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4 years ago
Module: dsntWatsonGUIPopup
Age: Descent
Date: January 2004
Special version of xJournalBooksGUIPopup, for use in Expansion 1
from Plasma import *
from PlasmaTypes import *
from PlasmaConstants import *
from PlasmaKITypes import *
import string
import xLocalization
# define the attributes that will be entered in max
actClickableBook = ptAttribActivator(1,"Actvtr: Clickable small book")
SeekBehavior = ptAttribBehavior(2, "Smart seek before GUI (optional)")
JournalName = ptAttribString(3, 'Name of Journal', '')
StartOpen = ptAttribBoolean(10,"Start Opened",default=0)
# globals
LocalAvatar = None
# the global ptBook object.... there can only be one book displayed at one time, so only one global needed (hopefully)
gJournalBook = None
# stores a list of the last pages of each journal we had open, so we go to the same place
kLastPageOpenChronicle = "LastJournalPageArray"
kChronicleType = 0
class dsntWatsonGUIPopup(ptModifier):
"Watson's Journal GUI Popup python code"
def __init__(self):
self.id = 5656
self.version = 1
self.curPage = 0
def IGetLastPageMap(self):
vault = ptVault()
chronicle = vault.findChronicleEntry(kLastPageOpenChronicle)
chronicleValue = ""
if type(chronicle) != type(None):
chronicle = chronicle.upcastToChronicleNode()
chronicleValue = chronicle.chronicleGetValue()
values = chronicleValue.split(",")
values.remove('') # remove the trailing blank item if there is one
if len(values) == 0:
# values is an empty list, but if we return it stuff breaks
# so lets just return an empty dictionary instead
return {}
map = {}
for item in values:
parts = item.split(":")
if parts[0] == "" or parts[1] == "":
PtDebugPrint("xJournalBookGUIPopup.IGetLastPageMap(): Item "+str(item)+" is probably in the old format, skipping")
continue # possibly old format, so skip it
PtDebugPrint("xJournalBookGUIPopup.IGetLastPageMap(): Item "+str(item)+" is probably in the old format, skipping")
continue # possibly old format, so skip it
key = parts[0]
value = int(parts[1])
map[key] = value
return map
def IWriteLastPageMap(self,map):
vault = ptVault()
chronicleValue = ""
keys = xLocalization.xJournalBookDefs.xJournalBooks.keys()
for key in keys:
chronicleValue += key + ":" + str(map[key]) + ","
def OnServerInitComplete(self):
values = self.IGetLastPageMap()
numJournals = len(xLocalization.xJournalBookDefs.xJournalBooks)
if len(values) < numJournals:
# expand the list so it has an entry for all the journals
PtDebugPrint("xJournalBookGUIPopup: Not enough page entries in the chronicle value, fleshing it out")
keys = xLocalization.xJournalBookDefs.xJournalBooks.keys()
for key in keys:
page = values[key] # if this fails, then the book is missing and needs to be added
values[key] = 1
def __del__(self):
"destructor - get rid of any dialogs that we might have loaded"
def OnNotify(self,state,id,events):
global LocalAvatar
# is it a clickable book on a pedestal?
if id == actClickableBook.id:
if PtWasLocallyNotified(self.key) and state:
if type(SeekBehavior.value) != type(None): #remember, smart seek before GUI is optional.
PtDebugPrint("xJournalBookGUIPopup: Smart seek used",level=kDebugDumpLevel)
LocalAvatar = PtFindAvatar(events)
# is it the seek behavior because we clicked on a book ourself?
elif id == SeekBehavior.id:
if PtWasLocallyNotified(self.key):
for event in events:
if event[0] == kMultiStageEvent and event[2] == kEnterStage: # Smart seek completed. Exit multistage, and show GUI.
SeekBehavior.gotoStage(LocalAvatar, -1)
PtDebugPrint("xJournalBookGUIPopup: attempting to draw link panel gui",level=kDebugDumpLevel)
# else was it one of the unknown id types? like scene input interface or from a ptBook?
for event in events:
# is it from the OpenBook? (we only have one book to worry about)
if event[0] == PtEventType.kBook:
PtDebugPrint("xJournalBookGUIPopup: BookNotify event=%d, id=%d" % (event[1],event[2]),level=kDebugDumpLevel)
if event[1] == PtBookEventTypes.kNotifyShow:
PtDebugPrint("xJournalBookGUIPopup:Book: NotifyShow",level=kDebugDumpLevel)
if self.curPage > 1:
PtDebugPrint("xJournalBookGUIPopup: The last page that "+JournalName.value+" was on was page "+str(self.curPage)+". Going to that page")
if event[1] == PtBookEventTypes.kNotifyHide:
PtDebugPrint("xJournalBookGUIPopup:Book: NotifyHide",level=kDebugDumpLevel)
PtDebugPrint("xJournalBookGUIPopup: Saving the last page we were at to the chronicle: "+str(self.curPage))
lastPageList = self.IGetLastPageMap()
lastPageList[JournalName.value] = self.curPage
elif event[1] == PtBookEventTypes.kNotifyNextPage:
PtDebugPrint("xJournalBookGUIPopup:Book: NotifyNextPage",level=kDebugDumpLevel)
self.curPage = gJournalBook.getCurrentPage()
vault = ptVault()
entry = vault.findChronicleEntry("WatsonJournal")
if type(entry) == type(None):
vault.addChronicleEntry("WatsonJournal",1,"%d" % (1))
PtDebugPrint("Chronicle entry WatsonJournal not present, adding entry and setting to 1")
PtDebugPrint("Chronicle entry WatsonJournal already present, will do nothing")
elif event[1] == PtBookEventTypes.kNotifyPreviousPage:
PtDebugPrint("xJournalBookGUIPopup:Book: NotifyPreviousPage",level=kDebugDumpLevel)
self.curPage = gJournalBook.getCurrentPage()
elif event[1] == PtBookEventTypes.kNotifyCheckUnchecked:
PtDebugPrint("xJournalBookGUIPopup:Book: NotifyCheckUncheck",level=kDebugDumpLevel)
def IShowBook(self):
"Show the linking book with no treasure pages"
global gJournalBook
global JournalName
global StartOpen
startOpened = StartOpen.value
journalName = JournalName.value
if journalName:
lastPageList = self.IGetLastPageMap()
lastPage = lastPageList[journalName]
self.curPage = lastPage
params = xLocalization.xJournalBookDefs.xJournalBooks[journalName]
if len(params) == 4:
width,height,module,gui = params
width,height,module = params
gui = "BkBook"
gJournalBook = ptBook(module.xJournalContents,self.key)
# make sure there is a cover to show
if not startOpened:
if not self.IsThereACover(module.xJournalContents):
startOpened = 1
except LookupError:
PtDebugPrint("xJournalBookGUIPopup: could not find journal %s's contents" % (journalName),level=kErrorLevel)
PtDebugPrint("xJournalBookGUIPopup: no journal name",level=kErrorLevel)
def IsThereACover(self,bookHtml):
# search the bookhtml string looking for a cover
idx = bookHtml.find('<cover')
if idx >= 0:
return 1
return 0