Gameplay Notes

Hector Cove Main



Fun With Hopperbots Gameplay Design Doc

Note:  Production team desires that any numbers mentioned be easily tweakable.

To be played by one or two people.

Hoppers flock together on land in homebase(s) until a timer boots 1 out to meander down one of two paths.

Depending on location of Gator, both paths may result in life or death.

Non-booted hoppers always stay within boundaries of homebase(s).

There are always 8-12 hoppers in scene at any time.

Player can control at most 3 hoppers.

If controlling 3, one of those 3 will commit to closest path after 30 seconds.

Hoppers' feelings toward player fall in one of four states:  Fear, Uncertainty, Curiosity, Adoration.

· Initial state is Uncertainty.
            3 deaths move hoppers one step toward Fear.
            3 freedoms move hoppers one step toward Adore.
· Fear
            Timer boots 1 hopper out of homebase every 15 seconds.
            hoppers always move as far from player as they can get.
· Uncertainty
            Timer boots 1 hopper out of homebase every 30 seconds.
            hoppers attempt to stay no less than 10ft away from player.
            If player runs, hopper is feared.
· Curiosity
            Timer boots 1 hopper out of homebase every 30 seconds.
            hoppers move toward player if player is not facing them but no closer than 3ft.
            hoppers stay no less than 7ft away from player if player faces them.
            If player runs, hopper runs in opposite direction until 10ft away.
· Adoration
            Timer boots 1 hopper out of homebase every 15 seconds.

            hoppers stay no more than 5ft from player.

When 20 hoppers are saved, the player(s) receive some visual reward.


Hopper deaths/frees effect both players' relationships equally.
            Player's always share same relationship with hoppers.
In cases of competing player influence:
            proximity carries highest weight
            if proximity fails to resolve conflict, flip a coin