Memberships: H'Uru Age Building Team.<pb>Maureen "Mo'zie" Jannot
Memberships: H'Uru Age Building Team.<pb>Larry "Lord Chaos" Nelson
? - 18 August 2022
Surface name: Larry Nelson
Lord Chaos, also known as Ktahdn Vesuvino, was a D'niJ who hosted many events, mostly in Second Life. He joined the Great Tree Untìl Uru Shard in 2004, where he hosted the D'ni Cocktail Party with Donahoo; he kept a blog around that period. (
Memberships: Vivarium of D'ni, MOUL forums (Sep 2006), D'ni Refugee in Second Life (May 2009), (Dec 2009), Guild of Writers (Aug 2014)<pb>Maureen "Mo'zie" Jannot