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{\rtf1\ansi \deff0{\fonttbl{\f16\froman Times New Roman;}{\f17\froman Symbol;}{\f18\fnil Wingdings;}{\f19\froman Wingdings 2;}}{\colortbl;\red0\green0\blue0;\red0\green0\blue255;\red0\green255\blue255;\red0\green255\blue0;\red255\green0\blue255;\red255\green0\blue0;\red255\green255\blue0;\red128\green128\blue128;\red255\green255\blue255;\red0\green0\blue128;\red0\green128\blue128;\red0\green128\blue0;\red128\green0\blue128;\red128\green0\blue0;\red192\green192\blue192;\red0\green0\blue0;}\viewkind1\ftnbj \sectd\footery1080{\header \pard \tqc\tx4320\tqr\tx8640 \plain\f16 Steve Hoogendyk\tab \tab 8/30/2000\par }{\footer \pard \tqc\tx4320\tqr\tx8640 \plain\f16 \par }\pard \plain\b\f16\fs28 Paths of Gameplay\plain\f16 \par \par \plain\b\f16 Ancient Civilization Exposed \plain\f16 (Explorer/Sytems Thinker Path) \par \par Upon reaching and investigating Nalah\'92s home the player finds a journal with the location and description of the controls for the hidden dam. Apparently, the father built the dam to control flooding of the ancient obelisk site during seasons of high rain. I am proposing that currently it is a fairly dry season and so water is allowed to flow into the obelisk ponds so that they will not dry up. Consequently, the dam is currently recessed and hidden under a waterfall. By raising the dam, water is shut off exposing a ancient hall of statues representing various soul animals. If the player chooses to explore the small ancient hallway Nalah will arrive and give a brief history of what the Dni know about this mysterious ancient civilization. She could also talk about the obelisk and the significance of the statues.\par \par \plain\i\f16 Additional Ideas\plain\f16 \par In addition, by raising the dam a fish linking device is exposed. The player can then link to the sight of an underwater fish reservoir in Dni were certain \'93salmon like\'94 fish have adapted over time and link to as part of their spawning cycle.\par \par To get to the controls the player must find a way to navigate to the now overgrown and hidden controls.\par \par The dam could also be used as a hydropower producer. The energy could then be channeled to lift fences or lower drawbridges throughout the plateau. We could use this as a means of allowing access to different paths by having the player raise the dam and then power up the hydropower plant.\par \par Some sort of water irrigation channeling system puzzle.\par \par The obelisk could have a function were you could uncover its mystery that would then reveal a new location or bit of information.\par \par \plain\b\f16 Getting to Nalah\'92s Home \plain\f16 (Navigational Challenge: Climbing, Swimming, Diving)\plain\b\f16 \par \par \plain\f16 To get to Nalah\'92s home, according to the map, the player must travel underneath 2 waterfalls.\plain\b\f16 \plain\f16 I purpose that initially, it appears that the first waterfall is preventing passage to her house. A control panel would be available on the other side of the waterfall that extended a section of material above the water and pushed the waterfall out further. In essence, this would create a ceiling which the player could then walk underneath the waterfall to the other side. This device could be a remnant of the ancient civilization and used for protection from certain animals.\par \par To get to the control device the player would walk along the main path until they got to a clearing (somewhere around node 5). From there, the player would locate a place that looked climbable (possibly like a challenging climbing wall). They would then climb up the eroded rock wall and land on the path to Nalah. By backtracking they could approach the control panel that activates the waterfall ceiling. \plain\b\f16 \par \plain\i\f16 Additional Ideas\plain\b\f16 \par \plain\f16 I am thinking that the wall might even have rungs drilled in the face of the wall. Probably so that in the hot summer months Nalah and family could cliff dive into the pools below.\par \plain\b\f16 \par Node 4\plain\f16 (Difficult Path)\plain\b\f16 \plain\f16 Conquerors/Animal