[Scene Object - 04dOkButton] Adds Coord Interface "04dOkButton"
[Scene Object - 04dOkTextBox] Adds Coord Interface "04dOkTextBox"
[Coord Interface - 04dOkButton] Moves OK Button to new spot
[Coord Interface - 04dOkTextBox] Moves OK Button Text to new spot
[Drawable Span - GUI_GUIDialog04d_00000000_0Spans] 04dWindow was enlarged by 1.5 with Blender, then remerged using Gnarly Patcher
[Drawable Span - GUI_GUIDialog04d_40000000_0BlendSpans] 04dContentTextBox was enlarged by 1.5 with Blender, then remerged using Gnarly Patcher
Loc files are all duplicates of GUIEnglish.loc
[Scene Node - GUI_GUIDialog06] Added scene objects - 06CleftHelpBox and 06ReltoHelpBox
[Scene Object - 06CleftHelpBox] New
[Scene Object - 06ReltoHelpBox] New
[Mip Map -] New
[Layer - QuestionMark] New
[Material - QuestionMark] New
[Draw Interface - 06CleftHelpBox] New
[Draw Interface - 06ReltoHelpBox] New
[Drawable Span - GUI_GUIDialog06_00000000_0Spans] Added "Question Mark" by exporting from Blender and merging with Gnarly Patcher
[GUI Dialog Mod - GUIDialog06] Added GUI Button Mod "GUIButtonStandard_21" and "GUIButtonStandard_22"
[GUI Button Mod - GUIButtonStandard_21] New
[GUI Button Mod - GUIButtonStandard_22] New
Added new GUI elements for relto/cleft choice by duplicating male/female elements and modifying them from there.
Moved the invite code elements off screen so they are no longer visible.
Changed the invitation message to "Choose your Path"
Moved new drawable elements in blender to location in GUI, then exported and merged new drawable span elements into exisiting drawable spans with Gnarly Patcher tool
Copy of CC prp saved for Moula format.
Added Python File Mod to hide Relto Book elements if not on cleft choice
[Scene Object - RgnYeeshaPage01] added to Modifiers - Object In Volume Detector "cClkLinkingBook" from clftYeeshaBookVis.prp
[Scene Object - YeeshaPage01] added to Modifiers - Python File Mod "clftYeeshaPage25Vis"
[Scene Object - YeeshaPage01Decal] added to Modifiers - Python File Mod "clftYeeshaPage25Vis"
[Python File Mod - clftYeeshaPage25Vis] Hides relto page 25 (Poles) when Cleft start is picked
Localized strings for GUIDialog06 and
[Gen Phys - clkKISlotConcert] Moved Faces forward on Y axis a bit
[Gen Phys - MT-LinkingBook] Changed to Hull Bounds and new verts generated with blender
[Gen Phys - clkKISlotDakotah] Moved Faces forward on Y axis a bit
[Gen Phys - MT-LinkingBook] Moved faces to the Right
[Gen Phys - clkKISlotPalace] Moved Faces forward on Y axis a bit
[Gen Phys - MT-LinkingBook] Changed to Hull Bounds and new verts generated with blender
Male03.max and Female.02.max
Weight Table for backpack 2 and foot06 corrected
Male04.max and Female.04.max
Weight Table for Atrus Legs, Catherine Legs and shoes corrected
Updates Chiso Preniv's PRPs with the latest Korman export. Also, a new(ish) LOC file to better adhere to URU's current naming conventions (plus for the new book to read).
[Clothing Item - CItm_Icon_DRCVest] Custom Text changed to "DRC Vest" instead of "DRCVest"
[Clothing Item - CItm_FReward_DRCVest] Custom Text changed to "DRC Vest" instead of "DRCVest"
[Clothing Item - CItm_Icon_LeatherJacket01] Custom Text changed to "Leather Jacket" instead of "LeatherJacket01 Icon"
[Clothing Item - CItm_03_FLegs_Atrus] Custom Text changed to "Atrus's Pants" instead of "Atrus Pants"
[Clothing Item - CItm_FReward_BBallJersey] Custom Text changed to "Explorers Jersey" instead of "ExplorersJersey"
[Clothing Item - CItm_Icon_Atrus] Custom Text changed to "Atrus's Jacket" instead of "Atrus Jacket"
[Clothing Item - CItm_DniHelmet] Custom Text changed to "D'ni Helmet" instead of ""
[Clothing Item - CItm_03_FHAcc_DniFace] Custom Text changed to "D'ni Helmet" instead of ""
[Clothing Item - CItm_FReward_Atrus] Custom Text changed to "Atrus's Jacket" instead of "Atrus Jacket"
[Clothing Item - CItm_Icon_DRCVest] Custom Text changed to "DRC Vest" instead of "DRCVest"
[Clothing Item - CItm_MReward_DRCVest] Custom Text changed to "DRC Vest" instead of "DRCVest"
[Clothing Item - CItm_03_AussieHat] Custom Text changed to "Sharper's Hat" instead of ""
[Clothing Item - CItm_Icon_Bomber] Custom Text changed to "Bomber Jacket" instead of ""
[Clothing Item - CItm_03_MRFoot_Catherine] Custom Text changed to "Catherine's Shoes" instead of "Catherine"
[Clothing Item - CItm_03_MLFoot_Catherine] Custom Text changed to "Catherine's Shoes" instead of "Catherine"
[Clothing Item - CItm_03_MLegs_Catherine] Custom Text changed to "Catherine's Pants" instead of "Catherine "
[Clothing Item - CItm_03_MLegs_Atrus] Custom Text changed to "Atrus's Pants" instead of "Atrus Pants"
[Clothing Item - CItm_03_MHAcc_DniFace] Custom Text changed to "D'ni Helmet" instead of ""
[Clothing Item - CItm_Icon_Atrus] Custom Text changed to "Atrus's Jacket" instead of "Atrus Shirt"
[Clothing Item - CItm_MTorso_Atrus] Custom Text changed to "Atrus's Jacket" instead of "Atrus Shirt"
This is mostly a cosmetic thing for consistency with the other
languages, but it also works around an unfortunate line wrapping
problem: the line "2.Une fois que vous disposez d'un KI version 2.0"
gets wrapped at the version number, between "." and "0". This is
probably because it interprets the "." as an end of sentence, and there
seems to be no good way to prevent this (we can't use a non-breaking
space, because we don't want a space). By adding the spaces in the
numbered lists, the problematic line becomes long enough that the entire
version number gets wrapped onto the next line, as expected.
In the Yeesha font, non-breaking spaces are much wider than they should
be. This seems to be the only place affected by this problem, so just
remove the non-breaking space. The number is readable enough without it.
In French, some punctuation characters (question mark, exclamation mark,
colon, semicolon) also have a space before the symbol, not just after
the symbol as in most other languages.
We don't do this for special cases like "(?)", where a preceding space
makes no sense and would look strange.
In French, some punctuation characters (question mark, exclamation mark,
colon, semicolon) also have a space before the symbol, not just after
the symbol as in most other languages. This preceding space should be a
non-breaking space, so that the punctuation is not wrapped onto a new
line separate from the preceding word.
[Fe]maleFan02 rebuilt - Includes PR#74
[Scene Object - DRC Vest] Added to Modifiers - Python File Mod "cPythTakeablePlainVest"
[Python FIle Mod - cPythTakeablePlainVest] Duplicate of "cPythTakeableClothing", but with clothing set to plain vest
[Logic Modifier - cClickDRCVest] Added Python File Mod "cPythTakeablePlainVest" to Receivers above "cPythTakeableClothing"
No other part of the game uses single quotes, and even some of the KI
system messages use double quotes already.
This does not touch the French and German translations, because they
have already been adjusted in the previous commits.