Kadish moon elevator subworld no longer interacts with player
[Scene Node - Kadish_kdshGlowInTheDark] Added Scene Object "ElevatorDetector"
[Scene Object - ElevatorShaftColumn] Added simulation interface "ElevatorShaftColumn"
[Scene Object - ElevatorDetector] Created. Added simulation interface "ElevatorDetector", and Coordinate Interface "ElevatorDetector". Added to Modifiers the RidingAnimatedPhysicalDetector "RideAnimatedPhysicalRegion01"
[Coordinate Interface - SubWorld_New] Scene Object "ElevatorDetector" added to children
[Coordinate Interface - ElevatorDetector] Created. Local to world set to xyz 722.179993/-120.223999/-64.274498 and World to Local set to xyz -722.179993/120.223999/64.274498
[Simulation Interface - ElevatorDetector] Created
[Simulation Interface - ElevatorShaftColumn] Created
[Generic Physical - ElevShaftProxy] Adjusted downwards to provide collisions where needed.
New Verts are below
<hsVector3 X="740.1274414" Y="-112.9572144" Z="-50.40106583" />
<hsVector3 X="737.4561768" Y="-108.4223251" Z="-50.40106583" />
<hsVector3 X="737.4561768" Y="-108.4223175" Z="-120.0982208" />
<hsVector3 X="740.1274414" Y="-112.9572144" Z="-120.0982208" />
<hsVector3 X="732.1929932" Y="-108.4683685" Z="-50.40106201" />
<hsVector3 X="732.1929932" Y="-108.4683685" Z="-120.0982208" />
<hsVector3 X="737.5355225" Y="-117.538147" Z="-50.40106201" />
<hsVector3 X="737.5355225" Y="-117.538147" Z="-120.0982208" />
<hsVector3 X="729.6012573" Y="-113.0491867" Z="-50.40106583" />
<hsVector3 X="729.6012573" Y="-113.0491867" Z="-120.0982132" />
<hsVector3 X="732.272522" Y="-117.5840759" Z="-50.40106583" />
<hsVector3 X="732.272522" Y="-117.5840759" Z="-120.0982132" />
<hsVector3 X="737.7039795" Y="-117.9446487" Z="-123.0609131" />
<hsVector3 X="731.9250488" Y="-117.9446564" Z="-123.0609131" />
<hsVector3 X="740.1270142" Y="-112.9570007" Z="-123.0609131" />
<hsVector3 X="737.4559937" Y="-108.4219971" Z="-123.0609131" />
<hsVector3 X="731.9250488" Y="-107.9351883" Z="-123.0609131" />
<hsVector3 X="729.0355225" Y="-112.9399185" Z="-123.0609131" />
[Generic Physical - Floor] Removed Faces so elevator could be entered when it lowers
Removed Faces below
<Triangle>120 123 124</Triangle>
<Triangle>124 122 116</Triangle>
<Triangle>120 124 116</Triangle>
<Triangle>115 120 116</Triangle>
[Generic Physical - Glow_TileDecalElevator] Subworld set to <plKey NULL="True" /> and "kPhysAnim" added to Props
[Generic Physical - XRgnBottom] Bounds set to "kProxyBounds" and Top Faces removed.
[Generic Physical - XRgnTop] Bounds set to "kProxyBounds" and Top and Bottom Faces removed.
[Generic Physical - ElevatorDetector] Created
[Generic Physical - ElevatorShaftColumn] Created
[plRidingAnimatedPhysicalDetector - RideAnimatedPhysicalRegion01] Created. Enter Msg and Exit Msg Senders set to scene object "ElevatorDetector"