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# This file is part of Korman.
# Korman is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Korman is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with Korman. If not, see <>.
import mathutils
from PyHSPlasma import *
import weakref
from . import utils
class PhysicsConverter:
def __init__(self, exporter):
self._exporter = weakref.ref(exporter)
def _convert_mesh_data(self, bo, physical, indices=True):
mesh =
# Yes, we have to have transform data here, even if we have a CoordInterface
mat = bo.matrix_world
physical.rot = utils.quaternion(mat.to_quaternion())
physical.pos = utils.vector3(mat.to_translation())
# Vertices are simple. Note that all scale transforms were applied by the exporter long
# before we got here. Yay!
vertices = [hsVector3(,, for i in mesh.vertices]
if indices:
indices = []
for face in mesh.tessfaces:
v = face.vertices
if len(v) == 3:
indices += v
elif len(v) == 4:
indices += (v[0], v[1], v[2],)
indices += (v[0], v[2], v[3],)
return (vertices, indices)
return vertices
def generate_physical(self, bo, so, name=None):
"""Generates a physical object for the given object pair"""
if so.sim is None:
if name is None:
name =
simIface = self._mgr.add_object(pl=plSimulationInterface, bl=bo)
physical = self._mgr.add_object(pl=plGenericPhysical, bl=bo, name=name)
simIface.physical = physical.key
physical.object = so.key
physical.sceneNode = self._mgr.get_scene_node(bl=bo)
simIface = so.sim.object
physical = simIface.physical.object
if name is not None: = name
return (simIface, physical)
def export(self, bo, physical, bounds):
getattr(self, "_export_{}".format(bounds))(bo, physical)
def _export_box(self, bo, physical):
"""Exports box bounds based on the object"""
physical.boundsType = plSimDefs.kBoxBounds
vertices = self._convert_mesh_data(bo, physical, indices=False)
def _export_hull(self, bo, physical):
"""Exports convex hull bounds based on the object"""
physical.boundsType = plSimDefs.kHullBounds
vertices = self._convert_mesh_data(bo, physical, indices=False)
# --- TODO ---
# Until we have real convex hull processing, simply dump the verts into the physical
# Note that PyPRP has always done this... PhysX will optimize this for us. So, it's not
# the end of the world (but it is evil).
physical.verts = vertices
def _export_sphere(self, bo, physical):
"""Exports sphere bounds based on the object"""
physical.boundsType = plSimDefs.kSphereBounds
vertices = self._convert_mesh_data(bo, physical, indices=False)
def _export_trimesh(self, bo, physical):
"""Exports an object's mesh as exact physical bounds"""
physical.boundsType = plSimDefs.kExplicitBounds
vertices, indices = self._convert_mesh_data(bo, physical)
physical.verts = vertices
physical.indices = indices
def _mgr(self):
return self._exporter().mgr