
def draw(self, context): |
layout = self.layout |
box = layout.box() |
box.label("Flare Name:") |
row = box.row() |
row.alert = not self.flare_name |
row.prop(self, "flare_name", text="") |
box = layout.box() |
box.label("Geometry:") |
row = box.row() |
row.prop(self, "flare_distance") |
box = layout.box() |
box.label("Material:") |
row = box.row() |
row.prop_search(self, "flare_material_name", bpy.data, "materials", text="") |
def execute(self, context): |
if context.space_data.local_view: |
bpy.ops.view3d.localview() |
self.create_flare_objects() |
return {"FINISHED"} |
def create_flare_objects(self): |
bpyscene = bpy.context.scene |
cursor_shift = mathutils.Matrix.Translation(bpy.context.scene.cursor_location) |
for obj in bpy.data.objects: |
obj.select = False |
# Create Empty, rotated to horizontal |
flare_root = bpy.data.objects.new("{}".format(self.name_stem), None) |
flare_root.empty_draw_type = "SINGLE_ARROW" |
flare_root.matrix_world = cursor_shift |
flare_root.rotation_euler[0] = math.radians(90) |
flare_root.plasma_object.enabled = True |
flare_root.select = True |
bpy.context.scene.objects.link(flare_root) |
bpyscene.objects.active = flare_root |
# Enable VFM on Empty |
bpy.ops.object.plasma_modifier_add(types="viewfacemod") |
flare_root.plasma_modifiers.viewfacemod.preset_options = "Sprite" |
# Create a textured Plane |
with utils.bmesh_object("{}_Visible".format(self.name_stem)) as (flare_plane, bm): |
flare_plane.hide_render = True |
flare_plane.plasma_object.enabled = True |
bpyscene.objects.active = flare_plane |
# Make the actual plane mesh, facing away from the empty |
bmesh.ops.create_grid(bm, size=(0.5 + self.flare_distance * 0.5), matrix=mathutils.Matrix.Rotation(math.radians(180.0), 4, 'X')) |
bmesh.ops.transform(bm, matrix=mathutils.Matrix.Translation((0.0, 0.0, -self.flare_distance)), space=flare_plane.matrix_world, verts=bm.verts) |
bpy.ops.object.origin_set(type="ORIGIN_GEOMETRY") |
# Give the plane a basic UV unwrap, so that it's texture-ready |
bpy.ops.object.editmode_toggle() |
bpy.ops.uv.smart_project() |
bpy.ops.object.editmode_toggle() |
# Create AUTOGEN_FLARE material and texture, setting No-Z-Write |
auto_mat = self.find_create_material() |
flare_plane.data.materials.append(auto_mat) |
# Parent Plane to Empty |
flare_plane.parent = flare_root |
# Enable Opacity Fader |
bpy.ops.object.plasma_modifier_add(types="fademod") |
flare_plane.plasma_modifiers.fademod.fader_type = "FadeOpacity" |
flare_plane.plasma_modifiers.fademod.fade_in_time = 0.25 |
flare_plane.plasma_modifiers.fademod.fade_out_time = 0.25 |
flare_plane.plasma_modifiers.fademod.bounds_center = True |
def find_create_material(self): |
# If the selected flare material exists, use it |
auto_mat = bpy.data.materials.get(self.flare_material_name, None) |
if auto_mat is None: |
# Generate a new flare material and texture |
auto_mat = bpy.data.materials.new(name=FLARE_MATERIAL_BASE_NAME) |
auto_mat.use_shadeless = True |
auto_mat.use_shadows = False |
auto_mat.use_cast_shadows = False |
self.flare_material_name = auto_mat.name |
auto_tex = bpy.data.textures.new(name=FLARE_MATERIAL_BASE_NAME, type="IMAGE") |
auto_tex.use_alpha = True |
auto_tex.plasma_layer.skip_depth_write = True |
auto_tex.plasma_layer.skip_depth_test = True |
auto_tex.plasma_layer.z_bias = True |
new_slot = auto_mat.texture_slots.add() |
new_slot.texture = auto_tex |
new_slot.blend_type = "ADD" |
return auto_mat |
@property |
def name_stem(self): |
return self.flare_name if self.flare_name else "Flare" |
class PlasmaAddLadderMeshOperator(PlasmaMeshOperator, bpy.types.Operator): |
class PlasmaAddLadderMeshOperator(PlasmaMeshOperator, bpy.types.Operator): |
bl_idname = "mesh.plasma_ladder_add" |
bl_idname = "mesh.plasma_ladder_add" |
bl_label = "Add Ladder" |
bl_label = "Add Ladder" |