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# This file is part of Korman.
# Korman is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Korman is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with Korman. If not, see <>.
import bpy
import os.path
from PyHSPlasma import *
import time
from . import explosions
from . import logger
from . import manager
from . import mesh
from . import physics
from . import utils
class Exporter:
def __init__(self, op):
self._op = op # Blender export operator
self._objects = []
def age_name(self):
return os.path.splitext(os.path.split(self._op.filepath)[1])[0]
def run(self):
with logger.ExportLogger("{}_export.log".format(self.age_name)) as _log:
print("Exporting '{}.age'".format(self.age_name))
start = time.process_time()
# Step 0: Init export resmgr and stuff
self.mgr = manager.ExportManager(globals()[self._op.version])
self.mesh = mesh.MeshConverter(self) = logger.ExportAnalysis()
self.physics = physics.PhysicsConverter(self)
# Step 1: Gather a list of objects that we need to export
# We should do this first so we can sanity check
# and give accurate progress reports
# Step 2: Create the age info and the pages
# Step 2.9: Ensure that all Plasma Objects are in a valid page
# This creates the default page if it is used
self.mgr.sanity_check_object_pages(self.age_name, self._objects)
# Step 3: Export all the things!
# Step 4: Finalize...
# Step 5: FINALLY. Let's write the PRPs and crap.
# Step 5.1: Save out the export report.
# If the export fails and this doesn't save, we have bigger problems than
# these little warnings and notices.
# And finally we crow about how awesomely fast we are...
end = time.process_time()
print("\nExported {}.age in {:.2f} seconds".format(self.age_name, end-start))
def _collect_objects(self):
for obj in
if obj.plasma_object.enabled:
def _export_age_info(self):
# Make life slightly easier...
age_info =
age_name = self.age_name
mgr = self.mgr
# Generate the plAgeInfo
# Create all the pages we need
for page in age_info.pages:
mgr.create_page(age_name,, page.seq_suffix)
mgr.create_builtins(age_name, self._op.use_texture_page)
def _export_actor(self, so, bo):
"""Exports a Coordinate Interface if we need one"""
if self.mgr.has_coordiface(bo):
self._export_coordinate_interface(so, bo)
# If this object has a parent, then we will need to go upstream and add ourselves to the
# parent's CoordinateInterface... Because life just has to be backwards.
parent = bo.parent
if parent is not None:
if parent.plasma_object.enabled:
print(" Attaching to parent SceneObject '{}'".format(
# Instead of exporting a skeleton now, we'll just make an orphaned CI.
# The bl_obj export will make this work.
parent_ci = self.mgr.find_create_key(parent, plCoordinateInterface).object
else:"You have parented Plasma Object '{}' to '{}', which has not been marked for export. \
The object may not appear in the correct location or animate properly.".format(,
def _export_coordinate_interface(self, so, bo):
"""Ensures that the SceneObject has a CoordinateInterface"""
if not so.coord:
print(" Exporting CoordinateInterface")
ci = self.mgr.find_create_key(bo, plCoordinateInterface)
so.coord = ci
ci = ci.object
# Now we have the "fun" work of filling in the CI
10 years ago
ci.localToWorld = utils.matrix44(bo.matrix_basis)
ci.worldToLocal = ci.localToWorld.inverse()
ci.localToParent = utils.matrix44(bo.matrix_local)
ci.parentToLocal = ci.localToParent.inverse()
def _export_scene_objects(self):
for bl_obj in self._objects:
print("\n[SceneObject '{}']".format(
# First pass: do things specific to this object type.
# note the function calls: to export a MESH, it's _export_mesh_blobj
export_fn = "_export_{}_blobj".format(bl_obj.type.lower())
export_fn = getattr(self, export_fn)
except AttributeError:
print("WARNING: '{}' is a Plasma Object of Blender type '{}'".format(, bl_obj.type))
print("... And I have NO IDEA what to do with that! Tossing.")
print(" Blender Object '{}' of type '{}'".format(, bl_obj.type))
# Create a sceneobject if one does not exist.
# Before we call the export_fn, we need to determine if this object is an actor of any
# sort, and barf out a CI.
sceneobject = self.mgr.find_create_key(bl_obj, plSceneObject).object
self._export_actor(sceneobject, bl_obj)
export_fn(sceneobject, bl_obj)
# And now we puke out the modifiers...
for mod in bl_obj.plasma_modifiers.modifiers:
print(" Exporting '{}' modifier as '{}'".format(mod.bl_label, mod.display_name))
mod.export(self, bl_obj, sceneobject)
def _export_empty_blobj(self, so, bo):
# We don't need to do anything here. This function just makes sure we don't error out
# or add a silly special case :(
def _export_mesh_blobj(self, so, bo):
so.draw = self.mesh.export_object(bo)
print(" No material(s) on the ObData, so no drawables")