Edmond Mondor
Add Previous and Next buttons to trailer GUI in options menu
Change "Uru Live Intro" button in Options menu to use localization
2 years ago
Edmond Mondor
Change how sound is played for relto pages to add additional page sound
[Scene Object - YeeshaPage01-26] Remove all audio interfaces
[Scene Object - YeeshaPageButton] Change audio interface to "cSfxGUI-Glow_0" and add to modifiers - responder "RespYP_Glow"
[Audio Interface - cSfxGUI-Glow_0] change owner to scene object "YeeshaPageButton"
[Audio Interface - cSfxGUI-Glow_1 - 28] Deleted
[Win Audible - cSfxGUI-Glow_0] Added Win32 static sound "cSfxPageTurn01_Win32GUISound"
[Win Audible - cSfxGUI-Glow_1-28] Deleted
[Coord interface - YeeshaPageSavePage] Added
[Sound Buffer - xBookPageTurn01.ogg] Added page turn sound
[Responder Modifier - RespYP_Glow] New. Plays relto sound and page turn sounds.
[Win32 Static Sound - cSfxGUI-Glow_Win32GUISound0 - 27] Deleted
[Win32 Static Sound - cSfxPageTurn01_Win32GUISound] Added
[Python File Mod - PythYP08] Added "6", responder "RespYP_Glow"
[Python File Mod] 4 - Scene Object "OrientationPBIcon01"
[Python File Mod] 5 - Scene Object "OrientationPBIcon02"
[Python File Mod] 6 - Scene Object "OrientationPBIcon01Zandi"
3 years ago
Edmond Mondor
Apply changes into xKIGUI.max and reexport.
3 years ago
Adam Johnson
Re-export KI max file due previous commit including stale PRPs.
The release notes dialog was using the old Tahoma font GUI skin instead
of Arial.
4 years ago
Adam Johnson
Fix text scaling in the release notes dialog.
- ReleaseNotesTextBox
[GUIMultiLineEdit01] Enabled "Maintain size across resolutions"
Changed skin to use 8pt Arial font.
4 years ago
Adam Johnson
KI Art Asset Fixes.
These fixes were compiled by @Hoikas over the last 4 years. Changes
- Fixed miniKI text chat scaling in non-4:3 resolutions by fixing the
GUI MultiLineEdit component to "scale with resolution".
- Fixed the BigKI "text x-raying" effect by adding Blend Onto components
to the objects.
- Hid the blackbar handles that could become visible on ultrawide
resolutions (eg 3840x1600).
- Fixed the BigKI background static animation.
5 years ago
Adam Johnson
Initial import of MOULa data files.
This import omits the copyright encumbered files clftZandiRadio_Loop.ogg
and tmnaCreditsMusic.ogg -- Peter Gabriel's "Burn You Up, Burn You
5 years ago