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# This file is part of Korman.
# Korman is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Korman is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with Korman. If not, see <>.
import bpy
import math
from PyHSPlasma import *
import weakref
from .explosions import *
6 years ago
from .. import helpers
from . import utils
class CameraConverter:
def __init__(self, exporter):
self._exporter = weakref.ref(exporter)
def _convert_brain(self, so, bo, camera_props, brain):
trans_props = camera_props.transition
brain.poaOffset = hsVector3(*camera_props.poa_offset)
if camera_props.poa_type == "object":
brain.subject = self._mgr.find_create_key(plSceneObject, bl=camera_props.poa_object)
brain.xPanLimit = camera_props.x_pan_angle / 2.0
brain.zPanLimit = camera_props.y_pan_angle / 2.0
brain.panSpeed = camera_props.pan_rate
if camera_props.limit_zoom:
brain.setFlags(plCameraBrain1.kZoomEnabled, True)
brain.zoomMax = camera_props.zoom_max * (4.0 / 3.0)
brain.zoomMin = camera_props.zoom_min * (4.0 / 3.0)
brain.zoomRate = camera_props.zoom_rate
brain.acceleration = trans_props.pos_acceleration
brain.deceleration = trans_props.pos_deceleration
brain.velocity = trans_props.pos_velocity
brain.poaAcceleration = trans_props.poa_acceleration
brain.poaDeceleration = trans_props.poa_deceleration
brain.poaVelocity = trans_props.poa_velocity
if trans_props.pos_cut:
brain.setFlags(plCameraBrain1.kCutPos, True)
if trans_props.poa_cut:
brain.setFlags(plCameraBrain1.kCutPOA, True)
if camera_props.poa_type == "avatar":
brain.setFlags(plCameraBrain1.kFollowLocalAvatar, True)
if camera_props.maintain_los:
brain.setFlags(plCameraBrain1.kMaintainLOS, True)
if camera_props.poa_worldspace:
brain.setFlags(plCameraBrain1.kWorldspacePOA, True)
if camera_props.pos_worldspace:
brain.setFlags(plCameraBrain1.kWorldspacePos, True)
if camera_props.ignore_subworld:
brain.setFlags(plCameraBrain1.kIgnoreSubworldMovement, True)
if camera_props.fall_vertical:
brain.setFlags(plCameraBrain1.kVerticalWhenFalling, True)
if camera_props.fast_run:
brain.setFlags(plCameraBrain1.kSpeedUpWhenRunning, True)
def export_camera(self, so, bo, camera_type, camera_props):
6 years ago
brain = getattr(self, "_export_{}_camera".format(camera_type))(so, bo, camera_props)
mod = self._export_camera_modifier(so, bo, camera_props)
mod.brain = brain.key
def _export_camera_modifier(self, so, bo, props):
mod = self._mgr.find_create_object(plCameraModifier, so=so)
# PlasmaMAX allows the user to specify the horizontal OR vertical FOV, but not both.
# We only allow setting horizontal FOV (how often do you look up?), however.
# Plasma assumes 4:3 aspect ratio..
fov = props.fov
mod.fovW, mod.fovH = math.degrees(fov), math.degrees(fov * (3.0 / 4.0))
# This junk is only valid for animated cameras...
# Animation exporter should have already run by this point :)
if mod.animated:
mod.startAnimOnPush = props.start_on_push
mod.stopAnimOnPop = props.stop_on_pop
mod.resetAnimOnPop = props.reset_on_pop
return mod
def _export_circle_camera(self, so, bo, props):
brain = self._mgr.find_create_object(plCameraBrain1_Circle, so=so)
self._convert_brain(so, bo, props, brain)
# Circle Camera specific stuff ahoy!
if props.poa_type == "avatar":
brain.circleFlags |= plCameraBrain1_Circle.kCircleLocalAvatar
elif props.poa_type == "object":
brain.poaObject = self._mgr.find_create_key(plSceneObject, bl=props.poa_object)
self._report.warn("Circle Camera '{}' has no Point of Attention. Is this intended?",, indent=3)
if props.circle_pos == "farthest":
brain.circleFlags |= plCameraBrain1_Circle.kFarthest
# If no center object is specified, we will use the camera object's location.
# We will use a simple vector for this object to make life simpler, however,
# specifying an actual center allows you to do interesting things like animate the center...
# Fascinating! Therefore, we will expose the Plasma Object...
if props.circle_center is None: = hsVector3(*bo.location)
brain.centerObject = self._mgr.find_create_key(plSceneObject, bl=props.circle_center)
# This flag has no effect in CWE, but I'm using it for correctness' sake
brain.circleFlags |= plCameraBrain1_Circle.kHasCenterObject
# PlasmaMAX forces these values so the circle camera is rather slow, which is somewhat
# sensible to me. Fast circular motion seems like a poor idea to me... If we want these
# values to be customizable, we probably want add some kind of range limitation or at least
# a flashing red light in the UI...
brain.acceleration = 10.0
brain.deceleration = 10.0
brain.velocity = 15.0
# Related to above, circle cameras use a slightly different velocity method.
# This is stored in Plasma as a fraction of the circle's circumference. It makes
# more sense to me to present it in terms of degrees per second, however.
# NOTE that Blender returns radians!!!
brain.cirPerSec = props.circle_velocity / (2 * math.pi)
# I consider this clever... If we have a center object, we use the magnitude of the displacement
# of the camera's object to the center object (at frame 0) to determine the radius. If no center
# object is specified, we allow the user to specify the radius.
# Well, it's clever until you realize it's the same thing Cyan did in PlasmaMAX... But it's harder
# here because Blendsucks.
brain.radius = props.get_circle_radius(bo)
# Done already?
return brain
def _export_fixed_camera(self, so, bo, props):
6 years ago
self._exporter().animation.convert_object_animations(bo, so)
brain = self._mgr.find_create_object(plCameraBrain1_Fixed, so=so)
self._convert_brain(so, bo, props, brain)
return brain
def _export_follow_camera(self, so, bo, props):
brain = self._mgr.find_create_object(plCameraBrain1_Avatar, so=so)
self._convert_brain(so, bo, props, brain)
# Follow camera specific stuff ahoy!
brain.offset = hsVector3(*camera_props.pos_offset)
return brain
6 years ago
def _export_rail_camera(self, so, bo, props):
brain = self._mgr.find_create_object(plCameraBrain1_Fixed, so=so)
self._convert_brain(so, bo, props, brain)
rail = self._mgr.find_create_object(plRailCameraMod, so=so)
rail.followFlags |= plLineFollowMod.kForceToLine
if props.poa_type == "object":
rail.followMode = plLineFollowMod.kFollowObject
rail.refObj = self._mgr.find_create_key(plSceneObject, bl=props.poa_object)
rail.followMode = plLineFollowMod.kFollowLocalAvatar
if bo.parent:
rail.pathParent = self._mgr.find_create_key(plSceneObject, bl=bo.parent)
# The rail is defined by a position controller in Plasma. Cyan uses a separate
# path object, but it makes more sense to me to just animate the camera with
# the details of the path...
pos_fcurves = tuple(i for i in helpers.fetch_fcurves(bo, False) if i.data_path == "location")
pos_ctrl = self._exporter().animation.convert_transform_controller(pos_fcurves, bo.matrix_basis)
if pos_ctrl is None:
raise ExportError("'{}': Rail Camera lacks appropriate rail keyframes".format(
path = plAnimPath()
path.controller = pos_ctrl
path.affineParts = utils.affine_parts(bo.matrix_local)
begin, end = bo.animation_data.action.frame_range
for fcurve in pos_fcurves:
f1, f2 = fcurve.evaluate(begin), fcurve.evaluate(end)
if abs(f1 - f2) > 0.001:
# The animation is a loop
path.flags |= plAnimPath.kWrap
path.length = end / bpy.context.scene.render.fps
rail.path = path
brain.rail = rail.key
return brain
def _mgr(self):
return self._exporter().mgr
def _report(self):
return self._exporter().report