[Scene Object - MoonGlow02] Added Coord interface "MoonGlow02"
[Scene Object - MoonGlow03] Added Coord interface "MoonGlow03"
[Scene Object - MoonRound02] Added Coord interface "MoonRound02"
[Scene Object - MoonRound03] Added Coord interface "MoonRound03"
[Scene Object - SkyHigh] Added Coord interface "SkyHigh"
[Scene Object - SunGlow] Added Coord interface "SunGlow"
[Scene Object - SunRound] Added Coord interface "SunRound"
[Layer - Map #737] Lightning changed to Two-Sided layer, due to being able to swim past the objects now
[Layer - Map #7370] Lightning changed to Two-Sided layer, due to being able to swim past the objects now
[Layer - Map #7371] Lightning changed to Two-Sided layer, due to being able to swim past the objects now
[Layer - Map #7373] Lightning changed to Two-Sided layer, due to being able to swim past the objects now
[Layer - Map #7374] Lightning changed to Two-Sided layer, due to being able to swim past the objects now
[Coord Interface - SkyHighStormy] Doubled the x/y/z to scale it double
[Coord Interface - SkyLow] Doubled the x/y/z to scale it double
[Coord Interface - MoonGlow02] New. Doubled the x/y/z to scale it double
[Coord Interface - MoonGlow03] New. Doubled the x/y/z to scale it double
[Coord Interface - MoonRound02] New. Doubled the x/y/z to scale it double
[Coord Interface - MoonRound03] New. Doubled the x/y/z to scale it double
[Coord Interface - SkyHigh] New. Doubled the x/y/z to scale it double
[Coord Interface - SunGlow] New. Doubled the x/y/z to scale it double
[Coord Interface - SunRound] New. Doubled the x/y/z to scale it double
[Draw Interface - MoonRound02] Add Vis Region "Page27_Oceans_OceanWSDummy" and "Page27_Oceans_OceanWSDummy02" to Regions
[Draw Interface - MoonRound03] Add Vis Region "Page27_Oceans_OceanWSDummy" and "Page27_Oceans_OceanWSDummy02" to Regions
[Draw Interface - SkyHigh] Add Vis Region "Page27_Oceans_OceanWSDummy" and "Page27_Oceans_OceanWSDummy02" to Regions
[Draw Interface - SkyHighStormy] Add Vis Region "Page27_Oceans_OceanWSDummy" and "Page27_Oceans_OceanWSDummy02" to Regions
[Draw Interface - SunRound] Add Vis Region "Page27_Oceans_OceanWSDummy" and "Page27_Oceans_OceanWSDummy02" to Regions
[Draw Interface - MoonRound02] Add Vis Region "Page27_Oceans_OceanWSDummy" and "Page27_Oceans_OceanWSDummy02" to Regions
[Drawable Span - Personal_psnlMYSTII_40000000_aBlendSpans6] Moved render level to 0x40000001 from 0x40000000. Bugs would render under the ocean.
[Cluster group - Cluster_Straw45_3] Adjust some of the grass due to it floating in mid air
[Cluster group - Cluster_Weeds_4] Adjust some of the grass due to it floating in mid air
[Scene Node - Personal_psnlFanYeeshaPages01] Adds Scene Objects "Page24_Storm_ElectricalArc01New", "Page24_Storm_ElectricalArc02New", "Page24_Storm_ElectricalArc03New", "Page24_Storm_ElectricalArc04New", "Page24_Storm_ElectricalArc05New", "Page24_Storm_VisController", "Page27_Oceans_ClimbOutRegion01", "Page27_Oceans_ClimbOutRegion02", "Page27_Oceans_ClimbOutRegion03", "Page27_Oceans_ClimbOutRegion04", "Page27_Oceans_ClimbOutSlope01", "Page27_Oceans_ClimbOutSlope02", "Page27_Oceans_IslandWallCollision", "Page27_Oceans_OceanBarrier", "Page27_Oceans_OceanRefl", "Page27_Oceans_OceanWS", "Page27_Oceans_OceanWSDummy", "Page27_Oceans_OceanWSDummy02", "Page27_Oceans_SfxRegSenFeet_Dirt01", "Page27_Oceans_SfxRegSenFeet_Dirt02", "Page27_Oceans_SfxRegSenFeet_Pinnacle_Stone02", "Page27_Oceans_SfxRegSenFeet-Swim02", "Page27_Oceans_SfxRespFeet_Pinnacle_Stone03", "Page27_Oceans_SwimDetectRegion01", "Page27_Oceans_SwimDockExitSeekPOS1", "Page27_Oceans_SwimDockExitSeekPOS2", "Page27_Oceans_SwimDockExitSeekPOS3", "Page27_Oceans_SwimDockExitSeekPOS4", "Page27_Oceans_SwimSurfaceCenter", "SurfacePatch", "IslandButteSkirtPatch", "Page06_Dock_VisController", and "Page07_Islands_VisController"
[Scene Object - Page27_Oceans_OceanWSDummy02] Adds Python File Mod "cPythYeeshaPage27 - Ocean On" to modifiers
[Scene Object - Page27_Oceans_OceanWSDummy] Adds Python File Mod "cPythYeeshaPage27 - Ocean On" to modifiers
[Scene Object - Page27_Oceans_OceanWS] Adds Python File Mod "cPythYeeshaPage27 - Ocean On" to modifiers
[Page27_Oceans_OceanRefl] Adds Python File Mod "cPythYeeshaPage27 - Ocean On" to modifiers
[Page27_Oceans_SwimDetectRegion01] Adds Python File Mod "cPythYeeshaPage27 - Ocean On" to modifiers
[Page27_Oceans_SwimSurfaceCenter] Adds Python File Mod "cPythYeeshaPage27 - Ocean On" to modifiers
[Page27_Oceans_WaterSwimCameraRegion01] Adds Python File Mod "cPythYeeshaPage27 - Ocean On" to modifiers
[Page27_Oceans_ClimbOutSlope01] Adds Python File Mod "cPythYeeshaPage27 - Ocean On" to modifiers
[Page27_Oceans_ClimbOutSlope02] Adds Python File Mod "cPythYeeshaPage27 - Ocean On" to modifiers
[Page27_Oceans_ClimbOutRegion01] Adds Python File Mod "cPythYeeshaPage27 - Ocean On" to modifiers
[Scene Object - Page27_Oceans_SwimDockExitSeekPOS1] Renamed from Page27_Oceans_SwimDockExitSeekPOS
[Scene Object - Page24_Storm_ElectricalArc01New] New Object to fix visible paneling for Lightning strikes
[Scene Object - Page24_Storm_ElectricalArc02New] New Object to fix visible paneling for Lightning strikes
[Scene Object - Page24_Storm_ElectricalArc03New] New Object to fix visible paneling for Lightning strikes
[Scene Object - Page24_Storm_ElectricalArc04New] New Object to fix visible paneling for Lightning strikes
[Scene Object - Page24_Storm_ElectricalArc05New] New Object to fix visible paneling for Lightning strikes
[Scene Object - Page27_Oceans_OceanBarrier] New Object that prevents swiming too far out
[Scene Object - Page27_Oceans_SwimDockExitSeekPOS4] New object that adds climb out point
[Scene Object - Page27_Oceans_ClimbOutRegion04] New object that adds climb out region
[Scene Object - Page24_Storm_VisController] Hides old Lightning panels. Was too difficult to remove them from existing drawable span without causing issues
[Scene Object - SurfacePatch] Adds new object that covers whole in relto island that is visible with being able to swim around the island
[Scene Object - IslandButteSkirtPatch] Adds new object that covers whole in relto island that is visible with being able to swim around the island
[Scene Object - Page06_Dock_VisController] Hides climb out points when the dock is not active
[Scene Object - Page07_Islands_VisController] Hides the climbout collisions around second island near clock island when Islands page is not active
[Coord Interface - Page27_Oceans_SwimDockExitSeekPOS1] Owner renamed
[Coord Interface - Page26_VeeTsahSky_SkyHighStormy] Doubled X/Y/Z to enlarge swimmable area
[Coord Interface - Page27_Oceans_SwimDockExitSeekPOS4] New
[Coord Interface - Page27_Oceans_ClimbOutRegion04] New
[Coord Interface - SurfacePatch] New
[Coord Interface - IslandButteSkirtPatch] New
[Draw Interface - Page26_VeeTsahSky_MoonRound02] Add Vis Region "Page27_Oceans_OceanWSDummy" and "Page27_Oceans_OceanWSDummy02" to Vis Regions
[Draw Interface - Page26_VeeTsahSky_MoonRound03] Add Vis Region "Page27_Oceans_OceanWSDummy" and "Page27_Oceans_OceanWSDummy02" to Vis Regions
[Draw Interface - Page26_VeeTsahSky_SkyHighStormy] Add Vis Region "Page27_Oceans_OceanWSDummy" and "Page27_Oceans_OceanWSDummy02" to Vis Regions
[Draw Interface - Page26_VeeTsahSky_MoonRound02] Add Vis Region "Page27_Oceans_OceanWSDummy" and "Page27_Oceans_OceanWSDummy02" to Vis Regions
[Draw Interface - Page26_VeeTsahSky_MoonRound02] Add Vis Region "Page27_Oceans_OceanWSDummy" and "Page27_Oceans_OceanWSDummy02" to Vis Regions
[Draw Interface - Page26_VeeTsahSky_MoonRound02] Add Vis Region "Page27_Oceans_OceanWSDummy" and "Page27_Oceans_OceanWSDummy02" to Vis Regions
[Draw Interface - Page24_Storm_ElectricalArc01New] New
[Draw Interface - Page24_Storm_ElectricalArc02New] New
[Draw Interface - Page24_Storm_ElectricalArc03New] New
[Draw Interface - Page24_Storm_ElectricalArc04New] New
[Draw Interface - Page24_Storm_ElectricalArc05New] New
[Draw Interface - SurfacePatch] New
[Draw Interface - IslandButteSkirtPatch] New
[Sim Interface - Page27_Oceans_OceanBarrier] New
[Sim Interface - Page27_Oceans_ClimbOutRegion04] New
[Logic Modifier - Page27_Oceans_RegSens-ClimbOut04_Enter] New
[Gen Physical - Page27_Oceans_OceanBarrier] New
[Gen Physical - Page27_Oceans_ClimbOutRegion04] New
[Drawable Span - Page27_Oceans_40000000_ABlendSpans] Render level changed to 0x40000001, Redid some triangles to eliminate visible lines in ocean env map
[Drawalbe Span - Page27_Oceans_40000004_ABlendSpans] Unneed Material removed, Unneed Icicles removed
[Drawable Span - Page24_Storm_80000000_2BlendSpans] New Lighting Panel drawable span, needed to be seperated because they were on the wrong render level and could cause the alpha to become visible when objects where behind it
[Drawable Span - Personal_Patch_00000000_0Spans] new Drawable span for objects to fix hole in island
[One Shot Mod - Page27_Oceans_OneShot-ClimbOut_4] New
[Responder Modifier - Page27_Oceans_Resp-ClimbOut04] New
[Python File Mod - cPythYeeshaPage27 - Vis Controller] Adds various objects that need to be hidden when Ocean page is active
[Python File Mod - cPythYeeshaPage24 - Vis Controller] Hides Old Lighting Objects
[Python File Mod - cPythYeeshaPage06 - Vis Controller] Hides Climb Out sections for dock when Dock Page isnt active
[Python File Mod - cPythYeeshaPage07 - Vis Controller] Hides Climb Out sections for island near clock when islands page isnt active
[Volume Sensor Conditional - Page27_Oceans_RegSens-ClimbOut04_Enter] New
[Interface Info Modifier - Page27_Oceans_ClimbOutRegion04] New
[Object in Volume And Facing Detector - Page27_Oceans_RegSens-ClimbOut04_Enter] New
[Wave Set 7 - Page27_Oceans_OceanWS] TexState MaxLen changed to 25, Env Refresh Radius set to 5000, Removed Log Bouys as they floated still when the ocean was hidden
[Dynamic Env Map - Page27_Oceans_OceanWSEnvMap_DynEnvMap] Hide characters from reflecting in ocean
[Dynamic Cam Map - Page27_Oceans_OceanReflEnvMap_DynEnvMap] Hide characters from reflecting in ocean
[Scene Node - GUI_YeeshaPageGUI] Adds Scene Object "YeeshaPage27-Ocean"
[Scene Object - YeeshaPage27-Ocean] New
[Mipmap -] New
[Layer - Map #733024] New
[Material - sketchOcean] New
[Coord Interface - YeeshaPagePlane] Add Scene Object "YeeshaPage27-Ocean" to children
[Coord Interface - YeeshaPage27-Ocean] New
[Draw Interface - YeeshaPage27-Ocean] New
[Drawable Span - GUI_YeeshaPageGUI_10000008_0BlendSpans] Added Ocean page
[Layer Animation - Map #733024_Anim] New
[GUI Dialog mod - YeeshaPageGUI] Added GUI Button Mod "GUIYeeshaPageBtn27" to Controls
[GUI Button Mod - GUIYeeshaPageBtn27] New
[MipMap -] New
[Image Lib Mod - StandardBookImageLib] Added MipMap ""
This repository is used to host assets used in Cyan World's Myst Online: Uru Live game in both their source and compiled form. The purpose of this repository is to track fan contributions to the game content and be used as a source to build a functioning asset distribution server for the Myst Online: Uru Live game.
Related Projects
Plasma - Plasma Engine used by Myst Online: Uru Live.
moul-scripts - Myst Online: Uru Live game scripts.
dirtsand - An open-source Plasma-compatible server project.
korman - Blender plugin for creating ages for Cyan Worlds' Plasma engine.
This repository is intended to track large binary files where diffs are impractical. All binary objects are stored on the Guild of Writers server to avoid incurring additional fees from GitHub. To prevent abuse/spam, the ability to push binary objects is restricted to approved users, even in your own fork. If you would like to contribute to this repository, you can request access here.
Source Assets
Source assets in this repository must be complete and in a format that is trivial to export or compile for the Myst Online version of the Plasma engine. Therefore, the sources must be one of the following:
A Korman/Blender .blend file
A 3ds Max 7 .max file
Ancillary files such as audio and textures are permissible, however, code should be tracked in the appropriate repository. Absolutely no Blender 2.49/PyPRP .blend files will be accepted due to their inherent incompatibility with Myst Online.
Compiled Assets
Compiled assets are the binary assets used directly by the game engine. Code files should be tracked in the appropriate repository.
Help! I ran git push and only see a blinking caret!
As stated above, push access is restricted to approved users. You can request access here. If you have already been approved, then this is likely the result of a permissions error. Gitea, the solution we use for hosting the binary objects, disallows password authentication if you have enabled Two-Factor Authentication (2FA). You will need to create an API token on the Guild of Writers Gitea and use that as your password when prompted for a password for