<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <localizations> <age name="Personal"> <set name="Bookshelf"> <element name="DeleteBook"> <translation language="English">Are you sure you want to delete this book, and lose your progress in the age?</translation> </element> <element name="DeleteNeighborhoodBook"> <translation language="English">Are you sure you want to delete this book, and lose your membership in this neighborhood? Re-insert your KI into the Marker Machine to restore your GZ link.</translation> </element> </set> <set name="Journals"> <element name="Yeesha"> <translation language="English"><![CDATA[<cover src="xYeeshaJournalCover*1#0.hsm"><font face=Yeesha size=30 color=000000><margin right=32 left=32><p align=center> <pb> <img src="xYeeshaJournalTLDNHydrantSketch*1#0.hsm" align=center blend=alpha resize=no> <img src="xDniONE*1#0.hsm" align=center blend=alpha resize=no> <pb> <font size=28>Teledahn <font size=24>The truth of a man is found in the darkness, beneath the surface. Some light might reveal only what some men want to be seen. <font size=20>Regeltavok Oorpah - Book 9, Entry 221, Item 29 <img src="xDniTWO*1#0.hsm" align=center blend=alpha resize=no> <pb> <pb> <img src="xYeeshaJournalGRSNHydrantSketch*1#0.hsm" align=center blend=alpha resize=no> <img src="xDniTHREE*1#0.hsm" align=center blend=alpha resize=no> <pb> <pb> <font size=28>Gahreesen <font size=24>The laws contrived by the proud are their security and their undoing. Such laws make disobedience a virtue, and obedience a sin. <font size=20>Regeltavok Oorpah - Book 12, Entry 32, Item 134 <img src="xDniFOUR*1#0.hsm" align=center blend=alpha resize=no> <pb> <pb> <img src="xYeeshaJournalKDSHHydrantSketch*1#0.hsm" align=center blend=alpha resize=no> <img src="xDniFIVE*1#0.hsm" align=center blend=alpha resize=no> <pb> <pb> <font size=28>Kadish Tolesa <font size=24>Only the way a man is when he is hidden, is how he is. A shallow glimpse can deceive. Look deep, ponder, and recognize all that is hidden. <font size=20>Regeltavok Oorpah - Book 9, Entry 221, Item 77 <img src="xDniSIX*1#0.hsm" align=center blend=alpha resize=no> <pb> <pb> <img src="xYeeshaJournalGRDNHydrantSketch*1#0.hsm" align=center blend=alpha resize=no> <img src="xDniSEVEN*1#0.hsm" align=center blend=alpha resize=no> <pb> <pb> <font size=28>Eder Kemo and Eder Gira <font size=24>When all is taken from one, the only hope that remains is what is given by another. Through this giving, both are redeemed. <font size=20>Regeltavok Oorpah - Book 2, Entry 1,071, Item 54 <img src="xDniEIGHT*1#0.hsm" align=center blend=alpha resize=no> ]]></translation> </element> </set> </age> </localizations>