This is a completely automated pass over nb01.prp with from Hoikas/moul-utils using the
nb01Marbles.json file. This is a good thing becuase the results are
completely reproducible and some rather misleading object naming is
cleaned up.
I seem to have forgotten that SDL `STRING32` variables have a fixed
length of 32 bytes. Sigh. So we must limit our names to this. Therefore,
I have renamed the shirts to "LSMysterium2021" and "SSMysterium2021".
The SDL string "LSMysterium2021;SSMysterium2021" will use up the
entirety of the 32 byte string buffer.
These PRPs are generated from the JSON source by the script, originally by @Deledrius. The specific fork used
to generate these files can be found at
Almost all of these textures have identical counterparts without the
"Assets" prefix, so the duplicates with the prefix are removed.
One file (AssetstldnPeriscopeViewSmlBlack.tga) has no counterpart
without the prefix, so it is renamed.
Two files (AssetstldnCrateSide01.tga and AssetstldnSkyFast.tga)
are different from their counterparts without the prefix, so they are
not changed.
These fixes were compiled by @Hoikas over the last 4 years. Changes
- Fixed miniKI text chat scaling in non-4:3 resolutions by fixing the
GUI MultiLineEdit component to "scale with resolution".
- Fixed the BigKI "text x-raying" effect by adding Blend Onto components
to the objects.
- Hid the blackbar handles that could become visible on ultrawide
resolutions (eg 3840x1600).
- Fixed the BigKI background static animation.