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<age name="City">
<set name="Journals">
<element name="ClassStructure">
<translation language="English"><![CDATA[<cover src="xClassStructureJournalCover_eng*1#0.hsm"><font size=18 face=Tricia color=982A2A style=b><margin left=62 right=62 top=48><p align=center>Class Structure
<p align=left>Seems as though my first inclination toward class structure was incorrect. Though early on there was little in the way of a class society, such a high ideal faded quickly. By 9400 DE there were seven very distinct classes.
Elite - The Lords and the Grand Masters of the Major Guilds. It was possible for private citizens to be accepted but if so, abundant resources were needed. It was only the elite who owned private libraries of Books and the private Islands.
Quite a few obvious attempts to reach out and unify the classes although I'm not sure it did much good. Common Libraries, Major Guild scholarships, renovation of poorer districts, all seemed more political than life changing. Not surprising I suppose.
Guild Members - Yes it was possible for the lower classes to attend but it seems by the end the schools were far too expensive and prestigious to allow for such. As a result, the graduates became a class among themselves. And a very high one at that.
Upper Class - The lowest of the three higher classes. Such citizens had succeeded in private enterprise and most likely provide the elite with their banks, pubs, etc…No Major Guild education for the most part, but enough money to buy their way into the upper classes.
Middle Class - Mostly shop-owners and the like. Able to afford some luxuries of D'ni but still considered far from the Elite. Rare but possible for them to own Books as well as Private Ages. Seemed to make up most of the Minor Guild enrollment.
High Poor - The higher class of poor seemed to be made mostly of industrial workers, many of whom spent their time on foreign Ages (before it was outlawed of course). It seems that this class, along with the lower two, did not own Books.
Low Poor - I can't seem to find a better name for them. However, seems clear that there were two classes of poor. These low poor were relegated to their own districts and rarely seen even with the middle class and never with the upper classes. Possibly used as servants, although that was generally looked down upon.
Sub-Low? - Reference to "the Least" (an undefined sub-class?) are found on rare occasions. Not enough data to elucidate.
<element name="JalakJournal">
<translation language="English"><![CDATA[<cover src="xKingMTKJrnlCover*1#0.hsm"><decal src="islmJalakJournalCover*1#0.hsm" pos=300,203 resize=yes><font size=10 face=courier color=000000><margin left=62 right=62 top=48><p align=center>JALAK
<p align=left>We still haven't figured out exactly how this place is supposed to work, and we're not sure
we're ever going to. We do know that the D'ni came here for some kind of sport, and it was
fairly popular. We know that audiences came and watched whatever game they played. It's the
rules we don't know.
We have found no rules written down by the D'ni, which means that it was such common
knowledge that no one felt the need to write it down, or the game always changed.
Either way, we've been having fun here, and we figured we might as well share a couple of games
that we have come up with for this place. You can add your own rules, modify ours, or come up
with something completely different. Maybe yours is the way the D'ni really did it. Who knows?
Quick Cubes
Alright, so this is one of our favorites. Make sure the arena is level. That means all
the pillars are at an equal height. Then bring in two of the big cubes. Make sure
the wall is in place and set one cube on each corner of the arena.
Somebody yell go.
The rules are you can only affect the pillars directly next to you. In other words,
you can only lower or raise the three or four pillars that surround you. No diagonal
stuff. You can move around all you want to make sure you affect other pillars,
but you have to keep to the adjacent pillar rule.
The objective is to get your cube from your corner into your opponent's corner
before your opponent gets his or hers into yours.
Play offense or play defense, but hurry.
Chess Cubes
This one is a little slower. Those of us who are a little more into strategy prefer
this one. Same idea as before. Level the field. Two cubes. One in each corner. After
they are there, hit the randomize button.
With this one, you can still only affect the pillars adjacent to you. In addition, you
only get three pillar moves before it's your opponent's turn. Your opponent will
hear the raises or lowers so don't cheat. You can move the cube all you want
while your opponent is going but you can't change any pillars until it's your turn.
Same thing as before: get the cube to your opponent's corner before they do.
We should add that some of the ResEng's have been using this place as a construction sandbox -
you should see some of the stuff they have built. Castles and stuff.
Well... wannabe castles at least.
<element name="KedriStory">
<translation language="English"><![CDATA[<cover src="xKedriStoryJournalCover_eng*1#0.hsm"><font size=16 face=Nick color=000000><margin right=62 left=62 top=46>
<p align=left>The Story of Kedri - taken from book 42B.
Translation: Nick
First Draft
Kedri loved his people and the people of D'ni loved their King, for Kedri did well in the eyes of Yahvo and sought to serve those whom he lead.
In the 48th year of his reign, Kedri roamed the streets of Ae'gura and was greatly disturbed. For even though all people, rich and poor, loved their King, Kedri saw that the entire Island of Ae'gura was filled with those who were prosperous, and those who governed D'ni.
"Where are my people?" Kedri asked to those who walked with him.
"All around you," they answered, pointing to the crowds that followed them.
"Yet I do not see my people here. I see Masters of the Guild and I see owners of our stores. But I do not see those who have no option to join our Guild or those who have built the stores. Where are my people on this island?"
So the King called together his counselors and expressed his disappointments and he ordered that a new place (place isn't right but I'm having trouble with this word - not the usual district word either although that might be a better translation. Or home.) be built on the Island and that the name of the place (?) be Shamathen. He ordered that Shamathen be made available not to those who did possess the wealth and stature of the elite but to those who were not so fortunate. Still, they were his people. And the area was built and Kedri was joyful to see his people live in such a place (same word again).
A short while later, after the area of Shamathen began to grow, Kedri was walking through the city, conversing with his people and telling them of his plans. And Kedri was led to the Common Library because he wanted to see the Ages that he heard his people talk of.
And again the King was disturbed and he asked his advisors. "Where are the Books that the great D'ni have written?"
"All around you," they answered, pointing to the rows of books that lined the shelves."
"Yet I do not see the Ages of our people here. I see Ages that resemble failed school assignments for the students of Writers. I see Ages that not even those students would visit, much less a King. So I will ask again? Where are the great Ages of D'ni?"
So the King returned to his palace and ordered his counselors to bring his most prized book - the Age of the Kings, written during the reign of his grandfather - to the Common Library so that the people of D'ni might be able to see the skills of the great writers, even as he had seen them.
And the people loved their King more than they had before.
So the King called his advisors and ordered them to add to the Great Temple, so that Yahvo might be pleased and so all of D'ni could visit their god (really it's a form of Yahvo again - I thought god made more sense though) in his house, just as those with money (an inherited kind of money) were allowed to do. The King ordered them to add to the Opera House so that all of D'ni could hear the skills of song of the people, just as those with money (an earned kind of money) were allowed to do. The King ordered them to add to the district of Belari, so that the area started by King Rakeri might not fall into disrepair but be treated as all other areas of the city and that all of D'ni might live in prosperity, just as those with money (both earned and inherited) were allowed to do.
And all people of D'ni grew to love their King more than they had before.
Some trouble spots here. Seems there were a few different kinds of money words - might need help with those as well as the whole "place" thing.
<element name="KingAdesh">
<translation language="English"><![CDATA[<cover src="xKingMTKJrnlCover*1#0.hsm"><decal src="xKingAdeshMTKCvrD_eng*1#0.hsm" pos=300,203 resize=yes><font size=10 face=courier color=000000><margin left=62 right=62 top=48><p align=center>King Adesh
<p align=left>Adesh - Adesh took the throne in 5549 at the age of 49.
Though Adesh was young, it was also said he was mature for his age and took quite a bit of advice from the prophetess Trisari (who had also served his Uncle). Adesh was apparently a religious man but not an especially accepting man.
The prophet Gish arrived on the scene in 5574 and began preaching, similar to what Tevahr had done years earlier. Unlike Tevahr, Gish praised the words of Yahvo, but nothing else. The Great King, he said was a farce, as was Tevahr. He denounced his people for claiming that taygahn* was more important than following Yahvo's commands. He declared that Tevahr and the Great King had used taygahn as an excuse to do what they wanted and it was time to focus on Yahvo's commands again. One of these, he added, was no interaction with the outsiders*. Though Gish was not the first to say such things, for some reason, the public came in droves to listen to him, making him an extremely popular figure*.
Adesh denounced Gish's words at every level and arrested him numerous times. And, by such actions, only encouraged Gish, arguably, making his impact upon the society even larger than what it otherwise would have been.
Gish continued his preaching until, in an apparent fit of rage, Adesh ordered* the Relyimah to kill him. It was said later, the decision was most likely the worst of his reign*. The Relyimah succeeded in their mission in 5675. There was extreme outrage at the King as well as the official church.
Exactly as Gish had taught, Adesh had justified killing a man (strictly against the laws of Yahvo) because he felt there was something more important that was justified because of taygahn. Gish became a martyr and those who followed him increased.
Adesh made attempts to draw his people back but it was too late. There were apparently very few people (even ardent followers of the Great King) who could agree with his decision.
In fact, it was rumored that it was one of Adesh's close advisors who killed him in 5701 at the young age of 201. The throne was left to his first-born son Lanaren.
* The word literally means to "love with the mind", implying having a close, personal knowledge of the other person, or in certain case Yahvo. It had been taught that in order to gain access into the Perfect Age, Yahvo only required such a relationship and nothing else
* From "Yahvo Alone" written by Gish
* Taken from the private journals of Trisari
* Many think it was in fact, Trisari who convinced Adesh to make the order
* From "The Followers" written by Manesh
<element name="KingAhlsendar">
<translation language="English"><![CDATA[<cover src="xKingMTKJrnlCover*1#0.hsm"><decal src="xKingAhlsendarMTKCvrD_eng*1#0.hsm" pos=300,203 resize=yes><font size=10 face=courier color=000000><margin left=62 right=62 top=48><p align=center>King Ahlsendar
<p align=left>Ahlsendar (The Great King) - Ahlsendar was 29 and living on a Private Age with his mother when his father was killed. Instead of immediately joining the city, he remained in the Private Age, apparently at the suggestion of his uncle, who had come to inform Ahlsendar of his father's death. With a few advisors who kept him updated, Ahlsendar stayed in the Private Age trying to formulate a plan for the war that was now raging in his city. Meanwhile his Uncle, still a member of the Guild of Linguists, was translating much of the Pento language and learning as much as he could about them.
As it turned out, the Judges (with the Pento) claimed control of the D'ni government after the death of Koreen and began to move into other Ages. Ahlsendar, after being briefed by his Uncle on new information, continued to wait. A few weeks later, the waiting appeared to pay off.
Reports came back that the Judges had killed the leader of the Pento for fear he was becoming more powerful and out of control. Unfortunately, the leader had not declared an heir and had left two sons to fight for the throne. This led to civil war within the Pento and a complete lack of focus on the D'ni, leaving the Judges empty handed. As well, what forces there were, were spread out to other Ages and no longer fortified in the city. The public apparently knew Ahlsendar was hiding and with every passing day felt as though the prophecies were coming to fruition.
"Only the stone, while they pass beneath, listens to his cries and comfort her fear. Only the Arch welcomes the reign of the great one who guides us." Ahlsendar, they all knew had been born directly under the Arch. "A new people, people of light, will bring great havoc to the dark," as they believed the Pento had done. "He remains hidden, while another sits in his throne," was obvious. While the public waited for him they only grew more willing to fight for him.
Fifteen weeks after the death of his father, Ahlsendar entered the city, for the first time in his life, with a small force. He sailed directly through the Arch to the palace and reclaimed it with relative ease while directing his soldiers and those who joined with him as they saw him enter the city. Immediately, he established "safe-zones" and eventually informed the Pento that he wished to begin negotiations with the Pento warrior Mekarr*.
Ahlsendar agreed to help Mekarr defeat his brother if, in return, they would return to their home peacefully. Mekarr agreed if Ahlsendar would write them an Age to return to. The deals were signed and in 1376, Ahlsendar led a force to the Pento Age.
It was there, in the Battle of the Great King, that Ahlsendar led the defeat of Mekarr's brother Timaue and total victory for D'ni. Mekarr turned over two leaders of the Judges and Ahlsendar found the other three in the city. All five were sent to Prison Ages (and the Books burned). Some in the society had demanded execution, but Ahlsendar had refused. Regardless, his coronation ceremony took place a few weeks later, and it was said, "not one of D'ni did not attend the event. Our cheering was as loud as thunder and our pride as solid as the Arch through which he sailed..."*
Throughout his reign, Ahlsendar wrote a good number of books of prophecies and encouraged his people to forget about their old homeland and focus on why they came to D'ni; to start again to focus on pleasing Yahvo and to make good and right decisions. To know Yahvo better should be the focus of their lives, he claimed. It was Ahlsendar who brought them back to the attitude they had maintained during the reign of Ri'neref.
During his life, there were numerous rumors abounding about Ahlsendar and special linking abilities. Numerous witnesses claimed that he did not need Linking Books to go from one place to another and numerous others claimed he could link to different spots within an Age. However, none of these rumors were ever confirmed.
There were apparently other rumors, much more quiet, which dealt with Ahlsendar and his relationship with the prophet Nemiya. Though it seemed that Nemiya had great respect for Ahlsendar the same could not be said concerning Ahlsendar's opinion of Nemiya. Apparently, the Great King had little time for her and often found her advice "foolish" and "childish"* when he did consult with her. As a result, it seems Nemiya was rarely seen with the Great King and relegated to "figurehead" role for ceremonies and the like. Perhaps surprisingly, Ahlsendar rarely consulted with any other prophets, though he did have the choice.
Unbeknownst to the public who continued to praise him, Ahlsendar was working with the Guilds of Writers and Healers on a plague. It was said that it could be used as a biological weapon in case such action was ever needed in the future. As far as the Pento, the link between their Age and D'ni was still open as Ahlsendar insisted on the continuation of resources from the Pento although it appears that some of his associates advised against it.
It was in 1466, that Mekarr came to the Palace, through other Books given to him by Judges, and killed Ahlsendar's wife and two sons. Ahlsendar himself killed Mekarr in what records describe as an "astounding battle". Two days later Ahlsendar ordered the release of the plague to the new Pento Age. Apparently, his counselors advised against it, but he demanded his orders be carried out.
The plague was released, though records don't specify how, and the entire population of Pento died three days later. Unfortunately, it seems as though most of them realized what was happening and did not die before linking to a number of other Ages and infecting numerous other cultures. The sickness did not affect D'ni although the Guild of Chemists began to fear that it could mutate to something that would.
Once the public became aware of the plague, they obviously blamed the Pento for the devastation, as they had no knowledge of the Ahlsendar's participation in the plague. All of the Books to which the Pento had had access were gathered together to be forever destroyed.
Then, in 1500, Ahlsendar gathered his people together to "inform them of the truth". It was in that speech that he told them he had created the plague and then ordered its release. At the end of the speech, he asked to be sealed into the Temple of the Great King (as built by Ja'kreen) with any "infected" Books as well as any Books that linked the D'ni to their past (as he had preached they must completely forget). A year later, Ahlsendar was sealed within the Temple and it was then that the dimensions and shape of the buildings made sense, as it was required to hold massive amounts of Books.
Solath, Ahlsendar's chosen heir, took temporary charge of D'ni* while the public waited for the Great King's return.
However, after six months had passed, records state that Solath uncovered the final wishes of Ahlsendar and read them publicly. Ahlsendar, he read, "...Was not to return..." and, "...for no reason, should the seal on the Temple of the Great King ever be broken". In addition, the note stated that Solath should be "officially designated as permanent King". So convincing was Solath's shock upon reading the note, it was said that the thought of the note being a hoax was never considered*.
Numerous personal journals and government transcripts state the public's disbelief at the statements. Solath himself said "...for how could He leave us in such a state..." Though there were many calls to break the seal of the Temple, a direct command of the Great King was foolish. As well, the Books within the seal were infected Books and, "should not be opened for good reason".*
So, in 1502 the Temple of the Great King was renamed the Tomb of the Great King, upon orders of Solath and he was assumed dead. However, most still believed he would return.
* The two brothers were both fighting for control of the Pento and Mekarr felt most strongly his people no longer owed the Judges anything. His brother Timaue felt the opposite
* From "The Great King" written by Leshena in 1399
* "Nemiya's Legacy" written by Teman in 1609.
* Though not done often, it was possible for a King to leave the throne to his successor if he wished to be gone for an extended period of time
* No records point to the note being anything but the true wishes of the Great King, but it is interesting to note that it was never even thought of as a fabricated note
* As spoken by Grand Master Namis of the Guild of Healers to the Council
<element name="KingAilesh">
<translation language="English"><![CDATA[<cover src="xKingAileshJournalCover_eng*1#0.hsm"><font size=16 face=Sam color=000000><margin left=62 right=62 top=48><p align=center>King Ailesh
<p align=left>Ailesh took the throne in coronation ceremonies in the year 120 DE at the age of 170. Though it seems Ailesh had never been a member of the Writer's Guild on Garternay, he had spent the first fifty years of his life with Ri'neref (after his own dismissal) working on the Book of D'ni. When the D'ni Writer's Guild was formed in the year 8 DE, Ri'neref made sure Ailesh was placed in charge as the first Grand Master of the Guild.
As Grand Master, he had worked closely with Ri'neref in the writing of the new Guild of Writer's Oath. The Oath, which was what every member promised to live by, ended up staying in existence (with few minor changes) until 9400 DE.
Records indicate that Ailesh modeled his life very closely to Ri'neref's. He refused to build himself a palace until a Common Library was opened; as he strongly supported a place where all citizens could have access to Books. Though there was some minor disagreement on minor issues the building was eventually finished in 233 DE. Although, like his mentor, Ailesh still refused to build himself a palace.
The reign of Ailesh was extremely similar to that of Ri'neref. There was still great excitement for the new ideals and laws of D'ni, and thus great support for Ailesh, making his reign a very smooth one.
Before his third son was born in 256 DE, records indicate that there was a bit of public apprehension over who the next King would be. Ailesh's two eldest sons were fairly rebellious and neither seemed good candidates for the throne, at least in the public's opinion. However as Ailesh's third son grew, it became apparent to the public (although records never give specific reasons) that the boy closely followed his father's ideals. Ailesh must have agreed with public opinion as it was his third son who he selected to succeed him.
Ailesh died of natural causes at the age of 350.
<element name="KingAsemlef">
<translation language="English"><![CDATA[<cover src="xKingAsemlefJournalCover_eng*1#0.hsm"><font size=16 face=Sam><margin right=62 left=62 top=48><p align=center>King Asemlef
<p align=left>Took the throne in 5999 DE at the age of 54.
Asemlef inherited a people who were philosophically confused (The Watcher vs. Gish vs. The Great King/Tevahr), but technologically advancing (many great construction, mining, and scientific inventions), expanding within the cavern at a great rate, and moving toward diminishing the involvement of the outsiders within their culture. As well, the fighting that had scarred their past was at a minimum*.
Asemlef continued the peaceful trends by attempting to isolate no one, but instead welcoming everyone and any beliefs they might have had.
It seems, he took no stance on any of the varying religious ideologies being passed around and allowed any and all religious factions equal access to property, government help, etc…
While disregarding no beliefs, he was able to hold his own, some of which were unknown to D'ni up to that point. Though never stated publicly by Asemlef, common opinion, and historical records, point toward numerous servants being used by Asemlef, most brought from outside Ages. More so, were the apparent challenges Asemlef held with these "servants". Details are hard to find, but it seems as though these challenges ranged from hunts, by Asemlef himself, to gladiator style battles between the servants. It should be noted that regardless of what actions occurred, there was little public outcry against them.
Instead of philosophical or religious beliefs, Asemlef instead focused on mining expansion, construction of the new districts and offering equal opportunities of culture and social benefits to all classes. As far as outside involvement, Asemlef publicly argued that the order from his father to all of the Guilds was not realistic and that outside involvement would always be needed to some extent. Knowing the comment would anger some of the factions, he became the first King to publicly invite the more extreme factions (who wanted no outside involvement) to his palace for numerous talks on the issues.
Though no decisions were made in the meetings, the meetings themselves apparently calmed the factions and created a better overall feeling that the two could come to a decision in the future.
Around the same time, two key writers from the Writer's Guild left to join the Writer's of Yahvo*. Up to that point, the group, who believed it was their duty to write the Perfect Age*, had been relatively small.
Like the Writers of Yahvo, most of the popular factions or cults of the day focused on Yahvo in one way or another. The old cults (such as The Tree and Sacred Stone) had vanished for the most part leaving way to disagreements in the beliefs of Yahvo for the most part.
Asemlef passed away in 6284 DE at the age of 339 leaving the throne to his third (and youngest) son.
* From "The Line of Kerath" written by Fhal in 6985
* Worth mentioning as the Writers of Yahvo would eventually become one of the three largest sects in all of D'ni
* After the Judgement Age, most of D'ni believed one would either end up in the Perfect Age or Jakooth's Age. Obviously, most wanted to live in the Perfect Age but there were, of course, a variety of beliefs on how that was accomplished
<element name="KingBehnashiren">
<translation language="English"><![CDATA[<cover src="xKingMTKJrnlCover*1#0.hsm"><decal src="xKingBehnashirenMTKCvrD_eng*1#0.hsm" pos=300,203 resize=yes><font size=10 face=courier color=000000><margin left=62 right=62 top=48><p align=center>King Behnashiren
<p align=left>Behnashiren - Took the throne in 2070 at the age of 20 (a record that was never surpassed). He was extremely young to inherit the throne and his short reign displayed his immaturity.
It was said that there was never any control or leadership from the throne while Behnashiren sat in it. As a result, the people were forced to look elsewhere for some kind of trust or hope. Most turned to religion, leading to many more factions and cults. Many claimed healing powers either from nature, special leaders, or Yahvo himself, through a variety of different means.
It seems clear that Behnashiren wavered in his stance on just about everything, including religion. In some speeches he begged Yahvo for healing while in others he sought for help from the Tree. In the meantime, he was of no help to the Healers or Chemists, both of which were working hard to find a cure. In fact, some of Behnashiren's speeches point to public condemnation of the Guilds accusing them of "shallow efforts" and "failing their own people". Those who held faith that any cure existed outside of miracles and/or special potions, were few and far between.
The population continued to die and the amount of children born, decreased tremendously. Behnashiren himself died in 2193 at the young age of 143 without any descendants to leave the throne to. In fact, so few children were being born that Behnashiren had trouble choosing an heir, even from his own staff*. As a result, he chose his 179 year old Uncle to take the throne after his death. It was later said that some higher power must have been involved in such a choice, as Behnashiren "was far too ignorant to choose an heir that made so much sense."*
* It was often customary to choose the child of a staff member if a King did not wish to choose (or could not) any of his own blood
* Taken from the writings of Grand Master Ishem of the Guild of Legislators
<element name="KingDemath">
<translation language="English"><![CDATA[<cover src="xKingDemathJournalCover*1#0.hsm"><font size=16 face=Nick color=000000><margin left=62 right=62 top=46><p align=center>King Demath
<p align=left>Took the throne in 4692 DE at the age of 154. Though the public was generally not happy with the reign of Ji, it appears as though they were pleased with his choice of Demath to succeed him*.
Demath had joined the Guild of Maintainers at the age of five (as most did) and risen to the level of Guild Master by the time he was chosen as King. The selection was a surprise to much of the public, and apparently even to Demath himself. It was not a post he had especially desired to have.
Almost immediately, Demath ordered a ban on all unnecessary Links (to be enforced by the Maintainers) while the Council carried out emergency meetings, trying to decide their stance on the outsiders.
In these meetings the Council concluded that relations with the outsiders would continue, but with much stricter restrictions and guidelines. The list was long that Demath signed into law and included the restriction of any outsiders operating D'ni machinery or Linking Books.
Perhaps more importantly, the Council and King sent a clear message to all of the factions who were against outsider involvement with D'ni; their ideas would not be tolerated if they led to any infraction of the rules previously established by Loshemanesh which were to become strictly enforced. And though it was not stated publicly, the Relyimah (meaning "the Unseen") was apparently ordered to double its membership and find any and all who were carrying out illegal activities with the outsiders.
As well, Demath denounced the words of the Watcher as pure rubbish and nothing more than "a desperately lonely man seeking attention"*.
In 4721 DE, Demath pushed an amendment that forced the Major Guilds to accept a percentage of students who passed all entrance exams but could not afford the steep prices*. It was the first such action in the history of D'ni and one that many seemed to question, especially the Guilds themselves. However, Demath was able to convince them it was a necessity for the society and one to which they "cautiously agreed"*.
In 4724 DE, records point to over ten separate groups being convicted of the Loshemanesh Laws (as they had come to be called). Most agreed that the Relyimah played a large role in the convictions although there are no official records of their involvement. Regardless, each of the convicted was sentenced to solitary confinement on Prison Ages. The convictions must have carried a powerful impact on the society, as the public still knew very little of the Relyimah (if anything at all), and thus had no idea how so many convictions were occurring. As one writer said, "There were stories of dark shadows and mysterious creatures...for those carrying out such was said that the eyes of Demath saw everything while his arms took anyone he wanted."* The crime rate, especially pertaining to the Loshemanesh Laws, steadily lowered until 4752, when there were only three recorded convictions.
In 4784 DE, an assassination attempt was carried out against Demath resulting in the death of two members of the Relyimah, who saved Demath's life in the process. The perpetrators were found and two years later, Demath ordered their execution. It was the first execution of its kind and met with little resistance from the public, or Council. The two men were apparently linked into a death Age, permanently ending their lives. Though most agreed with the execution, those who were against outsider involvement to begin with, now felt even stronger in their case. Now, they argued, "D'ni is killing itself, for the sake of the outsiders."*
In 4826, Demath was rewarded for his efforts pertaining to the acceptance policies of the Major Guilds. The first of the Guild of Stone Masons' "non-paying" members headed the effort to devise early fusion-compounding technology, a building block for the eventual development of Nara. Demath praised the Guild and the numerous opportunities that all citizens of D'ni now had to benefit their society*.
In 4843 at the age of 305, Demath passed away leaving the throne to his first-born son.
* Some argued that Ji didn't make the choice of Demath but that Grand Master Imas of the Guild of Maintainers made it. The matter was never officially settled although most contribute the choice to Ji
* From Demath's speech, explaining to the people the findings of the Council meetings
* By that time, the Major Guilds had become extremely expensive and a large majority of the population, even if qualified to join the Guilds, had no way to afford it
* Taken from the private journals of Guild Master Reshan of the Guild of Archivists
* From "Revealing the Unseen" written by Besharen in 5999
* Goshen, leader of the cult group Blood of Yahvo, made the comment in a public speech
* The comments were made by Demath at the public announcement of the fusion-compounding technology
<element name="KingEmen">
<translation language="English"><![CDATA[<cover src="xKingMTKJrnlCover*1#0.hsm"><decal src="xKingEmenMTKCvrD_eng*1#0.hsm" pos=300,203 resize=yes><font size=10 face=courier color=000000><margin left=62 right=62 top=48><p align=center>King Emen
<p align=left>Emen - Took the throne in 5081 at the age of 150. Two years after his coronation, two members of the Relyimah mysteriously disappeared and were never seen of again*. Faresh became a silent hero in the key members of the government and the factions were again quieted, knowing they were being watched.
Key members of the government were often seen at parties taking place in Faresh's mansion and rumors of "puzzle rooms" and "secret halls" grew throughout the city. The house itself, located on Katha island, was becoming one of the more talked about buildings in the entire cavern*.
In 5093, two members of a cult known as "One D'ni" were proven guilty for the explosion that had occurred years earlier on Meanas. Both were permanently imprisoned.
At the same time, Emen (along with the Guild of Caterers) announced the completion of two new food Ages, one of which was run solely by outsiders, and produced new food sources* that had never been tasted in D'ni before.
The popularity of Faresh's mansion, caused others (mainly elite) to request permission to build on the many islands that surrounded the city proper. In 5095, Emen decided to sell many of the islands that, up to that point, had been government property. Records indicate the sale of over twenty-three of the islands, in one year, to private citizens who could afford their heavy price tag.
In 5102, disaster hit the family of Faresh in the mysterious death of his daughter. Official City Guard records said she awoke in the middle of the night, claiming to see spirits, and jumped from her bedroom window to her death.
Rumors abounded as to the true cause. Some thought the house was haunted while others (mainly government) thought she might have been a target of factions*.
Perhaps the most damaging rumors dealt with the Watcher. In "Words" he had described similar events taking place* and such a public event caused many to begin to study his words again. It was the beginning of philosophical chaos yet again.
Faresh left the house a year after the death of his daughter, claiming to be unable to live with the memories of his daughter. The house was given completely (although no one knew it at the time) to the Relyimah. Rumors of dark shadows in windows and boats silently rowing toward the island fueled the idea the house was haunted.
It appears that after the Relyimah controlled the house, Emen himself often made visits, recommending a number of renovations (tunnels, etc...) that he thought would aid them in their cause.
In 5202 a public ferry system was approved by Emen, offering much more frequent access between The Island, the city proper, and the surrounding smaller islands. One of those islands, Emen gave to the Minor Guild of Artists, Musicians, and Actors who turned it into a Cultural Center. In later years the center often hosted outside concerts, plays, etc...on the water.
Four years before Emen's death, the Guild of Stone Masons announced "Deretheni"*. The substance had been produced in a laboratory for the first time and was the start of much improved construction techniques.
Emen died in 5240 at the age of 309, leaving the throne to his first-born son.
* This was not public information in around 6000. However, the discovery of the moles was well-known in the highest circles of government
* From "Haunted by her Cries"
* Shimas and Hereas became known for a large variety of fruits and vegetables that naturally grew on each
* From "Haunted by her Cries" written by Haghen in 5120
* Words has numerous references to "dreams" and "mourning in the streets" which many interpreted to describe the death of Faresh's daughter.
* Deretheni was a lightweight stone which proved to be extremely strong
<element name="KingGan">
<translation language="English"><![CDATA[<cover src="xKingMTKJrnlCover*1#0.hsm"><decal src="xKingGanMTKCvrD_eng*1#0.hsm" pos=300,203 resize=yes><font size=10 face=courier color=000000><margin left=62 right=62 top=48><p align=center>King Gan
<p align=left>Gan - Took the throne in 2015 at the age of 144. Though he was not necessarily convinced of the greatness of the Great King, or Yahvo for that matter, Gan was far from the despot his father was.
Unfortunately, he was never quite given the chance to do much for his people, as the "sins" of his grandmother consumed his reign in the throne.
Six months after Gan's coronation the first signs of the plague* began to show themselves. Eventually, the Healers would discover that the plague was an evolved version of the disease that Ahlsendar had created to destroy the Pento. The evolved version cut D'ni life spans in half and caused massive infertility. For the elderly and the young, death usually came quickly in the form of heart failure.
The appearance of the plague, and the eventual announcement that it was similar to what the Great King had created, caused the public to cast most of their blame for the illness on the Great King. Very few people knew of Jolatha's request to open the tomb. Those who knew of the breaking of the seal seemed to have not spoken of it, or possibly were not heard if they did. Numerous records indicate that as far as the public was concerned, the plague was the Great King's fault.
Somewhat surprisingly, because of the infertility rates, Gan managed to have a son in 2050. He died twenty years later at the age of 199 after being in the throne for only 55 years (the shortest of any King).
Gan left his son a population that was slowly dying, both physically and emotionally, and there was no cure in sight.
* The Plague ended up killing over a quarter of the D'ni population and cutting birth rates in half, until its cure was found in 2262.
<element name="KingHemelin">
<translation language="English"><![CDATA[<cover src="xKingMTKJrnlCover*1#0.hsm"><decal src="xKingHemelinMTKCvrD_eng*1#0.hsm" pos=300,203 resize=yes><font size=10 face=courier color=000000><margin left=62 right=62 top=48><p align=center>King Hemelin
<p align=left>Hemelin - Took the throne in 2193 at the age of 179. Hemelin had been a Guild Master in the Guild of Healers and it was said he took the throne "with rage in his heart and fire in his mouth"*. He was extremely angered over public opinion of his Guild and made it his mission to make sure that a cure was found. Some say he exhibited more power and authority in the throne in one week than his nephew had in 123 years.
Hemelin was fairly convinced that a cure lay in the Books of Old and he had been encouraging the Healers to look there long before his coronation as King. However, his nephew had been hesitant to allow access to the books, something that immediately changed once Hemelin had authority to look through them.
Hemelin seemed to be a fairly devout follower of Yahvo and often claimed that only Yahvo would heal them, not the "other gods" that his people were seeking. In 2255, Hemelin became extremely ill and most thought was about to die. The Guild of Healers continued to try and prevent death, but the prognosis was very grave.
It was during his days in the sick bed, that he met a woman named Lalen. She helped to care for him and, as time passed, Hemelin found himself " just to see her one more time." as he wrote later. Lalen must have felt the same way. The new love seemed to forge a new will to live. Hemelin receovered and, to the day he died, praised Lalen for the reason he was able to defeat the plague*.
Two years later, Lalen helped the rest of D'ni defeat the plague. Rumors say that while searching through the old histories, that her relationship afforded her access to, she found hints as to where more of the Old Books had been kept. It was a few months later that the Book of Birenni, a particular Book that Hemelin had always sought, was found. Six years after the discovery, the Guild of Healers, led by Guild Master Jaysem, considered the plague cured*. Records point to "tremendous had never been seen before..."*. A newfound optimism spread throughout the culture and, unofficially, the D'ni Renaissance began. It should also be noted that on this day in 2262, King Hemelin and Lalen wed in a grand ceremony*.
In 2270 the first post-plague child was born and Hemelin promised to give him the throne as a symbolic gesture "...of hope and celebration".
Though Hemelin tried to use the end of the plague as a tool to encourage his people back to Yahvo, it did not seem to succeed. Instead there seemed to be a newfound love of the culture itself: of the arts, of technology, and of further exploration into the "truths" of the universe.
In 2350, The Minor Guild of Miners, following the encouragement of Hemelin, announced their plans for drastic improvement in mining methods and technologies.
Hemelin left an upbeat, but "rather dazed"* culture to his successor when he passed away at the age of 342 in 2356.
* From "The Healing of D'ni" written by Manesah in 2294
* Though others did live through the illness, Healer records indicate a 95% fatality rate once the disease reached its later stages
* A drink was developed that prevented the body from contracting the illness even when directly exposed
* From "The Healing of D'ni" written by Manesah in 2294
* As a result, the day became a day often chosen for marriage in later years.
* Taken from the journal of King Hemelin, written directly before his death in 2356
<element name="KingHinash">
<translation language="English"><![CDATA[<cover src="xKingMTKJrnlCover*1#0.hsm"><decal src="xKingHinashMTKCvrD_eng*1#0.hsm" pos=300,203 resize=yes><font size=10 face=courier color=000000><margin left=62 right=62 top=48><p align=center>King Hinash
<p align=left>Hinash - Hinash took the throne in 2533 at the age of 66.
Hinash's first major accomplishment was the ordering of the construction of the new Guild of Miners' facility. The construction marked the first use of extrusion in construction and work, begun in 2577 and finished in 2580, marked a much faster and more efficient means of building.
Hinash had been a member of the Guild of Stone Masons before his coronation. As such, records point to him being extremely interested in the mining and construction technologies that were being pursued. As well Hinash was one of the strongest proponents for expansion within the cave system.
Though Hinash's push for expansion was not met with much enthusiasm, at the time, it set the foundation for great expansion that would occur under the reign of his son Needrah, with the sculptor Lahkeer leading the charge.
Hinash was apparently also very interested in pursuing better relationships with other cultures; often pushing for further interaction and increased trade. He not only opened up the rules on trade* and but also pushed the cultural "rules" concerning relationships with those of non-D'ni blood*. In 2709, five years after the death of his first wife who died giving birth to his fourth son, Hinash married a woman of non-D'ni blood.
The fact that the marriage was met with little opposition was a sign in itself of the relaxing attitude of the people toward the "outsiders".
The affect of such actions upon the culture was grand. Foreign materials were used much more in construction, as well as clothing and jewelry, and foreign music and art influence began to show itself in the D'ni art of the day.
It was apparently with some thankfulness that Hinash's second wife did not bear him a son. Though the culture had relaxed, it is rather clear that the public did not want to even have to deal with the possibility of non-D'ni blood in the throne. In fact, one author went so far as to say "...even had they bore a child, it would have made for a very uneasy have such a being living with the palace...perhaps taking the public's acceptance too far"*.
Hinash died in 2779 at the age of 312 leaving his fourth son to rule.
* There had been strict regulations up to that point concerning imported goods and travel between Ages
* Up to that point, no one, most of all a King, dared to marry an outsider
* From "How They Came; A Detailed Look at what started the Mee-Dis War" by Jamen. Written in 7201
<element name="KingIshek">
<translation language="English"><![CDATA[<cover src="xKingMTKJrnlCover*1#0.hsm"><decal src="xKingIshekMTKCvrD_eng*1#0.hsm" pos=300,203 resize=yes><font size=10 face=courier color=000000><margin left=62 right=62 top=48><p align=center>King Ishek
<p align=left>Ishek - Took the throne in 4083 at the age of 85. His grandmother had been Shama, and of Ishek it was often said that he ran his throne almost exactly as his Uncle Kedri had.
He was another of the peoples' Kings and refused to separate himself from his people or view himself at a higher level than those he served. It seems a King with such an attitude was hard to not like and his popularity was close to that of Kedri's.
Like Lemashal, he focused on the involvement of non-D'ni and their importance to the D'ni culture and expansion. His powerful words of equality between the D'ni and non-D'ni were truly put to the test in 4103.
Ishek and his wife had been touring a food facility run by natives on the Age of Yimas. As it turns out, the party was ambushed and Ishek's wife was taken by a group of natives who managed, using D'ni Linking Books, to easily escape before Ishek or his guards could react*.
As word leaked out of the event, the words "animals", "uncivilized", and "primitive" were used to describe those of the other worlds in a way that had not been used since the Pento War. Ishek fought the people's new perception and argued that not all outside cultures should be judged on a few radicals. His words, however, were seen as empty by much of the public as he waited for word on his wife.
Word finally came. The Yimas wanted their own Worlds to rule, as they felt the D'ni ruled them. They had specific demands for the kind of Worlds, many of which were impossible, as they had no concept of The Art of Writing*. Unless they were given the three Worlds they demanded, Ishek's wife was to be executed.
Many viewed Ishek as a faithful study of history and, in particular, the Pento War. Because of his knowledge of history and his belief in the integrity of the Yimas, he was fairly convinced that it was not the Yimas who wanted the Books but some small faction of D'ni who was directing them. Rumors say that he was even fairly convinced of the particular faction that was doing it.
As was the case with the Pento War, it had not been the Pento who were to blame, but The Judges who had wrongly sought power. Given Ishek's apparent distrust of some within his own people more than those were not D'ni, he had been a strong supporter of the Relyimah. As it turned out, it was their information that saved him.
There were a number of groups who felt as though D'ni should be completely sealed from the other cultures. One in particular*, had been especially vocal in their opinions, especially while Ishek's wife had been held captive, using the tragedy to further their own cause. It was to this group, Ishek apparently directed the Relyimah, ordering them to uncover any information they could.
Three days later, Ishek sent out word that he had no intention of giving the Yimas the Worlds they had asked for. Hours later, Relyimah informants followed two members of the faction Ishek had suspected, to an Illegal Age where his wife was imprisoned.
Once the public received word that it had once again been their own people directing the operation, records indicate that they were greatly dismayed. Plans were uncovered that indicated the faction was to kill his wife no matter whether the Ages were given or not, to only prove further that outsiders could not be trusted. In fact, it seems as though the public was quickly learning that it was their own blood who could not be trusted. As Ri'neref and the Great King had often said, it was a great power they had been entrusted with and " is our own hearts that must be watched...a temptation too great to be resisted without strict rules or willing hearts..."*.
As a result, there was a great push for more strict guidelines for interaction with other Ages as well as rules for the Ages themselves. "They sought the rules not because the other cultures were savages, but because our own culture could not be trusted to deal with them honorably."*
Ishek passed away in 4291 at the age of 293, leaving the debates to his first-born son.
* Taken from City Guard records
* Taken from transcripts of Grand Master Jaken's, of the Guild of Writers, speech to Ishek
* Depending on sources, two different groups are credited with the kidnapping although Relyimah records indicate that it was a group known as Blood of Yahvo. Other records indicate it was a group known as Light of D'ni.
* Taken from the Book One of the Great King
* From "How They Came; A Detailed Look at what started the Mee-Dis War" by Jamen. Written in 7201
<element name="KingJakreen">
<translation language="English"><![CDATA[<cover src="xKingMTKJrnlCover*1#0.hsm"><decal src="xKingJakreenMTKCvrD_eng*1#0.hsm" pos=300,203 resize=yes><font size=10 face=courier color=000000><margin left=62 right=62 top=48><p align=center>King Ja'kreen
<p align=left>Ja'kreen - Ja'kreen took the throne in the year 555 at the age of 80. By the time of his coronation, he had already reached the rank of Guild Master in the Guild of Stone Masons.
It was Ja'kreen who first publicly stated plans to re-build the King's Arch*. In 598, headed by Guild Master Koris of the Guild of Stone Masons, design of the Arch was begun. In 600 construction started and in 625* the Arch was completed. It was a day of great celebration, as it marked their first century on Earth and, because of the prophecies, allowed for the passage of the Great King. As a result from the time of its completion onward, all Kings sailed through the Arch as part of their coronation ceremony.
As construction of the Arch was underway, Ja'kreen planned for construction of the Temple of the Great King. Specifications for the building were recorded in ancient prophecies* and Ja'kreen made sure that each was followed through to the last span. Construction was finished in 643.
It should be noted that at the time of construction there were apparently quite a few people who questioned the dimensions of the building, calling them "rather odd" and "exorbitant". However, Ja'kreen would hear nothing of their complaints and, in fact, managed to anger quite a few of those who worked on the Temple during its construction*. Once the temple was complete, Ja'kreen ordered the transfer of the gold throne from the Temple that Ri'neref had built to the new Temple of the Great King.
In 654, Ja'kreen's wife gave birth to a son. Unfortunately, the boy only lived for ten years before dying of a rare disease*. It was not 10 years after the death of the boy that Ja'kreen's wife passed away, also at a young age. The tragedies seemed to have had a devastating affect on Ja'kreen and in his later years he was known to be easily angered and extremely harsh.
He remarried in 700 and his second wife gave birth to a son 17 years later, followed by two daughters. Records speak of various accusations of abuse toward his children though nothing was ever proven. Regardless of whether or not there was abuse, it seems he was never able to get over the death of his son and first wife. As one of the prophetesses who advised him wrote in her journals, "He never seemed to really love or appreciate any of them..." though he did leave the throne to the oldest of them.
It was Ja'kreen who encouraged further private construction for The Island in 775, including the J'Taeri District. He named the high-class district after his first son who had died 111 years earlier.
Ja'kreen died of natural consequences in 812 at the age of 337. It was often said that Ja'kreen died a very sad and unsatisfied man.
* The King's Arch was modeled after a similar design on Garternay. It was prophesied that the Great King would be "welcomed" by the Arch and so its construction was obviously seen as very important
* Because D'ni numbers are base 25, the year 625 was very significant
* Most were taken from the Regeltavok of Oorpah
* As recorded in Guild of Stone Masons' records
* It is not known what the disease was. Records only indicate extremely high temperatures and extremely sore and brittle bones
<element name="KingJaron">
<translation language="English"><![CDATA[<cover src="xKingMTKJrnlCover*1#0.hsm"><decal src="xKingJaronMTKCvrD_eng*1#0.hsm" pos=300,203 resize=yes><font size=10 face=courier color=000000><margin left=62 right=62 top=48><p align=center>King Jaron
<p align=left>Jaron - Took the throne in 6284 at the age of 83.
He was apparently much like his father, more interested in keeping everyone happy than declaring one side of the debates concerning philosophy, advancement, or outside involvement right or wrong.
As a result, though the people were satisfied, there was further division among them. The elite and poor became more divided and though there was quite a bit of new construction and renovation in both the elite and poor districts, there was nothing done to join the two.
For some reason, Jaron was obsessed with expansion and exploration of the cavern. There were rumors his obsession stemmed from Watcher prophecies; one in particular stated, "because of tunnels D'ni has changed forever." Jaron never said what drove him but throughout his reign he pushed the Guild of Miners, Mechanists, Engineers, and Surveyors to work together to create new drills and machinery. He had great plans to widen the Rudenna Passage, which when opened, would allow for further expansion.
In 6430, the announcement came. Rock Biter and The Burrower were both christened in a great ceremony and then immediately put to work. Stone Tooth and Stone Eater, were used for further city expansion.
The once violent factions that had existed were, for the most part, dissolving. Many of their members were seemingly beginning to call themselves Followers of Yahvo (as Gish had been), and though they did not support outside involvement, they believed it was best to obey Yahvo and hope for a peaceful solution. Though Jaron carried out a few meetings with the factions, the dissolution of the factions had little to do with his policies or leadership. Regardless, he was able to focus on mining efforts without consequences. It was a luxury the previous Kings had not been afforded and the main reason some of the greatest expansion in D'ni history began under Jaron.
Jaron himself died in 6498 at the age of 297. Though he did see the completion of the expansion of the Rudenna Passage, he never saw the new areas to which the passage led. He left the throne to his third son.
<element name="KingJi">
<translation language="English"><![CDATA[<cover src="xKingMTKJrnlCover*1#0.hsm"><decal src="xKingJiMTKCvrD_eng*1#0.hsm" pos=300,203 resize=yes><font size=10 face=courier color=000000><margin left=62 right=62 top=48><p align=center>King Ji
<p align=left>Ji - Took the throne in 4438 at the very young age of 36. The combination of an apparently immature and weak King, along with the tension that was growing within D'ni over the outsiders and religious principles, went down in history as a bad one.
At the start of his reign, government records say Ji was overtaken with his new palace life and the luxuries it afforded him. "He seemed much more concerned with what kind of food he would be served for breakfast than whether or not D'ni should pull back all of its people who were living in outside Ages, as some were suggesting," wrote one anonymous author.
Because of his apparent lack of concern over the real issues, it was the Grand Masters who quickly became the most frustrated with Ji. It was said by a few Grand Masters, in private journals, that Ji would whole-heartedly agree with them, while they presented their strategies and plans, and then agree with their challengers an hour later.
The indecision by Ji made for little evidence of progress and complete frustration for most of D'ni. For the first time in many years, the signs of division began to appear as they had during the 2500's. The once unified religious beliefs showed signs of splitting, the once unified classes began to separate into rich and poor, and the once confident "Rulers of Worlds" began to wonder whether they could rule even themselves.
Adding to the confusion, were the words of The Watcher. The Watcher, as he had come to be called, was the child who had been born between Ages and now, rumors said, had the ability to see beyond time, past, present, and future.
In 4500 he wrote "Words", a 625-line volume describing his visions of D'ni. Much of the book dealt with a great destruction of D'ni that would one day occur, and the signs that would come with that destruction. Many claimed that the book was seizing upon the chaos of the day and dismissed it as rubbish, while others seemed to be rather intrigued.
Also in 4500, Guild Master Kinef of the Guild of Legislators brought forth a proposal that would allow the use of private education, separate from the Guilds. Although many seemed frightened of the idea, as education and the Guilds had always been thought of as inseparable*, the proposal eventually passed by a slim margin*. Ji seemingly had little to say on the proposal one-way or the other.
Ji was married in 4502 to Milane, a woman who had been married three previous times. It was Ji's first, and the prophetess advising him had strongly spoken against it. The marriage lasted twenty-five years before ending, and marked the first time any King had divorced one of his wives.
Ji remarried in 4565 to a woman 100 years younger, something culturally accepted. It was the rumors that she was the daughter of The Watcher that created problems. She denied the claim but did show quite a bit of interest in his writings and convinced Ji to do the same.
The marriage lasted until 4645 when Ji's wife vanished. Some said outsiders had taken her* (since nothing had been resolved concerning them), others said Ji had murdered her*, and others said she had returned to her father, The Watcher (even though the Watcher died in 4606)*.
Ji's final wife was one of his own prophetesses he had sought for advice, marking another first for a King. The two were married until Ji's death in 4692. He left the throne to the third son of a close friend. He was 290 years old.
To sum up Ji's reign, one author wrote, "There was a collective sigh of relief throughout the cavern on that day he finally left us."*
* As spoken by Kinef during debates to the Council in 4500
* It seems private education never really received near the admiration and respect from the public and thus never truly succeeded
* Common among those still wanting more strict guidelines pertaining to outside involvement
* One of Ji's gardeners claimed he witnessed the murder with his own eyes
* Though the Watcher was believed to have died in 4606 there were numerous rumors of people claiming to have seen him and talked to him
* Taken from a recently discovered manuscript that was apparently never published
<element name="KingKedri">
<translation language="English"><![CDATA[<cover src="xKingMTKJrnlCover*1#0.hsm"><decal src="xKingKedriMTKCvrD_eng*1#0.hsm" pos=300,203 resize=yes><font size=10 face=courier color=000000><margin left=62 right=62 top=48><p align=center>King Kedri
<p align=left>Kedri - Took the throne in 3654 at the age of 80. Kedri, himself, was seen by many as a testament to the type of woman his mother had been. The day of Kedri's coronation was the proudest moment of Shama's life, she often said, up until the day she passed away in 3689.
Whether or not they agreed with Kedri's decisions (it seems most did), there was seemingly hardly a single D'ni who did not greatly respect and care for Kedri. He was a king for the people and, most historians agree, was the most popular King of D'ni history, besides the Great King.
Kedri led a number of small proposals that often benefited the lower classes. At the same time, it seems, he assured the higher classes that the proposals were the right thing to do.
Up to that point, The Island had basically been set aside for the elite. It was Kedri who established the district of Shamathen (later changed to Kerath'en) as a "more affordable" residential district.
Kedri also donated his own Age of the Kings, written during the reign of his grandfather, to the Common Library. He directed money to massive renovation projects throughout D'ni, including further additions to the Great Temple, the Opera House, and further renovations to Belari, the deteriorating district that Rakeri had started years earlier.
In the numerous books and journals written about Kedri, it is said that he often walked the streets of D'ni and attended events with the rest of his people, as though he were one of them.
He was married in 3686 at a public ceremony that was open to all who wished to attend. As one writer said of the event, "if you did not want to be there, you did not want to be
Kedri eventually passed away in 3903 at the age of 329, leaving the throne to his first-born son.
<element name="KingKerath">
<translation language="English"><![CDATA[<cover src="xKingKerathJournalCover_eng*1#0.hsm"><font size=10 face=courier color=000000><margin left=62 right=62 top=48><p align=center>King Kerath
<p align=left>Took the throne in 6731 DE at the age of 54. Kerath is probably the most well known name of all the Kings, not because he was necessarily considered the best, but because he was the last. His name came to represent all of the Kings in the later years, including the renaming of the Arch of the Kings to the Arch of Kerath.
His mother had raised him to follow the teachings of Gish and by the time he took the throne he was believed to be a whole-hearted believer in the Followers. Because of that, and the experience of watching his father interact with his advisors, Kerath had decided from an early age that a King was no longer the correct way that D'ni should be led. At least, he argued, not until the true Great King would come.
The fact that Kerath, in a single reign, was able to convince his people that the way they had been ruled for thousands of years was wrong and should be changed, should be considered nothing short of miraculous. Kerath carefully crafted his arguments as a benefit for the Guilds more than anything else. After all, he argued, "D'ni is the Guilds…let us be protected by their fortress and be ruled by their wisdom."
It was hard for the Guilds not to support a proposal that removed the King from the highest authority and replaced him with Five Lords, Lords that would be automatically chosen from the Grand Masters of the Guilds. It gave all of the power of D'ni to the Guilds and there were only a few Grand Masters who seemed to disagree. Those few were known as faithful followers of the Great King, and Ri'neref, who had always supported the role of Kings.
Fortunately, for Kerath, though his people believed a variety of different philosophical ideologies, only those who faithfully followed the original teachings of Ri'neref and the Great King were disturbed at the thought of no King. And, it was the majority of D'ni who no longer followed those beliefs but instead those of Nemiya, Gish, The Watcher and various others. As a result it was a cultural impact that the public had to overcome and not a religious one*.
Kerath, attempting to further please the Guilds, recommended new renovations and additions to the Council Chamber and construction of a new Guild Hall, meant to celebrate the new power that would be there's. A symbol of the new power of the Guilds and Lords and further insult to the Great King, burying his memory even further under government construction.
Construction began in 6970 DE on the new Guild Hall. There was no better symbol of the attitude of the D'ni in 6970 DE. The Tomb of the Great King was further buried under massive buildings dedicated to government and the Guilds.
By the end of his reign, Kerath had convinced a majority of D'ni of his own beliefs. Most claimed to be followers of Gish and his writings, and most viewed the outsiders as a threat. "If not now, then soon," Kerath often said*.
After his death, Kerath's words would be proven true with the onset of the Mee-Dis War. Outside factions invaded with attempts to destroy the Ink-Making and Book-Making Guilds and almost succeeded. By the time the war would end, there would be few left who did not follow Gish and thus, believe in the end of most outsider involvement. The discovery that conservative factions had led to the start of the Mee-Dis War would come much later, when it was far too late to alter the conservative trends.
Regardless, in 6977 DE Kerath abdicated the throne and gave over the power of the Kings to the first Five Lords of D'ni History. They were Lord Taeri of the Guild of Messengers, Lord Hemelah of the Guild of Healers, Lord Moleth of the Guild of Caterers, Lord Kedri of the Guild of Writers, and Lord Korenen of the Guild of Analysts. Kerath died eight years later.
The time of the Kings was over.
* Taken from Kerath's public speech in which he first proposed the idea
* From "The First Five" written by Tarvis in 7000
<element name="KingKoreen">
<translation language="English"><![CDATA[<cover src="xKingMTKJrnlCover*1#0.hsm"><decal src="xKingKoreenMTKCvrD_eng*1#0.hsm" pos=300,203 resize=yes><font size=10 face=courier color=000000><margin left=62 right=62 top=48><p align=center>King Koreen
<p align=left>Koreen - Took the throne in 1159 at the age of 50. Koreen was the older of Mararon's two sons and the two brothers were apparently close. His younger brother was a Guild Captain in the Guild of Linguists and the two remained close for much of Koreen's reign.
In 1159 when he took the throne, it would have been impossible to forecast the turbulent string of events that would start during his reign and not end for some years later.
His grandfather had been an extremely religious man though not everyone had agreed with his theologies. There were, in fact, a number of groups who had strongly disagreed with Veesha and though Mararon had not done anything to offend them, during the reign of Koreen they sought to make their own causes more widely known. The most dangerous of those groups was known as the Judges of Yahvo*. Though they had existed for some time, it was in 1303 that they began to make a name for themselves.
It all seems to have begun when a writer mysteriously left the Guild of Writers in 1303. A few days later, Books and Ink went missing from the respective Guilds. Koreen ordered tightened security on the Guilds, as well as a massive search for the vanished writer but all to no avail.
Unbeknownst to Koreen, the Judges, led by the man Airis, were writing illegal Ages in an attempt to create a race they could control and force to go to war for them. In 1320, the Pento Age was written and the Judges had what they needed.
It was in 1323, with his wife about to give birth to his first son, that Koreen's palace was attacked by a group of Judges, along with warriors from the Age of Pento. Koreen ordered his family out of the palace, as it was quickly being overtaken, and together they traveled to the other side of the city where a special Linking Book was waiting for them.
While traveling through the King's Arch, rumors say, that Koreen's wife gave birth to his first son, Ahlsendar.
Koreen continued to live in the city although his family stayed in a secret Private Age. The city grew more and more dangerous as the Judges began to destroy more of the city and kill more of its citizens. Koreen poured money into the City Guard as well as the small military of the day, although it seemed too little to late.
In 1352, Koreen was assassinated by a group of Pento warriors being led by Judges. The city was thrown into complete chaos.
* Known as the RegolantantEok (Judges) the sect believed they were to exercise Yahvo's judgment on those who could not truly understand him as they did.
<element name="KingLanaren">
<translation language="English"><![CDATA[<cover src="xKingMTKJrnlCover*1#0.hsm"><decal src="xKingLanarenMTKCvrD_eng*1#0.hsm" pos=300,203 resize=yes><font size=10 face=courier color=000000><margin left=62 right=62 top=48><p align=center>King Lanaren
<p align=left>Lanaren - Lanaren took the throne in 5701 at the age of 98. Lanaren had not been close to his father and, as a result, was not much like him. It was rumored that it was because of Lanaren that Adesh's own advisor had killed Adesh; he knew Lanaren would give the people what they wanted.
Lanaren immediately denounced the actions of his father in killing Gish and informed the public of the existence of the Relyimah, their involvement in the death of Gish and promised to rid them from all government activities. The announcement was a shock to the public and a huge blow to those who had served the Relyimah. Most ended up living in hidden Private Ages, while a few were murdered, after their years of service to the government*.
The loss of the Relyimah again gave the factions hope that they would be able to carry out their "demonstrations" again. However, Lanaren also promised to rid outsider involvement, meaning the factions had no need for such acts. It's believed that the promise was not one that Lanaren necessarily meant to keep, but instead one he intended to pretend he was trying to meet to keep the factions happy.
He also believed whole-heartedly in the plan to build a tunnel to The Island and was able to push it through in 5714, as Me'emen had not been able to. While Stone Tooth was busy digging, Lanaren promised that its next task would be to continue expansion by the Ashem'en District with eventual plans to create new residential and cultural districts.
Lanaren also ordered the Major Guilds to begin work on replacing all Ages that required outsider involvement. He demanded Ages that would carry out the same tasks but without outside involvement. Most Guild Masters knew the plan would take years and years, and though they did not agree with it, agreed to attempt it*.
In 5721 new techniques were developed to incorporate structural reinforcement in extrusion based construction, some that would aid construction of the districts Lanaren had promised.
In 5734, the tunnel connecting The Island with the city proper was canceled. Stone Tooth had been working on it for over twenty years but the Guild Masters who were already required by Lanaren to replace a huge number of Ages, were not about to connect their homes on The Island with the city proper*. Lanaren agreed, as there were further concerns that such construction could affect the lake level or even the algae within the lake*.
Instead Stone Tooth was ordered to begin clearing out more space next to the Ashem'en District.
In 5856 construction was begun on the new Lanaren District. Stone Tooth was ordered to begin further exploration of the cavern by way of new tunnels.
In 5902, the Guilds announced four new Ages* to replace some of those being used by outsiders. The announcement meant little, except to have the factions believe that eventually outside involvement would be finished.
5903 marked the first inhabitants of the Lanaren District, mostly manual laborers who worked in the adjoining Ahsem'en.
The Relyimah were officially finished with their work in 5986. The announcement was fairly quiet, as most of their work had ceased long before that.
In 5999, Lanaren passed away at very old age of 396. He left the throne to his fifth, and youngest, son.
* From "Revealing the Unseen" written by Besharen in 5999
* From the private journals of Grand Master Keman of the Guild of Legislators
* From "The Lost Tunnel" written by Lashem in 6034
* The environmental damage claimed by Lanaren and D'ni environmentalists, was never proven. Most agree it was an easy way out for Lanaren who then did not have to admit he was bullied by the Grand Masters who lived on The Island
* Three of the Ages were Food Ages while the fourth was meant to replace one of the major manufacturing Ages. In reality, none of them were ever used to the extent the Ages they were replacing had been used
<element name="KingLemashal">
<translation language="English"><![CDATA[<cover src="xKingMTKJrnlCover*1#0.hsm"><decal src="xKingLemashalMTKCvrD_eng*1#0.hsm" pos=300,203 resize=yes><font size=10 face=courier color=000000><margin left=62 right=62 top=48><p align=center>King Lemashal
<p align=left>Lemashal - Took the throne in 3903 at the age of 100. Lemashal had been fairly involved in the Minor Guild of Actors, although it was said that what especially interested Lemashal was illusion. Up to that point, there had been a few different "magic clubs" although nothing official.
So, in 3961 Lemashal, with quite a bit of trouble, forced the establishment of the Minor Guild of Illusionists. It was not a Guild that most found necessary but, Lemashal argued, that neither was the Guild of Actors, Painters, or Musicians; it was entertainment, of which illusion was a valid form*. Ironically, it was later discovered that the establishment of the Guild was an illusion in itself.
While the Guild was debated*, Lemashal established an undercover intelligence force to keep track on the more dangerous factions and sub-groups of D'ni. They were a highly secretive group, of which the public had little or no knowledge, until years later. And so, with the confirmation of the Guild of Illusions, the Relyimah (literally trans. "The Unseen") were also established.
Though the previous few Kings had been fairly focused on D'ni and expanding their own culture and territory, Lemashal again looked toward the outside cultures in a manner that had not been seen since Hinash. In 3975 he re-married (as his first wife had passed away at a young age) to an outsider. Unlike Hinash, who had also married an outsider, Lemashal and his new wife bore a son (his first) twenty years later, in 3995, and another son in 4014.
For the first time, the D'ni were truly confronted with their views on outside cultures and the arguments were said to have started as soon as Lemashal's son was born, as to whether or not he would be allowed to someday rule as King.
Unfortunately, though Lemashal led quite a few efforts to supply better lives for other cultures, along with freer trade and sharing of resources with other Ages, the remaining years of his reign were dominated by whether or not his son would be allowed to reign.
To Lemashal's credit, though he could have forced his will, concerning his son, upon his people, he never did. If his son were to eventually reign, he said, "It will only be over a people who want him to".
In 4030, the Council decided that a King had to be of pure D'ni blood. Lemashal signed the decision into law the following year.
When he died in 4083, he left the throne to the youngest child of his cousin, whose mother had been the younger sister of his father Kedri.
* Taken from a speech to the Council arguing for the establishment of the Guild
* Lemashal did not need Council approval to establish the Guild. Though many Kings preferred Council approval, it was said later that Lemashal purposely wanted the debates to take place as a distraction]]></translation>
<element name="KingLoshemanesh">
<translation language="English"><![CDATA[<cover src="xKingMTKJrnlCover*1#0.hsm"><decal src="xKingLoshemaneshMTKCvrD_eng*1#0.hsm" pos=300,203 resize=yes><font size=10 face=courier color=000000><margin left=62 right=62 top=48><p align=center>King Loshemanesh
<p align=left>Loshemanesh - Took the throne in 4291 at the age of 123. Though Loshemanesh's reign was relatively short, it is believed he made the most of the years he was given.
Loshemanesh had seen first-hand the affects of too much interaction with other cultures and because of that held firmly to his views, disagreeing with what was becoming the majority view in D'ni. He often pointed out, as his father also had, that before the Pento War, strict regulations had existed on interaction with other cultures and it did nothing to stop the Judges from their writings. Loshemanesh himself stated, "Those who wish to take advantage of outside Ages and peoples can not be stopped...must first be listened to within D'ni...not forced to take such extreme measures. ...When extreme measures are taken...the consequences must be increased."*.
In 4305 law was passed stating that creation or trading of illicit Ages was punishable by permanent imprisonment on solitary Prison Ages...a fate that some said was worse than death. In 4307 Loshemanesh passed (barely) another law stating that any D'ni who coerced an outsider to commit a crime (no matter what the crime) was also punishable by permanent imprisonment.
While the laws were passed, Loshemanesh encouraged further interaction with the other cultures, while continuing to argue interaction itself was not the problem. However, it seems as though many failed to see his stance and still pushed for stricter measures on the Guild of Writers and a complete sealing off of any interaction with outsiders.
In 4334, the Age of Trases (a major mining Age) was halfway destroyed because of the mistake of a native running D'ni machines that had been established there. Families were forced to evacuate and, in one particularly odd case, supposedly a child was born while the mother had been linking from Trases back to D'ni. Regardless, the destruction of the Age was another cause of argument for those who wished to seal themselves off and a case that Loshemanesh argued could have happened regardless of who was running the machine.
Sadly, in 4438 Loshemanesh was assassinated by the same faction who had kidnapped his mother years earlier, making his life an example of what he had often preached; it was the D'ni who had to change. If they did not, he had argued, problems would always exist, whether or not outsiders were involved.
He left the throne to the first-son of his younger brother, as he had no children of his own.
* Taken from a public speech explaining his signing of the laws
<element name="KingMararon">
<translation language="English"><![CDATA[<cover src="xKingMararonMTKJrnlCover_eng*1#0.hsm"><font size=10 face=courier color=000000><margin left=62 right=62 top=48><p align=center>King Mararon
<p align=left>King Mararon took the throne in 997 at the age of 73, exactly twenty years after emerging from his long coma. From various speeches and writings, it's obvious Mararon placed a strong value on life. Through his 162 years in power it seems he did all he could to emphasize that same value to his people, as well as make the most of his own.
It seems that a main concern of Mararon was the D’ni education system. The fact that so many of his own people were falling by the wayside apparently upset him quite a bit. So, in 1124 when Ti’Lanar (a Guild Master of the Guild of Legislators) submitted his paper “Minor Guilds” Mararon was in immediate agreement with what it said. In the paper, Ti’Lanar wrote “...we are creating a group of people who have no understanding of the D'ni and the strength of our blood. There is the relatively small percentage of those who learn and keep our traditions through the Guilds, and a growing population of fools...”
Mararon, following suggestions within the paper, placed the Common Schools under the Guild of Legislators and began major renovations of that system, including higher standards for instructors and longer workdays. Mararon also raised the time in the Common Schools from six years (age 10 to 16) to fifteen years (age 5 to 20). From there, instead of entering back into society, as had been the case, students could enter one of the new Minor Guilds that had been proposed by Ti’Lanar, and accepted by Mararon. The first of these Guilds included Architecture (a branch of the Guild of Stone Masons), Miners, and Educators, and Bankers among others.
While not pushing education, Mararon was focused on his own life, making sure that he was living it to the fullest. Most historical documents point to addictions to hallucinogenic drinks and various drugs. As well, it seems he carried out numerous affairs, prompting him to throw out the rules that his father had written regarding marriage and adultery. One particular record shows of affairs with prophetesses, although both the prophetesses and the religious community vehemently denied it*.
The public said little of Mararon’s shortcomings, choosing to focus more on the benefits he had brought them than the negatives. He died at the fairly early age of 235 in 1159 from natural consequences. Most expected the early death form his drinking and smoking, although many say it was somehow related to his coma years earlier.
*Any relationship between the King and his prophetess was extremely looked down upon as both people were expected to remain objective with one aother and the people.
<element name="KingMeemen">
<translation language="English"><![CDATA[<cover src="xKingMeemenJournalCover_eng*1#0.hsm"><font size=10 face=courier color=000000><margin left=62 right=62 top=48><p align=center>King Me'emen
<p align=left>Took the throne in 5240 DE at the age of 83.
One of the biggest announcements of Me'emen's reign came rather quickly and was offered by the Guild of Miners and Stone Masons (who had worked together). In 5307 they revealed Nara*, as it had been created in a laboratory weeks earlier. Nara offered tremendous opportunities for mining and construction and ended up having a massive impact on future opportunities for D'ni. Even at the time of its release, there was apparently much excitement about its potential.
In 5312 DE, disease broke out in the industrial district of D'ni most likely originating in the Age of Yasefe*. The outbreak caused widespread panic as many predicted another plague similar to what had occurred during the 2100's. Fortunately, the illness was not nearly as lethal as the aforementioned, and the Guild of Healers reacted extraordinarily fast in finding a cure. Regardless, there was again a new push to at least separate the Nehw'eril District* far away from the city proper.
Me'emen apparently liked the idea quite a bit and encouraged the Surveyors to begin looking into such an expansion.
In 5359 DE, the D'ni received another great reason to begin major expansion and it came in the form of Stone Tooth. It was the second of the Great Diggers and quite a bit more powerful and technologically advanced than the older Stone Eater. Me'emen immediately ordered the Guild of Miners to begin "clearing" an area (along with Stone Eater) for a new industrial district replacing Nehw'eril. It was not until 5475 DE, that actual construction was begun on the new industrial section Uran.
Less than a hundred years after Stone Tooth, in 5473 DE, the Guild of Maintainers announced that the newly discovered Deretheni could be used to create much improved, and much more protective, Maintainer suits. Though such an announcement may not seem especially important, the new suits ended up having a great impact on D'ni culture. Since the Maintainers were able to take bigger risks with the types of Ages they could explore, the Guild of Writers were allowed to be a bit more liberal in their writing, and a new breed of Age was begun*.
During Me'emen's reign "Words" became a common topic of discussion and attention was again given to the older temples. Evidence points to numerous remodels and renovations of many of the secular temples that had been built years earlier on the "new" line of the Great Zero.
It seems that Me'emen himself paid little attention to the religious pulse of his people being much more interested in technological advancements and city expansion to care.
Once Me'emen felt that Stone Eater and Stone Tooth were no longer needed, he recommended using them to build an underground tunnel connecting The Island to the city proper, and minimizing the need for boat travel. His proposition was not embraced by any means, especially by the upper classes who were living on The Island. Apparently there were a number of protests, for fear of the affect the tunnel could have on The Island. The proposal was also rejected by most of the Guilds, causing Me'emen to not force it.
In 5500 DE, the first imports from other Ages were linked to the new Uran District, much further from the city. Uran was said to be "a tremendous improvement over the older Nehw'eril…much more advanced…much safer," and there was tremendous celebration on the day of its "opening"*. Security was tight in the new district, as it was revealed later that the Relyimah had uncovered a variety of plots intended to display some of the faction's disagreement with the district.
In 5540 DE, Me'emen's only son became extremely ill and ended up passing away six months later. As a member of the Guild of Healers, Ashem was often among the first to investigate new Ages to make sure of their safety in relation to disease. As a result of his death, the Age was not approved until a cure could be found. Me'emen considered the actions of his son heroic and changed the name of the Uran district to Ashem'en a year after his death.
It was said, that the death left Me'emen "deeply saddened…devoid of the excitement he had shown throughout his reign"*. Many said it forced him to the Prophetess Trisari*. Me'emen apparently spent much time with Trisari in his last days and was able to die a content man "because of her"*.
Me'emen died in 5549 DE at the very ripe age of 392 and choose his nephew, probably on recommendation of Trisari, to succeed him.
* A metallic gray stone thirty times the density of steel and the hardest of all D'ni stones
* Yasefe was mostly forest and provided D'ni with a good portion of its wood supply including the expensive, and rare, Yema.
* The industrial district was formed during the reign of Needrah and served as an importation center for most outside goods.
* The newer Ages allowed for much more experimentation with atmospheres, animal life, and energy sources.
* From the journal of Grand Master Veshar of the Guild of Stone Miners
* From the journals of the Prophetess Trisari, assigned to King Me'emen
* It should be noted that prophetesses had been assigned to all of the Kings but, for the most part, had become nothing more than figureheads, rarely consulted
* From "Ashem" written by Ramena in 5589
<element name="KingMeerta">
<translation language="English"><![CDATA[<cover src="xKingMTKJrnlCover*1#0.hsm"><decal src="xKingMeertaMTKCvrD_eng*1#0.hsm" pos=300,203 resize=yes><font size=10 face=courier color=000000><margin left=62 right=62 top=48><p align=center>King Me'erta
<p align=left>Me'erta - Took the throne in 1779 at the young age of 31.
There were multiple leaders, many of them from the Church, who publicly feared that the appointment of Me'erta would cause great damage to the already fragile religious culture. Their fears appear to have been justified, as Me'erta's reign was a turbulent one. In fact, it was often stated that it was his mother Jolatha who ruled the throne for most of Me'erta's 236 years in power. "Me'erta himself had no time to rule D'ni, he was much too busy...too focused on satisfying the women who ruled him..."*
In 1817 Me'erta proposed construction of the Temple of the Tree marking the first time any King officially supported anything other than the original beliefs of Ri'neref. Just as important, Me'erta suggested that the line of the Great Zero (which had been chosen by Ri'neref) was inaccurate*. However, he did not officially change the line. He most likely realized such a change would have carried far too many implications upon the society concerning construction, navigation, etc...His goals (or Jolatha's) in such a remark were simply to question the beliefs of Ri'neref and encourage the cults to build in a newer section of the city. His remarks were all that were needed. The Temple was built, with strong opposition from some, in 1843. A few years later, Me'erta sanctioned the construction of the Temple of Water, and the Temple of the Sacred Stone. Both were finished in 1876, and 1902 respectively. All were built on Me'erta's recommended line of the Great Zero.
As the years passed, cults sprang up everywhere, wreaking havoc on the religious beliefs the D'ni had once had. The Temple of Yahvo was empty and its priests and prophets were small in number, as many had left to pursue other beliefs.
In 1975, Me'erta attempted to change the rules and restrictions of the Writer's Guild, including altering their oath. He claimed his proposals would leave them more "flexible" in their writing and allow the D'ni "to do more".
However, the proposal was met with staunch resistance from Grand Master Tremal who adamantly opposed the King and, as the records show, refused to change the oath that Ailesh had written. As it turns out, the refusal cost Tremal his life, many say on order from Jolatha. Years later, many viewed Tremal's refusal as one of the most heroic deeds of D'ni history*. If those rules and oaths had changed, many believed, as Tremal had, the path to Terahnee would not have been long behind. "And that is why we exist," wrote Tremal.
Once Tremal was found dead, the Writer's Guild, as a whole, refused to change the proposed changes in the oath and regulations in support of their fallen comrade. Eventually, Jolatha, through Me'erta, gave up trying.
By far, Jolatha's most destructive action came the year of her death. In 1999 she convinced her son to break the seal on the Tomb of the Great King. Why she wished for such an action is not clear, although numerous possibilities were proposed years later.
Though few in number, there were still some who believed the Great King would return and Jolatha was infuriated at any power the Great King had. She possibly wanted to prove once and for all that he was dead, an imposter, and fool. Others wrote that she was interested in gaining access to some of the Ancient Books, as the Tree believed they held special power. Still others said she was simply mad while others claimed she was possessed and an agent of Jakooth*. Regardless, the seal was broken.
The act was carried out in secret, in the dead of night, as even those who opposed the Great King would have found such an action blasphemous and dangerous. A number of Books were taken from the Tomb and placed in the Temple of the Tree, along with what Jolatha claimed was a piece of robe from the body of the dead King.
Jolatha died two days later, from an unknown illness, while the Books she had taken out remained in the Temple of the Tree. Me'erta quietly ordered the Tomb sealed again (and much stronger). It was said that Me'erta believed his mother had been cursed for entering the grave and he himself, was petrified of it, or any mention of the Great King in the later years of his life.
Me'erta, known as an unfaithful man, died 15 years later with one of his lovers. Guild of Healer's records indicated massive poisoning as the cause of his death. He was 267. His murderer was never discovered although there were numerous suspects. Though he had many enemies, most agreed it was either his wife, for obvious reasons, or son, who despised his father's weaknesses and lack of judgement. Ironically, it was that son, his oldest, whom he left the throne to.
* From the journals of the Prophetess Aleshay
* Precedent existed for such a claim. On previous Ages, the line of the Great Zero could either point from the Great Zero itself toward magnetic North (as Ri'neref had chosen) or toward another prominent landmark (as Me'Erta suggested it should have been).
* Grand Master Temas of the Guild of Writers in a speech to the Five Lords in 7034
* Jakooth was the equivalent of the devil in the D'ni religion
<element name="KingNaygen">
<translation language="English"><![CDATA[<cover src="xKingNaygenJournalCover_eng*1#0.hsm"><font size=16 face=Sam><margin left=62 right=62 top=48><p align=center>King Naygen
<p align=left>Took the throne in 2356 DE at the age of 86. Naygen did much to encourage the growth of the Major Guild of Fine Artists, as well as the seeking of the other "truths". The year 2500 DE (1000 years after the death of the Great King) would mark the peak of what some would call "the religious confusion"*. There were over 2000 registered sects and the original beliefs of Ri'neref were known by very few. Naygen was clearly not one of them.
It is 2397 DE that most officially marks the start of the D'ni Renaissance. In that year, the Eamis Theatre Company hosted the first play written by the playwright Sirreh. The play dealt with the Pento War and the Great King himself and was one which Naygen praised. It ended up being sold out for three straight weeks and marked not only the start of theatre as a popular entertainment source within the culture, but also the beginning of the Pento War subject, which would go on to become one of the most dealt with topics of their history in their Art.
In 2408 DE, the 33-year-old musician Airem began selling out concert halls, marking the beginning of yet another career of one of the great D'ni artists. His music also dealt much with the Great King, many times ridiculing him. Naygen praised his people for being able to express "their true feelings in such wonderful displays of art"*.
In 2488 DE, the first successful extrusion tests were carried out by the Guild of Miners, and to great applause from the public. Naygen used the occasion to "benefit everyone". He appointed the Guild of Miners as a Major Guild replacing the Guild of Fine Artists. He then split the Guild of Fine Artists up into the Minor Guilds of Sculptors, Artists, Actors, and Musicians. The split was to encourage growth in mining as well as the arts, two major causes of Naygen throughout his reign. His proposal was strongly supported by Sirreh and Airem, as well as other artists, who viewed it as an excellent opportunity for the growth of their respective fields.
In 2500 DE, Naygen proposed the construction of a new Council chamber for the Guilds. Somewhat surprising, was that he suggested it should be built over the Tomb of the Great King. The proposal was met with little opposition*, and construction began two years later. In 2502 DE, the Tomb of the Great King was barely visible, a tremendous symbol of what D'ni had become.
Later it was discovered that within the Council chamber was a massive vault, protected by "puzzles" of a sort. The tomb had always been known for its patterns, some of which were claimed to have prophetic messages. Naygen apparently became enamored with the patterns and spread them throughout the unseen portions of the chamber as well as the seen. Though the public knew very little of the vault at the time of construction, years later, it was found to contain a tremendous amount of royal wealth, something Naygen often publicly encouraged. Of course, most were not able to save the amounts Naygen did, but still the idea of saving one's money for future generations was strongly encouraged by him.
Naygen died in 2533 DE at the age of 263 leaving the throne to his third son. In memorial to Naygen, Sirreh wrote another of the more popular of his plays entitled "Our Great King". It was the first play performed by the Minor Guild of Actors in 2535 DE.
* Taken from the journal of Tevahr in 3075
* From a speech by Naygen, christening the Minor Guild of Musicians
* Though the official Church registered a complaint, it seemed there was little heart behind it. Apparently, even a prophetess of Naygen supported the proposition
<element name="KingNeedrah">
<translation language="English"><![CDATA[<cover src="xKingMTKJrnlCover*1#0.hsm"><decal src="xKingNeedrahMTKCvrD_eng*1#0.hsm" pos=300,203 resize=yes><font size=10 face=courier color=000000><margin left=62 right=62 top=48><p align=center>King Needrah
<p align=left>Needrah - Took the throne in 2779 at the age of 75.
Needrah had been a member of the Minor Guild of Sculptors at the same time as the great sculptor Lahkeer, and as a result the two were excellent friends. As Needrah took the throne, Lahkeer, who was four years younger, was starting to be recognized. Those who had seen his work were already claiming him as one of the greatest artists D'ni had ever seen* even though most had never heard his name.
Needrah had always been a proud supporter of cave expansion and once he gained the throne, made it his mission to make sure that his people felt the same way.
Needrah's three older brothers were very close to him, and in fact, took the role of his closest advisors. Each was a Guild Master, the oldest with the Guild of Miners, the second with the Guild of Stone Masons, and the third with the Minor Guild of Architects. Because of their positions, each ended up having a great affect on the accomplishments of Needrah.
Most of the evidence supports the fact that it was not Needrah's persuasive speeches or motivational abilities alone that pushed the expansions, but also the fantastic skill and talent of Lahkeer. He only needed one chance to prove his skill to the public and Needrah gave him that opportunity in 2807 with the design for a monument to the discovery of the Book of Birenni. After that, Lahkeer along with Needrah and his brother presented a plan for a new residential district. From that point forward, it seems as though expansion could not have been stopped even if someone had tried.
Throughout the 221 years of Needrah's reign, four new districts were begun including the residential Jaren, the elite of the elite districts Kaleh, the business district of Kali, and the industrial district (managing importation and manufacturing of foreign goods) Nehw'eril District.
In 2916, the Guild of Mechanists announced industrial extrusion, allowing for further improvements in construction methods including "uni-structural"* buildings.
Needrah passed away in the year 3000 at the age of 296. He had two daughters, but no sons of his own to give the throne. Instead he chose the oldest son of his brother to succeed.
* From "The Man from J'Taeri" by Kimal. Written in 3243
* Instead of the joining of blocks that had been used up to that point, uni-structural construction allowed for the "weaving of different stone, almost like a sweater", as one historian described it, making it appear as a single seamless piece of stone
<element name="KingRakeri">
<translation language="English"><![CDATA[<cover src="xKingMTKJrnlCover*1#0.hsm"><decal src="xKingRakeriMTKCvrD_eng*1#0.hsm" pos=300,203 resize=yes><font size=10 face=courier color=000000><margin left=62 right=62 top=48><p align=center>King Rakeri
<p align=left>Rakeri - Took the throne in 3000 at the age of 81. In the same year of Rakeri's coronation ceremony, a man by the name of Tevahr was born. Beginning in 3077, many say he defined Rakeri's reign more than Rakeri himself*.
Tevahr was an ardent follower of the Great King and spent his entire growing up studying the King's teachings and words. By the time he was sixty-five he was apparently appalled at the state of his people, especially pertaining to religious matters. Though he began on a small scale, in a matter of years, Tevahr became one of the most influential men in D'ni history.
He was a powerful leader, a gifted speaker, and a tremendous motivator and by 3077, a well-known name. It was 3077 that Tevahr publicly denounced the sects and his people's (including the government's) lack of faith in the principles and laws of Yahvo that they were founded upon. He often pointed to the Council Chamber (and other government structures) that now covered the Tomb of the Great King as a symbol of what the hearts and souls of D'ni had become. "There is no longer time for religion, as government and power have stolen our love," he stated numerous times. Most of the public seemed to agree with Tevahr, especially concerning the Tomb of the Great King and its covering; they believed they should never have allowed it to happen.
Although not remembered as a great event in itself, most historians agreed that credit should be given to Rakeri's reaction to the teachings of Tevahr. Rakeri, at first, was infuriated at Tevahr's speeches and his apparent disapproval of the culture. In return, he denounced Tevahr and his teachings, and even threatened to have him imprisoned.
In 3081, Rakeri supposedly attended one of Tevahr's speeches in an effort to ridicule it and give the other side to the public. Instead, he ended up in a public debate with Tevahr. According to witnesses, it was a debate that Tevahr clearly won*. Though Tevahr handled the debate with the King as best he could, at times his words were rather harsh; words to which the King had no response, and ended up bringing quite a bit of ridicule upon himself instead of Tevahr. However, instead of ordering Tevahr's death, which he probably could have done, he returned to his palace and thought about what he had heard*.
Five days later, Rakeri personally invited Tevahr to the palace and later that same day announced that he had chosen Tevahr as his main prophet* and asked forgiveness from his people for the wrongs, not only of himself, but of the Kings before him. Those who personally witnessed the speech of King Rakeri left the event transformed*. It was not long until their personal transformations, began to change the entire culture.
By 3100, six hundred years after government records showed 2500 registered sects, there were forty-seven sects in existence. Only ten of those sects' membership was greater than five hundred. The public seemed to return again to the beliefs their culture had been founded upon, those that Ri'neref had taught and the Great King had expanded upon.
The people were again unified and much work was done to join the classes of rich and poor that, by that time, had already begun to separate. There was major renovation of deteriorating districts (mostly poor) and construction of a new Theatre Company and Concert Hall in the Belari District, what had been one of the poorer districts in the entire city.
In 3112, Rakeri announced, with Tevahr by his side, plans for grand renovations (an almost complete reconstruction) of the Great Temple. Rakeri also announced that the old line of the Great Zero was accurate and should be honored again.
The Temple itself was to take advantage of handheld extruder technology that had been developed in 3092. As well the great artist Fahlee* was to paint the inside of the Temple. As it turned out it was Fahlee's final masterpiece as he passed away in 3123, six months after the completion of the Temple.
For the remaining years of Rakeri's reign, expansion continued both outside and inside the cavern. New mining technology was seemingly announced annually, bringing with it great prestige to the relatively newly formed Major Guild of Miners.
Tevahr passed away at the young age of 218 in 3218. Rakeri was so greatly disturbed at his passing that he ordered five days of national sadness. There were minor protests from a few of the still remaining sects (who obviously did not follow the order) but for the most part, D'ni mourned with Rakeri over the loss of the prophet.
Rakeri died a year after Tevahr at the age of 300, leaving the throne to his first-born son Tejara.
* From "Yahvo's Voice" written by Adesh in 3143
* Many witnesses' testimonies of the event are chronicled in "Yahvo's Voice".
* According to the Prophetess Shama, Rakeri was greatly affected by the words. He refused to speak to anyone for two days following the debate
* Though women usually took the roles of Prophets, the choice of Tevahr was one that no one argued. Shama herself was said to be thrilled that Tevahr's wisdom was being sought.
* From "Yahvo's Voice" written by Adesh in 3143
* Considered by most to be the greatest artist of the D'ni Renaissance
<element name="KingRikooth">
<translation language="English"><![CDATA[<cover src="xKingMTKJrnlCover*1#0.hsm"><decal src="xKingRikoothMTKCvrD_eng*1#0.hsm" pos=300,203 resize=yes><font size=10 face=courier color=000000><margin left=62 right=62 top=48><p align=center>King Rikooth
<p align=left>Rikooth - Took the throne in 6498 at the age of 56. Though young, he had two older brothers, and a sister, with whom, it was said, he often consulted. They each understood the logic of giving the throne to the youngest son (it guaranteed more time in the throne for the individual) and worked well with their younger brother, as no other family had done previously*.
Rikooth's first major decision came in 6510 when a new cavern was found by expeditions led by Rock Biter and The Burrower. There were calls to expand the city, but Rikooth was apparently unconvinced it was a smart plan. His older brother, who happened to be Guild Master of the Guild of Surveyors, agreed to study the cavern extensively and Rikooth promised to make a decision upon reading results of the study.
In the meantime, Rikooth married in 6556 to a woman named Hisha. Her father was Grand Master of the Guild of Chemists and a strong believer in Gish and the fallacy of the Great King.
Though Hisha had some influence on Rikooth, he continued in the tradition of his fathers never publicly stating his views on philosophy. However, she had much more influence on the three sons that they would eventually have together, including the youngest Kerath. It was her influence that would change D'ni forever*.
In 6601 extremely detailed reports (structural analysis, water supply, rock type, etc...) came back informing Rikooth that though the newly discovered cavern was habitable it would be very expensive to build in. Rikooth made the decision, after conferring with his advisors, that Stone Tooth, along with the new Rock Biter, should begin digging out more of the city proper (into the cave wall) for expansion, while Burrower and Stone Eater would continue to tunnel past the cavern.
In 6676, Rikooth met with leaders to discuss the involvement of outsiders. Though there had been no major incidents for hundreds of years, it was still an issue to be discussed. In the meetings it became apparent that though Rikooth understood the reasons for wishing to close down interaction with outsiders, it was a ridiculous thought. Their contribution to D'ni culture, art, construction, technology, and resources, was immeasurable. Unless there were grand reasons not to, there was no way, he argued, that he would ever force strict resolutions regarding the outsiders*.
In his older years it appeared as though Rikooth became tired of Hisha and her views and opinions. She was expelled from the palace, along with Kerath in 6700. It was well known that Kerath was a model of his mother's thoughts and Rikooth could hardly stand him*.
Though Rikooth had chosen an older brother of Kerath to be King, his thoughts were changed. As the legends told, Rikooth was on his own death bed staring out toward the Arch and he saw his son, Kerath sailing through it. He was riding a boat in the shape of a massive lizard, standing proudly on its prow and had come home to announce the death of his mother. As he sailed through the Arch, Rikooth apparently felt the hand of Yahvo, directing him to make Kerath the next King of D'ni.
By the end of Rikooth's reign the city was larger than ever, the classes were more divided than ever, and the religious beliefs were as divided as ever. Though there were not a large variety of beliefs, there was no clear majority of people who believed any one thing.
Rikooth passed away in 6731 at the age of 289 leaving the throne to his third son, Kerath. He left him a city that was larger than it had ever been, and fairly evenly divided in its views of the future.
* Years later it would be a forceful argument for council ruling
* From "The Last King" written by Yemas in 7002
* From "How They Came; A Detailed Look at what started the Mee-Dis War" by Jamen. Written in 7201
* From "The Last King" written by Yemas in 7002
<element name="KingRineref">
<translation language="English"><![CDATA[<cover src="xKingRinerefJournalCover_eng*1#0.hsm"><font size=16 face=Sam color=000000><margin left=62 right=62 top=46><p align=center>King Ri'neref
<p align=left>Ri'neref was born in 207 BE (Before Earth) on Garternay. He was accepted into the Guild of Writers at the age of five (a standard age) and, as the years passed, quickly became one of the finest Writers that the Ronay had ever seen. Certain records go as far as stating that Ri'neref was "unsurpassed in skill"* by any other Writer of the day.
By the time he was 90, Ri'neref had achieved the rank of Guild Master and was well on his way to become the Grand Master. However, due to personal convictions, he never achieved that rank.
Ri'neref had long been a challenger of the views of the Guild of Writers, as well as the King himself. Ri'neref was apparently very concerned with the society's views pertaining to the purpose of writing and the challenge of acting responsibly with the "...great gift given to us by Yahvo"*.
<font size=16 face=Nick color=000000>Around 73 BE, Ri'neref was asked by the Grand Master to write a Descriptive Book to a questionable least in the eyes of Ri'neref. He perceived the Age being used to house an uncivilized race that could be used for the purposes of the Ronay. Thus, Ri'neref refused to carry out the command from his Grand Master and, after much debating, was apparently dismissed from the Guild of Writers. Some records do point to Ri'neref willfully excusing himself from the Guild, although regardless of how he left, much of the society found the "dismissal" unfair and some even went so far as to call it "detrimental to society"*.
Around 59 BE, the fact that Garternay would not be able to serve the Ronay as a home for much longer* was confirmed and the information made public. Ri'neref had long known of the state of Garternay and from the time of his dismissal had apparently been working on an Age that he felt would be a good place to live for those who wished to follow him.
According to various journals, Ri'neref managed to attract a few thousand Ronay and convince them to follow him in the ways that he felt important and to the Age that he had written. The King allowed Ri'neref to split away from the Ronay, along with a few other smaller groups, while the majority of Ronay left Garternay to a new home world called Terahnee. Ri'neref took his group to Earth, where he established the D'ni (meaning "New Beginning").
Ri'neref was a strong leader, immediately establishing himself as King and reigning for 120 years until his death. Obviously, those who followed Ri'neref to D'ni already respected him enough to separate themselves from their family and friends, and thus, records point to very few debates or disagreements within the society under the reign of Ri'neref.
As had always been the case with the Ronay, a group of surveyors was sent to D'ni, before the group officially moved there, to establish the Great Zero* and the line emanating from it. A monument was built on the Great Zero in the year 0 DE.
Unlike previous occasions, Ri'neref established the line of the Great Zero as set apart for holy buildings. Without authorization by the reigning King, construction was forbidden.
Though it's never stated directly, records strongly imply that it was Ri'neref who chose where the city would be established. He seemed to base his decision on two factors (which probably made the decision an easy one). First was the line of the Great Zero. It seemed an obvious spot to base the city, with the most important religious structures being directly on the line and the rest of the city surrounding its center. The second factor was a group of waterfalls that flowed from the ceiling of the cavern to an area adjacent to the line of the Great Zero. The fresh flowing water was perfect for drinking.
A new Writer's Guild (with fairly different rules than the one that had existed on Garternay) was constructed almost immediately (8 DE) under the direction of Ri'neref. By the year 100 DE Ri'neref had directed the re-creation of the 18 Major Guilds*. The Guilds were dedicated to Yahvo on "The Day of the Circle", a celebration not only of the completion of the Major Guilds, but a celebration of New Guilds, which Ri'neref believed were "healthier" than those that existed in Garternay. "Guilds that have been established to please Yahvo and not themselves..." Ri'neref said*.
Certain records point to the Guilds on Garternay becoming extremely competitive with one another and focusing more upon having the best facility than carrying out their duty to Yahvo and the people. In an effort to curb that kind of competition, Ri'neref implemented a list of restrictions upon Guild construction. The restrictions included guidelines pertaining to placement (facing the Great Zero), size, shape, and minor visual guidelines.
Though one of Ri'neref's top priorities was construction of a Temple, there were disagreements as to specifics, causing numerous delays in the finalization of construction plans. Eventually, construction was started in 48 DE and the Temple was completed in 63 DE. Known as the Regeltovokum, the Temple to Yahvo was meant as a place of worship as well as a reminder of the prophesied Great King who would come to them soon*.
Ri'neref also made it a priority to install massive fans that would supply the cavern with fresh air. Natural openings existed but it was quickly discovered that they did not supply ample circulation for the cavern. As a result, massive shafts and fans were built and installed over a thirty-year period between 84 and 114 DE. It should be noted that numerous records point to a small group of D'ni disappearing upon completion of the fans. It is most often assumed that they remained on the surface of Earth to live.
Throughout his reign, records point to multiple occasions on which Ri'neref refused to build a palace for himself. Instead, he lived in a fairly basic home, similar in fashion to most of his fellow citizens and made it especially clear that until Yahvo had a new home, he could not allow himself one. Although, even after the Temple was completed, Ri'neref refused to build a palace, always focusing more on the religious and government sites. Ri'neref's own philosophy centered on the fact that it was much easier to focus on Yahvo and his wishes when circumstances were difficult and struggles more abundant. It was strongly believed that Ri'neref's refusal to build a palace was an expression of that philosophy.
In 120 DE, Ri'neref died of apparent heart complications. He was 327 years old. Though he had married, he left no children. As a result, he chose one of his apprentices, named Ailesh, to succeed him.
* Taken from the Memoirs of Ailesh
* From the Oath of the New Guild of Writers written by Ri'neref
* Taken from the journals of Grand Master Najun of the Guild of Legislators
* Garternay's sun was dying and would eventually cause a rapid decrease in temperature making it an inhabitable Age
* The Great Zero itself was usually based on a prominent natural landmark within an Age. From the Great Zero a line was drawn, usually toward magnetic North, to aid in navigation, construction, etc...
* It should be noted that the 18 Major Guilds of D'ni were not necessarily the same as the 18 that had existed on Garternay. In fact, they were probably much different. Though there is no information that details the Major Guilds of Garternay, we do know that the Guilds were meant to be flexible and serve the people in the needs of their time.
* Taken from a transcript of Ri'neref's speech on the first Day of the Circle
* The prophetical work the Regeltavok of Oorpah, a book Ri'neref believed strongly in, dealt with numerous prophesies of a Great King who would be sent by Yahvo to guide the people
<element name="KingShomat">
<translation language="English"><![CDATA[<cover src="xKingShomatJournalCover*1#0.hsm"><font size=16 face=Nick color=000000><margin right=62 left=62 top=46>King Shomat
<p align=left>Shomat took the throne in the year 300 DE (D'ni Era) at the age of 44. Up to the point of his coronation, he had been a member of the Guild of Writers. He continued his study of the Art through private mentors for a number of years after his coronation. It was the lack of proper Guild instruction that most D'ni historians attribute the distorted views Shomat later took on.
It was an up and down reign, partly due to a tremendous tension that seemed to exist between himself and his older brothers. Both of the brothers, though they had little respect, did everything in their power to make Shomat's reign tumultuous.
One of the first actions Shomat ordered was construction of a palace. When it was completed in 347 DE, Shomat moved in with his family, although his brothers refused, and maintained their own homes. Such an act was regarded as a tremendous disrespect to a family and only served to widen the gap between Shomat and his brothers.
Furthering tensions not only within Shomat's family but within the culture as well was the lavishness of the palace. Ornate gardens were present inside the physical grounds and "garden" Ages were written as well, linking from within the palace. Rumors abounded that some of these "garden" Ages were even wiped of their inhabitants in order to provide Shomat with relaxation. Whether true or not, Shomat often spoke publicly of the need for Ages to serve D'ni. This was a first for the society and a direct contradiction to what the Guilds taught: the D'ni were to "serve" the Ages.
It seems that eventually the tension became too much. Some say it drove Shomat mad. In 387 DE both his brothers disappeared and were never found again. It was commonly presumed that Shomat wrote a Death Book to which both of his brothers were linked into, although it could never be proven.
Regardless, it was one of the first major challenges for the people of D'ni and they reacted quickly. A prophetess* was supplied to Shomat in 400 DE in an attempt to guide him in the ways of Yahvo*. For the 155 remaining years of his reign, it seems that most people believed Shomat became a better King. The prophetess became an excellent mentor for Shomat and eventually convinced him to choose the son of one of his close friend's as the heir to the throne. His own children were admittedly "out of control". As it turns out, it was the bloodline of that child that led to the birth of the Great King years later.
Shomat died of natural causes at the age of 299.
* Women were generally seen as much better communicators with Yahvo then men. As a result, most prophets were women
* The choosing of prophetesses, as guides for the Kings, started with Shomat and became tradition for all the remaining Kings of D'ni. It was usually up to the King as to which prophet or prophetess he would seek for wisdom
<element name="KingSolath">
<translation language="English"><![CDATA[<cover src="xKingMTKJrnlCover*1#0.hsm"><decal src="xKingSolathMTKCvrD_eng*1#0.hsm" pos=300,203 resize=yes><font size=10 face=courier color=000000><margin left=62 right=62 top=48><p align=center>King Solath
<p align=left>Solath - Solath took the throne in 1502 at the age of 79. It should be noted that at his coronation ceremony Solath was given a newly designed crown. Ahlsendar had retained his own and it was common opinion among the D'ni that such a crown should not be worn again.
It should also be stated that Solath's father had been the Grand Master of the Guild of Writers and had helped Ahlsendar create the Book that was responsible for the plague. Why Ahlsendar chose Solath in particular he never stated.
Regardless, Solath inherited a fairly stable culture although one that was on the fringe of religious anarchy. The greatest leader of their time had left them and they were a lost people without him to guide them. There were going to be repercussions although it's doubtful anyone had sensed that they would occur so quickly, most of all Solath.
It was in 1520 that the prophet Nemiya (who had been the Great King's own advisor) wrote The Book of Nemiya and sent the culture into religious upheaval. The book denounced the words of the Great King, calling him a fraud and an imposter, and gave logical arguments to each of his writings. "He killed thousands...betrayed us...and left us with no one to guide us...why do we believe his words...and expect him to still return..." the book stated.
At first there was outrage at the writings and Nemiya was declared a fool and heathen, most loudly by King Solath who also apparently took offense to the writing. In 1527 Nemiya vanished, some said killed by an angry mob and others said taken away by angels.
Regardless, by 1550 there was growing sentiment that Nemiya's book carried some truth. There was a growing tide of disharmony within the people and there was nothing Solath could do to stem it. Those who had always thought the Great King would return were beginning to understand that he would not, and they were beginning to grow angrier at the way he had left them. Suddenly, there were numerous reasons to believe that Nemiya's writings may have carried some truth. "Perhaps we have all been betrayed by the man we once called Great," wrote one anonymous writer.
Looking back, credit should be given to Solath for keeping his people as unified as he did. In 1604, he announced his plans to create Karim; a civic district including an opera house and concert hall. The distraction away from the religious arguments was obvious to the public, but they seemed to welcome it. There was excitement from his proposal and construction began in 1610. The entire area was not finished until 1650, due to varying construction problems, but when it finally did open, there was a great excitement within the culture.
Solath's wife passed away in 1735 leaving him with two daughters. It was not long after her passing away that he re-married, against the advice of a prophetess, to a younger woman named Jolatha. Jolatha gave birth to Solath's first son in 1748 and though Solath was extremely pleased, many in the religious community were somewhat apprehensive. Public records clearly indicate that Jolatha was a well-known member of an influential cult group known as The Tree although Solath denied that fact to the day of his death.
The culture remained fairly stable until the death of Solath in 1779. He was 356 years old and left the throne to his first-born son.
<element name="KingTejara">
<translation language="English"><![CDATA[<cover src="xKingMTKJrnlCover*1#0.hsm"><decal src="xKingTejaraMTKCvrD_eng*1#0.hsm" pos=300,203 resize=yes><font size=10 face=courier color=000000><margin left=62 right=62 top=48><p align=center>King Tejara
<p align=left>Tejara - Took the throne in 3219 at the age of 114. Though his father was considered to be an extremely decent and honorable man (especially in his later years), Tejara did not follow in those footsteps.
It's said that he was an intelligent man but that he used that intelligence and cleverness for his own personal gain throughout his life*. In fact, rumors say that Tejara succeeded rather well at convincing his own father that he was the perfect choice for the throne when most believed that one of his two younger brothers would have done much more for his people than he ever did.
If there was one thing that seemed to direct Tejara's reign, it was personal gain. He was known as a masterful pretender long after his death while those who saw through his lies during his reign, were few and far between*.
Due to Tejara's nature, there is not much good that can be said about his time in the throne. The palace underwent a major renovation in 3271 and in 3279 the Writer's Guild presented Tejara with The King's Age, one of the most beautiful and amazing Ages that had been written up to that point*. It was later discovered that Tejara had ordered the Age written by two Writers who eventually "died" of mysterious illnesses after their work was done.
Tejara was married officially to one woman, although there were many rumors of multiple other "companions". As it turned out, Tejara was also known within his inner circle, to be an extremely jealous man, especially of his wife and the other women in his life.
In 3285 Tejara's oldest brother was imprisoned for the creation of illicit Ages, a crime he vehemently denied to the time of his imprisonment. Tejara expressed great sorrow at the sentencing although it was later learned (well after Tejara's death) that the crime had been set-up as punishment for what Tejara had perceived as lustful looks from his brother.
In 3298 a Guild Master of the Guild of Miners was killed in a freak accident while inspecting the progress of new tunnels. Again it was later learned that Tejara had ordered the man killed due to a relationship he had had many years earlier with one of Tejara's lovers, long before Tejara had met her.
Though Tejara's reign was viewed as fairly repulsive by most, it is important to note that for the first time in their history, the people of D'ni remained strong and focused, even under the leadership of a poor King. The words and teachings of Tevahr stayed in their hearts and they focused on their personal lives (and if they were pleasing to Yahvo) more than their King*.
If there is anything good to be said of Tejara, it is that he did not destroy the fragile condition of his people. Religion was not important to him and thus, though he never did anything to encourage his people one way or another, he did nothing to prevent those who wished to believe a certain way, from doing so.
Tejara died in 3422 at the age of 317 and left the throne to his "third" son. Though Tejara claimed that the boy was born of his wife, there were quite a few rumors that the boy was actually the first son of one of Tejara's younger maidens. The rumor was never proved either way as both his wife and the maiden passed away two years after the boy was born. Though officially Tejara had three sons, it's possible that he actually fathered twelve sons, and seven daughters, an exorbitant number for a D'ni*.
* Excerpted from Grand Master Jaron's, of the Guild of Writers, private journal
* From "The Lost Son" written by the Prophetess Hailesi in 3422
* Grand Master Jaron's private journal
* From "The Lasting Impact" written by the grandson of Tevahr, Ailem, in 3576
* It should be noted that most of these facts were not public information until long after Tejara's death. For the most part, the D'ni honestly believed that Tejara had been a decent king. Though some began to judge the reign of Tejara by his son, it was not until much later, when truths were revealed, that the public's opinion of Tejara truly changed.
<element name="KingTiamel">
<translation language="English"><![CDATA[<cover src="xKingMTKJrnlCover*1#0.hsm"><decal src="xKingTiamelMTKCvrD_eng*1#0.hsm" pos=300,203 resize=yes><font size=10 face=courier color=000000><margin left=62 right=62 top=48><p align=center>King Ti'amel
<p align=left>Ti'amel - Took the throne in 3422 at the young age of 39. Like his father, Ti'amel's major concern was personal pleasure. Unlike his father, he seemed to be not nearly as clever at hiding his true intentions from his people.
In spite of Ti'amel's inability to lead, a few worthwhile historic events were carried out during his reign.
First, was the construction of Stone Eater in 3469. Though Ti'amel really had nothing to do with the Guild of Miners first colossal tunneling machine, he claimed quite a bit of the credit at it's christening. Grand Master Namen, of the Guild of Miners, who did spearhead the effort, was irate at the lack of mention of his own name during the speech and made his thoughts public in the days that followed.
Like his father, Ti'amel carried out relations with quite a few different women, besides his wife, Shama, whom he married in 3477. Unlike his father, it was said of Ti'amel that these women, including his wife, much more easily persuaded him.
Public opinion clearly believed that Shama was a rather incredible woman. Why she stayed with him through his entire life, even through his well-publicized "affairs", was not as clear. Some said she used Ti'amel, and the marriage, for her benefit, as she definitely had his ear*. Others said it was because she was a faithful follower of Yahvo and believed that the promise she had made to him was not meant to be broken*.
Regardless, it seems clear that Shama was an intelligent woman who, though it was never stated publicly, for all practical purposes held the throne from 3477 on.
In 3500 women became eligible for Minor Guild education. Though there had been women participation in the Minor Guilds before that point (actresses, etc...) they had never been officially recognized as members of those guilds.
Though there was a push to allow women to join the Major Guilds as well as the Minor, Shama herself gave a strong case not to allow such an event to happen in 3523*. She strongly disagreed with women being in governmental positions, a seemingly ironic view as she was basically "King" of D'ni at the time of her speech. Regardless, she argued that women had much more important duties including the guiding of children. The push for such allowances seemed to fade away in the years following her speech.
In 3574, Shama gave birth to Ti'amel's first son (at least that the public knew of). For the remaining years of Ti'amel's reign, Shama focused on the raising of her son, whom she vowed would not be the same kind of man as his father. A daughter was born thirty years later and Shama raised her with equal resolve.
Again, though the people were not led well, they remained strong in their beliefs and purposes, somewhat ignoring the bad leadership of Ti'amel and instead focusing on the high example of his wife*.
Ti'amel passed away from an unknown disease in 3654 at the age of 271, giving the throne to his first-born son.
* Written by the Prophetess Athsheba in private journals
* From "Shama" written by Lalen in 3890
* Shama's words were spoken to the Council as they debated whether or not to allow women into the Major Guilds
* From "The Lasting Impact" written by the grandson of Tevahr, Ailem, in 3576
<element name="KingVeesha">
<translation language="English"><![CDATA[<cover src="xKingMTKJrnlCover*1#0.hsm"><decal src="xKingVeeshaMTKCvrD_eng*1#0.hsm" pos=300,203 resize=yes><font size=10 face=courier color=000000><margin left=62 right=62 top=48><p align=center>King Veesha
<p align=left>Veesha - Veesha took the throne in the year 812 at the age of 95. When Veesha took the throne he already had two sons of his own and ended up having three more before his death (a large number for D'ni).
Though his father had completely rejected religion in his later years, Veesha was an extremely religious man who, some say, tried too hard to push his convictions on the people and, in the end, probably pushed many away. In fact, he forced into law a number of strict guidelines pertaining to marriage and adultery as well as oaths and vows, many of which were removed by his son.
Many say the greatest mark of Veesha's reign concerned the health of his fifth son. The boy was a Maintainer and at the age of 50, on a routine check of Ages, was almost killed. Though the cause of his near-death is unclear (certain documents point to inhalation of toxic gases), he ended up falling into a deep coma that the Healers said he would never come out of.
In response, Veesha gave a powerful speech, boldly announcing to the people that Yahvo would heal his son and that he would awake again. Despite opposition from the Church, two prophetesses who advised him, and the Guild of Healers, Veesha maintained his faith for over three years until the "impossible" happened and his son awoke.
Though many disagreed with Veesha's religious convictions, "there was not a single D'ni, besides Veesha, who was not shocked by the ‘awakening' and forced to look again at their own faith in Yahvo.*"
Veesha died of natural consequences in 997 at the age of 280. He left the throne to the "reborn" son, Mararon.
* From "The Miracle" written by Teshan in 1072
<element name="KingYableshan">
<translation language="English"><![CDATA[<cover src="xKingYableshanMTKJrnlCover_eng*1#0.hsm"><font size=10 face=courier color=000000><margin left=62 right=62 top=48><p align=center>King Yableshan
<p align=left>Took the throne in 4843 at the age of 109.
Though most commentaries say that he held to the same beliefs as his father, it seems he was not nearly as strong and thus, did not carry the level of respect that his father had; a character trait that some of the more violent factions preyed upon.
Demath had managed to re-focus the D’ni to a large part. However, the few factions who still desired to make their case were able to make Yableshan’s reign an unpleasant one.
In 4865, the Blood of Yahvo kidnapped Yableshan’s first son from the Guild of Chemists. In a letter the faction stated they would kill the King’s son if one of their own leaders was not released*. Yableshan ordered the Relyimah to find his son, but they were apparently unable to do so (later it was discovered that a key member of the Relyimah had joined the Blood of Yahvo and was aiding them).
Feeling forced, Yableshan gave into the demands and released the prisoner they had asked for. The body of his son appeared on the steps of the palace a few days later.
The death of Yableshan’s son, along with newfound evidences of a mole within the Relyimah, further separated D’ni into two sides. Those who wished to end outside intervention were becoming stronger, publicly raising their cause, almost daily. Those who followed the majority were growing angrier and less tolerable of those who did not. As a result, there is little doubt that there were very few D'ni left who fell into the middle ground. There were even less, including Yableshan, who could bridge the two sides*.
Yableshan, in an apparent attempt to divert his people’s attention from the brewing wars, decided in 4889 to announce remodels for all of the 18 Major Guilds. It was the first of its kind since the D’ni had been founded and warmly embraced by the Guilds. Under the announcement, Yableshan changed some of the original restrictions of Ri’neref, offering the Guilds more liberty in the structures they could build.
In 4901, Yableshan stated his plans for a new Common Library, located directly within the Vamen District of D’ni (a middle-class district). In 4910 he announced plans for a new park to be built on Neref Island. In 4914, three new “Recreation” Ages were placed within the park as gifts from the Guild of Writers in order to celebrate the completion of their new Guild.
The diversions seemed to do their job until 4954 when an explosion occurred on the Age of Meanas*, killing 400 outsiders and 78 D’ni. It was apparently the result of a bad combination of gasses: one, the D’ni had brought with them and the other, already in existence on Meanas. Another push was begun to seal themselves from outside influence.
The Relyimah (who were usually counted on in these situations) apparently had no information as to the facts of the explosion. They were still apparently in the midst of their own chaos, trying to discover the mole. There were some who thought the explosion had been a set-up, but it could not be proven*.
In 5043 Yableshan placed a man by the name of Faresh in charge of the Guild of Illusionists. His first mission, as ordered by Yableshan himself, was to find whoever was destroying the Relyimah’s ability to gain knowledge.
Though most believe that Faresh had been more interested in actual illusions than the Unseen, he was also known as an extremely intelligent man and immediately put into action a plan to clean up the Relyimah. He also began construction of a “house” on one of the private islands of the cavern that blatantly demonstrated his love for illusions.
Yableshan died in 5081 at the age of 347. He never had any other children after his son was killed and left the throne to his youngest brother-n-law (his younger sisters’ husband).
*Goshen had been imprisoned in a prison Book fifty years earlier by Demath
*From “How They Came; A Detailed Look at what started the Mee-Dis War” by Jamen. Written in 7201
*Meanas was well known for its production of mining machinery
*From “Revealing the Unseen” written by Besharen in 5999
<element name="Marriage">
<translation language="English"><![CDATA[<cover src="xMarriageJournalCover_eng*1#0.hsm"><font size=16 face=Michelle color=982A2A><margin left=62 right=62 top=48><p align=center>Marriage
<p align=left>Much more than modern cultures, within D'ni culture all citizens were expected to marry. In fact, it was even believed that marriage was an important part of a relationship with Yahvo as it taught and revealed the necessary requirements for such a relationship. Both marriage relationships and the relationship with Yahvo were described by the same D'ni word taygahn. Literally translated the word means "to love with the mind", and implied a deep understanding, respect, and most importantly unselfish love for one another.
Obviously the religious influence on most of D'ni culture was very strong and, as a result, marriage was not something taken lightly. It was considered a lifetime commitment and, for a D'ni who could live to be 300 years old, it obviously was not a decision the D'ni felt should be rushed into and it seems as though it rarely was.
Some records point to rare arranged marriages, although for the most part it seems that the decision was up to individuals. Marriage was not permitted before the age of 25 and marriage between blood relatives was strictly forbidden. Though allowed, marriage between the classes was looked down upon. Marriage to other worlders was practically unheard of. I've found certain writings from the 9000's going so far as to call the mixing of D'ni blood with outside cultures a travesty, while others wrote such a child (who marries an outsider) was better off dead.
<font color=323853>The marriage ceremony itself was not a single day event but one that took over five days. Attendance to those sections of the ceremony to which one was invited was extremely important and it was considered a disgrace to be invited and not attend.
The event usually began with a small ceremony held on the evening before the First Day of the marriage ceremony. The ceremony always took place at the home of the groom (or his parents) and was meant to confirm both the bride and groom's decision to be united to one another in front of their immediate family.
<font color=982A2A>The groom presented his bride-to-be with a gift representing the confirmation of his choice. The acceptance of the gift by the bride-to-be was acknowledgement of her decision. Immediately after her acceptance of the gift, the bride-to-be was escorted away with her family and not to be seen by her groom until the Joining Ceremony that would take place on the Fifth Day.
The First Day was meant for the bride and groom to spend time with their families. As they were starting their own family, their old family would no longer be the highest priority. Thus, the day was set aside to spend time with that original family. Traditionally, the day ended with a large meal as well as speeches and blessings from the parents to the child.
The Second Day was set-aside for the bride and groom to spend with friends, both married and unmarried. Traditionally, one of the friends would host a large dinner at the end of the day.
The Third Day was reserved for spending time with the soon to be in-laws. It was on the day that the bride and groom received blessings from their in-laws as well as other members of the family. Again, there was a traditional larger meal at the end of the day marked by speeches from the eventual in-laws and other soon to be family members.
The Fourth Day was meant for the couple to spend time alone with Yahvo individually. Though many apparently viewed the day as a formality, others viewed it as the most significant of all the days. The day was often filled with prayer asking for Yahvo's blessings upon the event as well as a time to understand Yahvo's desires for their new lives together. It was also considered a time to purify themselves before Yahvo. Some chose to spend time with the priests or prophets, while others read the Holy Books and talked to Yahvo himself.
The Fifth Day was the Day of Joining. The early portion of the day was set aside for physical preparation while the later part of the day was set-aside for the Joining Ceremony itself.
For those who did not have access to Private Ages, the ceremony usually took place on "Marriage Ages". For the upper classes, the ceremony took place in Family Ages. All family was expected to attend, as were fellow Guild members.
All of those in attendance were divided into two sides. One side represented the groom while the other represented the bride. Between the two sides, in the center, were a long aisle and a triangular podium. The bride and groom would each approach their side of the podium by walking through their respective family and friends. It was after all, those family and friends who had made the bride and groom what they were, and the D'ni believed, it was those family and friends who should "present" their bride or groom to their spouse. The priestess usually stood on the third side of the podium.
As with most important events, and especially marriage, the bride and groom wore the bracelets they had been given at birth as well as maturity. After the bride and groom arrived to the platform, the father of the bride would remove the bride's bracelets and give them to the groom. The D'ni believed the giving of the bracelets represented the giving of the bride's purity and adulthood to the groom. A short speech often followed the event. The father of the groom would follow the father of the bride with the identical procedure, giving his son to the bride.
<font color=323853>The giving of the children was followed by an expression of both parents of their blessings upon those being joined, as well as all of those present. Symbolically, the bride and groom then switched sides to represent of an acceptance of all the brides family and friends of the groom and visa versa. Both the bride and groom then handed all four bracelets to the priestess.
While the priestess led the couple through their commitments to one another and Yahvo, the bride and groom placed their hands upon the podium. During the commitments, the couple made promises to one another followed by promises to Yahvo. All were recited aloud to the priestess.
The priestess usually reminded the couple that marriage was a reminder of taygahn (to know with the mind) and that their love should always be a representation of their love for Yahvo.
Following the commitments, the priest would place two new, and larger, bracelets upon the bride and groom. The groom's was placed upon the left wrist and the bride the right wrist. The new bracelets were meant to represent both the purity and maturity bracelets their spouse had previously worn. The D'ni emphasized that the spouse was now your responsibility to keep pure and knowledgeable of good and evil. The bracelets were meant to be a constant reminder of that responsibility as well as commitment to maintain the best for that spouse.
<font color=982A2A>After the new bracelets were placed upon the wrists, the hands of the bride and groom were wrapped together with a tight cord, covering the wrist and hands completely. Upon completion, the priest placed a ring upon the pinky of each "free" hand. The rings were symbolic reminders of the entire ceremony and placed upon the fifth finger to represent the joining that took place on the fifth day.
The priestess would then usually remove herself from the podium so that the couple could take her place. Together the couple then walked down the aisle between the two "parties" and toward the far end of the aisle where a glass of wine waited for them. Before drinking the couple knelt and prayed together to Yahvo.
After the prayer they each drank from the cup and the two sides of the hall merged into one group, often with great celebration. They were now considered joined and the celebration could begin.
Families usually fed all in attendance and there was typically dancing and music. The couple was expected to keep their hands united throughout the night as a reminder that they were now joined both in the eyes of man and Yahvo. The binding of the hands was apparently meant to be somewhat troublesome, symbolizing that there would be difficult times to their relationship but that those times did not affect the fact they were now joined.
Following the celebrations, tradition was for the couple to embrace and the priestess to touch a Linking Book to them so that they would both link to "vacation" or "honeymoon"-type Ages. Though these vacations were usually short, it was not unusual for the man to not work for up to a year in order to build the new marriage.
I should also note that the cord used to join the couple's hands together was also viewed as a sacred item. It seems as though various couples used the cords in a variety of different ways; some using them for necklaces and others hanging them in their house.
<element name="Maturity">
<translation language="English"><![CDATA[<cover src="xMaturityJournalCover_eng*1#0.hsm"><font size=16 face=Michelle color=982A2A><margin left=62 right=62 top=48><p align=center>Maturity
<p align=left>Similar to a variety of other cultures, the D'ni celebrated a child's entrance into reason and maturity. The D'ni believed that true maturity, or the Age of Reason as they called it, was achieved at the age of twenty-five. Before that, the D'ni believed that children's minds and hearts were not properly formed. Up until that time they even went so far as to say it was impossible for a child to truly make a correct decision as they were too easily controlled by other motives. That did not mean that what they did was not right or wrong but the D'ni believed that Yahvo did not hold them accountable for those decisions. Up to that point it was apparently up to the parents to judge and protect and thus, another reason society encouraged couples to only have one child at a time under twenty-five.
In the "ceremony of readiness", the D'ni celebrated a child's entrance into reason and maturity.
At the ceremony, the child was presented with a bracelet of knowledge (also translated "maturity"). I have to admit the translation is somewhat poor and makes it sound like a magical or superstitious item - something it did not sound like to them. In fact, it was a fairly serious item.
The D'ni viewed the bracelet as a sign of accountability. The individual, once given the bracelet, was expected to be responsible for his/her actions as he/she had true knowledge of good and evil and the wisdom to make the right choices between both. Associated with the bracelet were certain rights as well as expectations to behave in a more correct manner.
From a religious standpoint, the "ceremony of readiness" signaled accountability to Yahvo as well as fellow D'ni citizens. No longer were parents judged for the actions of their children on a religious level, and no longer was lack of knowledge an excuse to Yahvo. The Maker, they believed, now expected much more from them.
Though the Age of Reason was twenty-five, the D'ni did not consider true wisdom to come until much later. With not nearly the fanfare that the Age of Reason brought, at 125 years of age there was another celebration for reaching the Age of Wisdom. Perhaps most importantly, regarding that status, the D'ni were allowed to become highest ranks of teachers or leaders (Grand Masters or Lords).
The same rules applied to women and no woman under the age of 125 was technically allowed to advise, especially the Kings. As well, it appears that a woman's fertility ended around age 125.
During the time of the Kings, advisors were required for those Kings who were under the age of 125 as the King himself had not achieved the Age of Wisdom. The Great King Ahlsendar was the only King who did not have an official advisor even though he was under the Age of Wisdom for the majority of his reign.
<element name="MeemenStory">
<translation language="English"><![CDATA[<cover src="xMeemenStoryJournalCover_eng*1#0.hsm"><font size=16 face=Nick color=000000><margin right=62 left=62 top=46>
<p align=left>The Story of Me'emen - taken from book 21D.
Translation: Nick
First Draft
And a dark sickness spread through the city. And sores broke out on the skin of those who the sickness touched (might be better translated infected but "touched" fits with the literary style) and some began to die. The sickness came from Yasefe where the large trees grew and where the wood of Yamen was harvested. As it was there was great fear in the houses of all those who lived with Yamen close to them. And so great fear spread through the King's household, and through all those who worked in the halls of the Guilds and those who looked over the city.
Such fear overcame the minds of reason and many began to flee the city and run to the other places that were available to them. But King Me'emen was angry at those who ran and was himself, unafraid (literally not of fear).
And so he called for the Healer, Grand Master Shemef, to come to his room. And though Shemef was preparing to flee, he obeyed his King and came to him quickly.
"Grand Master Shemef," the King asked his Healer. "Have you not read the histories of our people? Have you not been instructed in the ways of those who led your Guild in the generations before you? Are you not aware of the plague that this place has already seen?"
"My King it is for these reasons that I am prepared to flee. For I know those who died and those who were unable to prevent it from taking hold of them. I know of this plague in detail."
And the King answered. "Depart. I have no time for you Shemef. Depart to your own Age, and do not return to this place again. May it be that my eyes never look upon your face again."
And Shemef departed from King Me'emen and he never saw him again.
And King Me'emen called for Guild Master Anem of the Guild of Healers. And though Anem was preparing to flee, he obeyed his King and came to him quickly.
"Guild Master Anem," the King asked his Healer. "Have you too not read the histories of our people? Have you not heard the ways of those who led your Guild three thousand years ago?"
"My King, of course. It is for these reasons that I know what may happen to our people. It is for that reason that we must protect ourselves first so that we may protect those who trust us for protection."
"It is not how I would have thought. Depart with your Master. And may I never see you again," King Me'emen ordered.
And King Me'emen called for Guild Master Raman of the Guild of Healers. And though Raman was preparing to flee, he obeyed his King and came to him quickly.
"Guild Master Raman," the King asked his Healer. "Tell me that you have read the histories of our people and been instructed in the ways of your Guild. Tell me you have heard of the destruction of the sickness that overcame our people three thousand years ago."
"Of course, my King. It is for these reasons that we must bring the ancient books to another Age so that we may study our records and learn in the ways that we must fight. But to stay here would be suicide."
"It is as I would have thought. Depart with your Master. And may you never seen the light of the lake again," King Me'emen ordered.
And King Me'emen was greatly disturbed and troubled. And he stayed in his room for four nights. His servants brought food for him but he refused to eat. And his servants brought advisors but he refused to speak. And all of those around him became worried even as more of the city became empty.
And finally King Me'emen called for Guild Captain Irem of the Guild of Healers. And Irem was studying in the Guild and he obeyed his King and came to him quickly.
"Guild Captain Irem," the King asked his Healer. "Tell me that you have read the histories of our people and been instructed in the ways of your Guild. Tell me that not all of D'ni is running in fear of a sickness that can be defeated."
"Of course, my King. It is for these reasons that I have not left my class since I first heard of the sickness appearing in the district where the trees appear. I understand that our father, the honored Guild Master Jaysem worked for six years even after the Book of Birnenni was found. He worked day and night and stood by our people as he sought to save them from the sickness that had even infected our King. It is for these reasons that I will not leave this place until this sickness is no longer in our city."
"Tell me whatever you need and it will be yours. You are most honored in this palace today and D'ni will be saved because of you." And King Me'emen was filled with joy and he ate from the food his servants brought him and spoke with the advisors who came to speak.
As it was, Irem spent day and night without sleeping for four more days. And on the fifth day, the cure was found and the sickness was deadly no longer.
And King Me'emen gave the Guild of Healers to Irem and he was known as Grand Master from that day forward. Shemef, Anem, and Raman were restricted from the Guild of Healers and never again allowed inside of it or of the palace or of any of the King's dwellings and structures.
And King Me'emen ordered the surveying of a new section of the city to be called Nehw'eril. And this section was to be away from the city so that any sickness brought from the other worlds would not be brought to the heart of the city but instead away from it so that fear would not spread again.
And he ordered that the story of Grand Master Irem be taught to all of those who were instructed by the Guild of Healers from that day forward so that none would forget the power of D'ni and the great strength of their medicines and learning.
Seems a good place to stop. I've filled in a few words that I wasn't sure about but overall I feel pretty good about this one.
<element name="MeertaStory">
<translation language="English"><![CDATA[<cover src="xMeertaStoryJournalCover_eng*1#0.hsm"><font size=16 face=Nick color=000000><margin right=62 left=62 top=46>
<p align=left>The Story of Me'erta - taken from book 28B.
Translation: Nick
First Draft
In the time of Me'erta, in the 196th year of his reign, Jolatha, his mother came to him in his bedroom. Now it was well known, throughout the city, of Me'erta and his craving (lust) for women. And none knew this weakness (a weakness of choice is more literal) more than his own mother. So it was that Jolatha brought with her the woman Ramel, who worshipped the Tree. Ramel's beauty was well known in D'ni, especially among those who worshipped the Tree and especially among the Kings. (Plural Kings is here although I don't know why - maybe implied the whole Kings' palace or history - not sure.)
But as it was, though the King could have any object in D'ni, Ramel had been held from him by his mother, until now. And she offered her son Ramel in exchange for her own purposes.
"But what are your purposes," the King asked. "For do you think me so foolish as to give you anything you want for a mere woman?"
"Of course not, my son. But as you know, you have watched Ramel from afar for many years. You have talked to your advisors and plotted the ways in which you could make her yours. But you have been unable even to look upon her so closely until this day. Until this day that I have brought her to you. So do not think I am so foolish so as to believe that this woman is a mere woman."
"You have spoken truthfully. In fact, as I gaze upon her now, I have never imagined her to be so beautiful. She is like a statue, without flaw. But even so, do you think I would give you whatever you wish for even a woman such as this?"
Now Jolatha was cunning (?) and Me'erta was eager (?) for Ramel. And every day Jolatha brought the woman into the King's bedroom and everyday she offered her son the woman Ramel in exchange for her own purposes.
And as the nights passed, Me'erta became unsatisfied with those who were already his. He became spiteful of those who came to his bedroom, for none compared to the woman Ramel whom his mother continued to withhold from him. And finally he could resist his mother's arguments no longer.
And Jolatha came to his bedroom with the woman Ramel. And King Me'erta began to speak.
"The woman has ruined my life. There is none like her in all my Ages, and you bring her to this room night after night. Those who I have found beautiful have faded in comparison to this one and I no longer find pleasure in them. Therefore I am no longer satisfied with anything and I will not be satisfied until this woman is mine. What is it that you ask of me? Whatever it is I will give, you have my word."
"Very well, my son. I will talk to you tomorrow."
And Jolatha gave the woman Ramel, of the worshippers of the Tree, to her son. And Ramel was King Me'erta's from that day forward.
At dawn of the next day, Jolatha came to Me'erta while he was still sleeping and told him her purposes.
"The Guild of Writers has long had their rules, their restrictions, and their ancient oaths. But you realize my son that these words are old now, and no longer the ways of our people. Ri'neref was responsible for them and they are like a collar (?) around our necks, growing ever tighter and preventing us from moving forward. It is time that we are freed."
Even Me'erta was disturbed. "But there are none who would agree to this. The oath is as stone. It can not be altered for it has never been. And yet not only do you ask me to change the oath, but contradict the things it says?"
And Jolatha grew angry. "Are you so foolish? Do you think I ask you to carry out the impossible? There is but one thing that must be changed. One thing that will give us freedom. It is the D'ni who have created the Art as we know it, not Yahvo. Thus, since it is true, it is us who can determine the rules of the Art, not the ancient religious writings.
"They will view it as blasphemy," the King responded. "But I will do as you say."
And so, King Me'erta spoke to the Guild of Writers. His words were well crafted, often from his mother, and his arguments strong, for they too Jolatha gave him. And his effort was great, for there was no other woman besides Ramel and it was the woman that he lived for.
However, though many in the Guild of Writers were easily convinced by the sharp words of the King, there was one who was not. Grand Master Tremal was old in age and wise beyond even his years. And his decision was hard (the word is a certain kind of stone that was considered to be the most hard and immovable) and he would not be moved.
"Never will we change what Ailesh has written in the oaths. Never we will change what we have spoken for generations. Never will we allow a crack to be opened in the great wall of our Guild. For is it Terahnee that you seek. But is Terahnee not the reason we exist?"
For Tremal could see the plans of Jolatha even in the words of the King. And Tremal knew that if the ancient religious writings did not determine their fate, the hearts of men would rule, and there would be nothing to stop Jolatha from having her way.
And so for three days Tremal stood to the words of the King. For three days the King would return to his palace and receive new words from his mother. For three days the anger of Jolatha burned against Tremal and grew stronger.
And so it was that on the fourth day, when the King was no longer welcome to the Guild, Grand Master Tremal was found hanging from a tree, his body covered in blood.
The King was sad when he heard the news, for he held no bitterness in his heart toward Tremal. But when Jolatha heard the news she was overjoyed and ordered the King to the Guild of Writers to change the oath and carry out her own purposes.
But as it was, the death of Tremal had breathed boldness into the Guild and in unison they denounced the wicked evil that had killed their Grand Master and vowed that the oaths of their Guild would never be changed and that there would be no more discussions.
So Jolatha devised other plans for she knew that even she could not change such determined (the same word as used above - the hardened stone) guildsmen.
And King Me'erta lived with Ramel and he was satisfied with all those who visited his room again. Even as he was filled with pleasure, Jolatha plotted evil, and the city in which he lived grew weak.
Probably ready for a Dr. Watson review.
<element name="MinkataQuestJournal">
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<element name="Negilahn">
<translation language="English"><![CDATA[<cover src="xnegilahninfojournalcover*0#0.hsm"><font size=10 face=courier color=000000><margin left=62 right=62 top=62 bottom=48><p align=center>
<p align=left>Taken from D'ni Negilahn Introduction Pamphlet
Translated by Tricia Lawson 11.20.03
Welcome to Negilahn, home of the infamous "tarpin shal" and "bezol pumi"!
Negilahn was one of the first features added to our museum in 8797 at the request of Lord Jerahl. At the time Maintainers and Museum Staff felt that Negilahn had been researched enough to approve the Age for a Museum Pod that would allow our visitors to experience the Age for themselves.
You will notice that all of our Pods, including Negilahn's, have a few special features. Fortunately, solar power enables our pods to function without outside power sources. However, though our pods will gain power throughout with minimal energy usage, heavy usage will also drain energy units fairly quickly. Be careful to not use up a Pod's energy before nightfall or you may miss out on some sights.
Before you visit Negilahn, we'd like to take a minute to get you acquainted with the creatures that live there. Please remember that while we have placed our Pod in an optimal position, you are visiting a natural habitat and we have no control over when and where you see our friends in Negilahn…or if you will see anything at all. Our pods do have sound and scent emitters that will attract Negilahn's inhabitants although, again, these are real animals and there are no guarantees.
Remember too, that all reactions to what you do in Negilahn are not always immediately evident.
Good luck.
Negilahn Creature Notes:
Rather than give away all the secrets of Negilahn, we want you to find creatures on your own. The following notes are only meant to provide you an introduction to the natural habitat of Negilahn.
We will say that if you can't find "kiris", things aren't going well. The large swarms usually fill the air, especially in the more open spaces. "Kiri" are one of the sole providers of nutrients for the "urwins". If you see a swarm of "kiris", look out; a "urwin" might be nearby.
"Gipelis" are another of Negilahn's smaller creatures, although they are a much more colorful variety then the "kiri". "Gipelis" can often be seen gliding through the air and are a favorite treat for "reepahs".
"Nerims" are slow moving and a beautiful native inhabitant of Negilahn. During mating seasons, especially at night, you have a good chance of being witness to some beautiful displays by female nerims. Ask a nearby Museum Guide for more information on nerim mating season.
Oocha paras, often seen dangling under trees, are actually young "tarpin shals". See if you can follow the "tarpin shals'" life cycle. We'll give you a small hint: you will need to pay close attention to "gahtsai".
Pumis hunt in packs and often eat the babies of Negilahn's other inhabitants. Pumis will prey on sick, small, or weak adults much larger than them. Pumis like to jump from tree to tree so you'll have to be quick.
See if you can find what likes to eat pumis. We'll give you a hint: they eat very slowly and live high in the trees.
Another of Negiliahn's inhabitants are fun-loving creatures that like to eat nerims, "gipeli" and other plants and animals. We'll tell you now that, however, that they are timid creatures and we often find them far away from the pod. If you happen to see a reepah consider yourself lucky.
Gahtsai are usually pretty easy to spot, especially when they are resting, so we'll let you see if you can find them without any hints. If you see one, notice its stripes; no two patterns are the same.
Though "urwins" are technically birds, they can't fly! However, with all the "kiri" around, they don't need to. "Urwins" are the only of Negilahn's inhabitants that mate for life and are often seen in pairs.
If you get the chance to see a "panuhdoy", you'll know why it has the name it does. That's all will tell you.
The "tarpin shal" is Negilahn's most famous creature and if you get a chance to see one drop down on an unsuspecting animal below it, you'll know why. You'll have to look carefully on the high branches, they are sometimes hard to see but they are worth the effort.
As for any other information, you'll have to find it yourself. Good luck and we hope you enjoy Negilahn. Please ask a Museum Guide if you have any questions or problems.
<element name="Pregnancy">
<translation language="English"><![CDATA[<cover src="xPregnancyJournalCover_eng*1#0.hsm"><font size=18 face=Tricia color=982A2A style=b><margin left=62 right=62 top=48><p align=center>Pregnancy
<p align=left>Now this is surprising. I can't say for sure but it seems fairly clear that D'ni women were only fertile for one D'ni "day" every two D'ni "months". In surface terms that's roughly only thirty hours every seventy-two days.
If true, it explains quite a few things. First, why there were so few children for a people who lived three hundred years and secondly the reason behind the rather large celebrations of pregnancy.
As far as I can tell these celebrations were usually limited to family members although were rather large. There was quite a bit of prayer to Yahvo as well as blessings from the family members. These "blessings" usually included vows to care for the pregnant woman and child through the coming months.
As I have mentioned in other areas, pregnant women were believed to be much more insightful and as a result, part of the pregnancy experience (although not part of the official ceremony) was using that insight to gain revelation from Yahvo. Though there was quite a bit of religious meditation expected of women during this time, I won't go into it here. However, this meditation was expected to primarily guide the women to her child's future and its purpose and was taken rather seriously.
While pregnancy within marriage was cause for great celebration, the same can not be said of pregnancy outside of marriage. As far as I can tell, any woman who became pregnant was expected to immediately marry and any child conceived out of wedlock was unable to join a Guild for its entire life. As well, no revelation was expected from such a mother. This was as equivalent a curse to a lower class woman as her child would not be able to attend a Guild of the upper class.
As far as I can see, gestation was a full year. Ten D'ni months - 290 D'ni days - equivalent to one Earth year. I have found no records of multiple births.
<set name="TextObjects">
<element name="JCNote">
<translation language="English">
Check this out. I know the DRC doesn't want us to touch these, but I bet Watson would like to know how these register with the doors too. It makes no sense.
And don't lose it. I could barely get it off the wall and when I did, it was pretty scary. Maybe the weirdest thing is that when I went back later, the cloth I got this piece from was intact again.
- Nick
<element name="NickNote">
<translation language="English">
Where the heck is my book? And why did someone take it in the first place!
- Nick
<element name="WatsonLetter">
<translation language="English">
The last batch of papers you sent were very interesting. Since you did such a good job, I've got another list I'd like you to divvy up to the team. How you do it is up to you.
1. I'd like some more information on family life: ceremonies, etc... Anything related to birth, marriage, cultural events. I know we have quite a bit of source material for this so anything you get would be helpful. I think we've gathered quite a bit on science and technology and not enough on the personal lives of these people.
2. We have quite a bit of Guild information but gathering that all up into one tidy area would be nice.
3. The Fall is still an obvious area where we are lacking. I'm not sure I can help you with research material but given the latest information we are getting, at some time, we are going to have to dig into this. I recommend assigning someone the sole task of The Fall.
4. Continue on with the Kings. A short synopsis of all the kings would be helpful following the form you started with the last batch.
5. We still have religious writings, we need to translate. These are going to be the most difficult but I think they can give us large amounts of helpful information.
6. We have a stack of journals from various D'ni residences, etc...not to mention Ages.
I think that will be more than enough for now. Again, thank your team and tell them they are doing great work.
- Dr. Watson