[Scene Node - Personal_psnlFanYeeshaPages01] Added to scene objects Scene Object "Page28_BlueFlowers_ypFlowers" and Pool objects - cluster group "Page28_BlueFlowers_ypFlowers_1" and "Page28_BlueFlowers_ypFlowers_2"
[Scene Object - Page28_BlueFlowers_ypFlowers] New
[Layer - Page28_Map #7308_funkRam] New
[Layer - Page28_Map #7308] New
[Material - Page28_Material #2185] New
[Coord Interface - Page28_BlueFlowers_ypFlowers] New
[Python File Mod - cPythYeeshaPage28 - Flowers On] New
[Cluster Group - Page28_BlueFlowers_ypFlowers_1] New
[Cluster Group - Page28_BlueFlowers_ypFlowers_2] New
[MipMap -] New
[Image Lib Mod - StandardBookImageLib] Added MipMap ""
[Scene Node - GUI_YeeshaPageGUI] Adds Scene Object "YeeshaPage28-BlueFlower"
[Scene Object - YeeshaPage27-BlueFlower] New
[Mipmap -] New
[Layer - Map #733025] New
[Material - sketchBlueFlower] New
[Coord Interface - YeeshaPagePlane] Add Scene Object "YeeshaPage28-BlueFlower" to children
[Coord Interface - YeeshaPage27-BlueFlower] New
[Draw Interface - YeeshaPage27-BlueFlower] New
[Drawable Span - GUI_YeeshaPageGUI_10000008_0BlendSpans] Added Blue Flower page
[Layer Animation - Map #733025_Anim] New
[GUI Dialog mod - YeeshaPageGUI] Added GUI Button Mod "GUIYeeshaPageBtn28" to Controls
[GUI Button Mod - GUIYeeshaPageBtn28] New
[MipMap - clftblueflower*0#0.hsm] New
[Scene Node - Cleft_tmnaDesert] Added scene object - "YeeshaPage28", "YeeshaPageIcon28" and "RgnYeeshaPage28"
[Scene Object - YeeshaPage28] New
[Scene Object - YeeshaPageIcon28] New
[Scene Object - RgnYeeshaPage28] New
[Layer - Map #72934] New
[Material - YeeshaPage28] New
[Coord interface - YeeshaPage28] New
[Coord Interface - YeeshaPageIcon28] New
[Draw Interface - YeeshaPage28] New
[Draw Interface - YeeshaPageIcon28] New
[Sim Interface - YeeshaPage28] New
[Sim Interface - RgnYeeshaPage28] New
[Picking Detector - cClkYeeshaPage28] New
[Logic Modifier - cClkYeeshaPage28] New
[Activator Conditional Object - cClkYeeshaPage28] New
[Object in Box Conditional Object - cClkYeeshaPage28] New
[Facing Conditional Object - cClkYeeshaPage28] New
[Gen Physical - YeeshaPage28] New
[Gen Physical - RgnYeeshaPage28] New
[Drawable Span - cleft_tmnaDesert_40000004_ABlendSpans] New
[Drawable Span - cleft_tmnaDesert_40000008_ABlendSpans] New
[Object in Volume Detector - cClkYeeshaPage28] New
[Responder Modifier - cRespBahroCreatures] Locs changed due to saving. Did not make any changes to objects
[Python File Mod - cPythYeeshaPage28] New
[Python File Mod - cPythYeeshaPage28ShowHide SDL] New
[Interface Info Mod - YeeshaPage28] New
[MipMap - xyeeshapagealphasketchBlueFlowers_0#0.hsm] New
[Gen Phys - clkDoorOpenExt] Adjusted transform due to doors moving locations
[Gen Phys - clkDoorOpenInt] Adjusted transform due to doors moving locations
[ATC Anim - Door_Left_close_anim_0] New keyframes setup for doors
[ATC Anim - Door_Left_open_anim_1] New keyframes setup for doors
[ATC Anim - Door_Right_close_anim_0] New keyframes setup for doors
[ATC Anim - Door_Right_open_anim_1] New keyframes setup for doors
[Mipmap -] Created. Graphic done by CalumTraveler. THANK YOU!
[plImageLibMod - StandardBookImageLib] Added Mipmap "" to Images
[Scene Node - GUI_YeeshaPageGUI] Added Scene Object "YeeshaPage26-VeeTsah"
[Scene Object - YeeshaPage26-VeeTsah] Created. Added Draw Interface "YeeshaPage26-VeeTsah", Coordinate Interface "YeeshaPage26-VeeTsah", Audio Interface "cSfxGUI-Glow_28". Added to Modifiers - Gui Button Mod "GUIYeeshaPageBtn26"
[Mipmap -] Created. Graphic done by CalumTraveler. THANK YOU!
[Layer - Map #733023] Created. Duplicate of "Map #733022", Texture change to Mipmap ""
[Material - sketchVeeTsah] Created. Added to Layers - Layer Animation "Map #733023_anim"
[Audio Interface - cSfxGUI-Glow_28] Duplicate of Audio Interface "cSfxGUI-Glow_27", Audible set to Win Audible "cSfxGUI-Glow_28", Owner set to Scene Object "YeeshaPage26-VeeTsah"
[Win Audible - cSfxGUI-Glow_28] Duplicate of Win Audible "cSfxGUI-Glow_27", Sound Object set to Static Sound "cSfxGUI-Glow_Win32GUISound27"
[Coordinate Interface - YeeshaPagePlane] Children - Added Scene Object "YeeshaPage26-VeeTsah"
[Coordinate Interface - YeeshaPage26-VeeTsah] Duplicate of Coord Interface "YeeshaPage25-BahroPoles". Owner changed to Scene Object "YeeshaPage26-VeeTsah".
[Draw Interface - YeeshaPage26-VeeTsah] Created. Owner set to Scene Object "YeeshaPage26-VeeTsah". Draw key set to 0 and Drawable Span "GUI_YeeshaPageGUI_10000008_0BlendSpans_Page26"
[Layer Animation - Map #733023_anim] Duplicate of Layer Animation "Map #733022_anim". Base Layer set to Layer "Map #733023"
[Drawable Span - GUI_YeeshaPageGUI_10000008_0BlendSpans_Page26] Created with Blender
[Static Sound - cSfxGUI-Glow_Win32GUISound27] Duplicate of Static Sound "cSfxGUI-Glow_Win32GUISound26"
[GUI Dialog Mod - YeeshaPageGUI] Added GUI Button Mod "GUIYeeshaPageBtn26" between "GUIYeeshaPageBtn24" and "GUICancelLB"
[GUI Button Mod - GUIYeeshaPageBtn26] Duplicate of GUIYeeshaPageBtn25. Tag ID set to 226. Animation set to Layer Animation "Map #733023_anim"
[Scene Object - Butte006Top02] Added Simulation Interface "Butte006Top02"
[Scene Object - Butte06btm02] Added Simulation Interface "Butte06btm02"
[Scene Object - SkyHigh] Added to Modifiers - Python File Mod "cPythYeeshaPage26 - VeeTsah Off"
[Scene Object - SkyLow] Added to Modifiers - Python File Mod "cPythYeeshaPage26 - VeeTsah Off"
[Simulation Interface - Butte06btm02] Created
[Simulation Interface - Butte006Top02] Created
[Generic Physical - Surface] Added Collision Mesh to hole in back of island
[Generic Physical - Butte06btm02] Created with blender
[Generic Physical - Butte006Top02] Created with blender
[Mipmap - ALPHAGEN_NorthernSten.jpg] Added from VeeTsah_District_Textures.prp - Courtesy of Doobes
[Mipmap - BackNeb.hsm] Added from VeeTsah_District_Textures.prp - Courtesy of Doobes
[Mipmap -] Added from VeeTsah_District_Textures.prp - Courtesy of Doobes
[Mipmap - Nebula.hsm] Added from VeeTsah_District_Textures.prp - Courtesy of Doobes
[Mipmap -] Color Alterations to better fit Relto Lighting of texture Originally from VeeTsah_District_Textures.prp - Courtesy of Doobes
[Mipmap -] New - Altered to reduce black outline, original texture from prsnmoon*0#0.hsm
[Mipmap - Starfield3.hsm] Added from VeeTsah_District_Textures.prp - Courtesy of Doobes
Co-authored-by: DoobesURU <>
Co-authored-by: Traveler263 <>
- 'HutInteriorFloor': Added step-up ramp for the main bookshelf.
- 'LampCollision01', 'LampCollision02', 'LampCollision05',
'LampCollision06': Extended colliders down slightly to prevent the
avatar from getting stuck between the lamp and the ground.