""" Module: Descent.py Age: Descent Date: January 2004 Event Manager hooks for Descent """ from Plasma import * from PlasmaTypes import * from PlasmaVaultConstants import * class Descent(ptResponder): def __init__(self): ptResponder.__init__(self) self.id = 5325 self.version = 1 def OnServerInitComplete(self): self.ICityBookLink() def OnVaultNotify(self,type,tupdata): # was an owned age just added? if type == PtVaultNotifyTypes.kRegisteredOwnedAge: link = tupdata[0] name = link.getAgeInfo().getAgeFilename() if name == "Descent": cityBookSP = ptSpawnPointInfo("dsntShaftFall","LinkInPointShaftFall") link.addSpawnPoint(cityBookSP) link.save() PtDebugPrint("Descent - setting the spawnpoint for the city book - OnVaultNotify",level=kDebugDumpLevel) else: PtDebugPrint("Descent - registering age '%s' (why is this not Descent?)"%(name)) else: PtDebugPrint("Descent:OnVaultNotify - not what we want - type=%d"%(type),level=kDebugDumpLevel) def ICityBookLink(self): vault = ptVault() folder = vault.getAgesIOwnFolder() contents = folder.getChildNodeRefList() for content in contents: link = content.getChild() link = link.upcastToAgeLinkNode() name = link.getAgeInfo().getAgeFilename() if name == "Descent": cityBookSP = ptSpawnPointInfo("dsntShaftFall","LinkInPointShaftFall") link.addSpawnPoint(cityBookSP) link.save() PtDebugPrint("Descent:OnServerInitComplete - setting the spawnpoint for the city book",level=kDebugDumpLevel) return PtDebugPrint("Descent:OnServerInitComplete - error - Descent is not there... hopefully OnVaultNotify catches it") return